How to Be a Good Blogger
We all want to become a good Blogger some day, but why? Why blog? And why embark on this crazy adventure that requires so much work and raises so many existential questions?
Also, why face our fear of others’ eyes. Our fear of failure when there are already so many talented bloggers (and that we feel that we are so far from their level of expertise)? After all, is it still worth it to get started and start a blog today?
My answer is simple: yes, a thousand times yes! You should blog. Because it will bring you an experience you did not even suspect how exciting and rewarding it can be. Blog, because you will learn a lot of new things. Blog, because it opens the door to a host of opportunities.
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Why blog and how to become a good blogger?
As far as I am concerned there are 12 good reasons why you should become a blogger. They are …
1 – It unites us around a passion
2 – You acquire new skills
3 – It improves your writing style
4 – To free yourself from your emotions
5 – Get others to react
6 – To nurture your creativity
7 – You can earn an extra income
8 – To give visibility to your business
9 – Why become a Blogger? To blossom!
10 – To build up your e-reputation
11 – Blog to set a challenge
12 – Why become a Blogger? My experience
So, we are going to each one of them in details, starting with …
1 – It unites us around a passion
For many, the answer to the question of “why blog” is in one word: passion. This is not only valid for amateurs but also for many professionals, for whom the blog becomes a way to gather a community around a subject that is close to their heart.
For a long time, the only way to meet other followers of a topic was to turn to associations or clubs; to take an active approach to search for people who are sharing a common interest with you.
Today, with a blog, you can bring enthusiasts to you … “Without even moving from your chair, without even spending a dime”; as the quacks of the web would say. So it is extremely fulfilling and rewarding!
2 – As as Blogger you acquire new skills
A blog can be a great opportunity to acquire or develop skills that will serve you in your career but also in your personal life.
I am also recommending that you include your blog’s link on your resume. As long as you learn how to showcase it professionally.
Having a blog makes it possible to develop very concrete skills in the digital world (which can range from web writing to e-mailing, SEO, web development and so on). All these skills can be learned by joining the completely free Internet Marketing course at Wealthy Affiliate.
Of course, it is not the same thing to mobilize one’s skills for oneself and for others … but it does not prevent that you will acquire an understanding of some subjects. Also, it will be up to you then to exploit them in a job!
But it is also, very often, a way to progress on the subject that you address on your blog. Explaining things to other people, sometimes being in a teacher’s position, interacting with your readers, confronting other people’s opinions, makes you progress a lot in your understanding, and in your mastery of a subject.
A blog also pushes to be curious! …
Since I started this blog (Easy to Retire – Living the Laptop Life!), I myself rewrote many of the articles from A to Z. My vision of a topic had been transformed and enriched thanks to all the comments received from my readers, and my own curiosity.
And then, beyond the practical skills, very often, you also develop organizational skills; a better knowledge of yourself and your limits. You face problems such as a drop in motivation; the fear of the look of the other, the impostor syndrome … and you learn to manage these obstacles. A real dynamic of personal development that can then feed your daily life.
3 – It improves your writing style
A blog is not necessarily the medium of expression that lends itself best to a very literary pen, at least when one seeks to gain visibility.
Indeed, like many digital media, it is increasingly subject to the presence of algorithms search engines or social networks that decide the visibility it deserves.
These algorithms being machines, they encourage a writing often simpler; adopting a common vocabulary, likely to be used by a vast majority of Internet users.

So you are going to tell me: why blog in the hope of improving my writing style?
Simply because blogging allows you to work with a host of dimensions that you can then put at the service of other literary styles. By blogging, you gain for example in fluidity; you learn to transmit ideas in a clear and intelligible way; you often experiment with different formats, you face the eyes of an audience of readers …
These learnings can help you later improve your writing style in other literary worlds.
By the way, a great number of bloggers who have published books are numerous, and some became bestsellers!
4 – To free yourself from your emotions
Some people go through hardships or face emotions and situations that are hard for them to keep and cannot always share these with others.
A blog sometimes becomes an outlet that allows you to meet people sharing the same feelings, or to speak with a freedom that is not necessarily with those around you.
This emotional release can take many forms: confession, anger and even humor!
5 – A Blogger gets others to react
Why blog when you have strong beliefs? Simply because a blog is a platform of expression that can reach many people; a means of choice to spread your ideas and have a “militant” reach.
It can be an opportunity to sensitize others to issues that are important to you, such as the great blog “Zero Impact Experiment” written by Colin Beavan, where he and his family attempted to produce zero trash to help the environment over a period of one year.
6 – To nurture your creativity
To start a blog acts as a real fuel for your creativity. You gently get used to regular mental gymnastics to find new ideas, challenge yourself to avoid falling into the routine.
It is intellectually stimulating … and I would go so far as to say that I recommend this activity to all unemployed people!
Indeed, having a blog is a great way to stay active; to have a very rewarding and profitable occupation that imposes a certain discipline.
7 – You can earn an extra income
This may not the the number one motivation for everyone, and I respect that many bloggers are keeping a blog for various reasons that are not intended to many money.
But there is an equal portion of people who are blogging to make a living (me for example). And there are some who, if they were given the opportunity to learn how to become a blogger, would change their lives altogether.

I am thinking about those who have recently been made redundant, the stay at home moms who would like to contribute to the household expenses while taking care of their own kids, the disabled wanting to top up his or her disability compensation, the retirees trying to make their ends meet, etc. … they are many.
Therefore, even those who decide to open niche blog for the express purpose of earning money usually choose to do so on topics they like and are passionate about.
Simply because it is the best way to share their passion with like minded people against the many obstacles one encounters as a blogger. There is no reason why they shouldn’t expect a compensation for their hard work.
A blog can indeed become a great source of income, sometimes highly profitable … and I quite understand that it can weigh in the balance when one wishes to invest a lot of effort in such project.
8 – To give visibility to your business
If you do not earn money directly, a blog can also become a great traffic vector that allows you to showcase your expertise on a topic … and then find customers.
Some bloggers were able to launch their own brand. Others offer services and value their skills through blog articles, such as some freelancers.
A blog is an excellent medium for sharing free tips that highlight your seriousness and your talent, to build a bond of trust with those who may become your customers one day.Explore the potential of a new business
Sometimes we would like to start a business project without really knowing if he will find his audience. Opening a blog can be a great way to test your idea, to start federating an audience and learn over time to better understand your needs and then offer a service that is perfectly suited to the market.
9 – Why become a Blogger? To blossom!
Blogging is based on shared values and even if the discipline has evolved a lot over the years, it is a point that remains central and essential to keep in time. This sharing goes hand in hand with the very beneficial feeling of being useful to others.
At first glance, you might think that this utility only applies to tutorial blogs that help people do things … but in reality it’s much bigger! You can be useful to others because you make them think, because you make them laugh, because you inspire them, you teach them things, you touch them, you give them positive energy …
10 – To build up your e-reputation
If you blog under your own name, you will quickly build an online reputation that will allow users to fall on your blog when they search your name.
But your blog is a platform that YOU control, where you publish content that suits you, with a freedom you will never have on any social network.
This activity causes a great sense of fulfillment for a blogger.
11 – Blog to set a challenge
Blogging can also be a way to challenge yourself and live it publicly. For example, you start in a field and you want to acquire expertise: your blog can become a companion where you share your learnings, your failures and your progress in this particular field.

It can be an personal challenge such as to adopt a healthier life, to engage in “zero waste”, to fight against your anxieties, to overcome a very difficult period (depression, divorce, bereavement, illness, etc.).
It can be a project of life that you feel the need to verbalize. For example to become a parent, to become a property owner, to get married …
All of these reasons can motivate you to share the challenges and obstacles of yours, and to inspire and help others.
12 – Why become a Blogger? … My experience
For my part, my blogs were created on the very popular platform Blogger. For me it was a great launching pad. But as I progressed, I quickly realised that my blogs didn’t really belong to me. I was not able to do what I wanted to do with them. Some of them were even shut down by Blogger given the reason that I failed to comply with their T.O.S. which is several pages long. So, I never knew what I had done wrong.
Then friends who saw my blogs asked me if I could create something for their business. I did agree with that but I honestly couldn’t take the risk to do something on Blogger that could be shut down after a while, damaging their business as a result.
Then I had to find a way to learn how to build a website that would really belong to my friends. I couldn’t let my friends down, so, I had to learn.
I decided to search online to find where I could acquire this knowledge, even if I had to pay for lessons. Of course, there were bucket loads of them. So, it was a question of comparing the offers.
I opened a spreadsheet and listed the names, Urls, pros and cons. I quickly crossed out many of them as it was evident that all they wanted was to grab my money. There was nothing much of a training.
As I always ask when someone solicits my opinion on whether they should go for such or such program, is whether the program in question has any serious training.
So I ended up with less than a handful of what looked like serious opportunities to learn how to build blogs. I needed to do some more trimming though.
So, I began to go through comments and reviews
That brought me down to just two possible options. One had a few negative reviews, but as I expected, the competition online can bring out some unfair reviews.
But the other one had nearly zero negative reviews, only one complaint and lawsuit against them (which is extremely rare online). So my choice was finally made!
I immediately joined Wealthy Affiliate and started my training. It was such a great experience. Great people, excellent support system and training.
My first professional blog was live in a matter of a week and was very quickly ranked by Google. I had become a real Blogger! It was so exciting as, now I could create blogs for my friends and offer my services in so many new ways, sharing some skills I didn’t even know I had.
I then became so experienced that I started to offer my services as a mentor (for free) to whoever needed my help. Since then I helped a huge number of my “students” to succeed in business. One of them even recorded a video to thank me. Here it is below …
To me creating a blog is like writing a book to help others to do what they like best doing.
I am convinced that everyone knows something that thousands of people don’t know, and would be most grateful if they could learn it.
Practice makes perfect …
The more I was writing content for my blogs (this one being one of them), the more I learned new skills that I could share with my readers. The fact of sharing them publicly is a way to “commit to witnesses”. That’s why I started out talking about marketing, blogging, making money online. Things I have been an expert in for years, and I know that it helps an unknown number of people around the world. It’s lots of fun too!
I found, with experience, that the “why being a Blogger” was not immutable. It can change with the years. First, YOU change, all the time, every day, you live a lot of experiences that transform you and sometimes make you see the world differently. Your initial motivation may give way to other desires, other expectations …
So that’s another reason to become a Blogger: your blog will accompany your changes, be the real witness to an evolution in which you learn a lot about yourself.
Tell me ! According to you, why should you start Blogging? What would push you (or pushed you) to start a blog? We would like to know …
Thanks for reading this article …

Are you ready to become a Blogger yourself?
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