Where to Advertise Your Website for Free
If you want your website to be seen on the Internet you cannot just depend on your SEO, you need to advertise it, and why not place targeted free ads which will cost you very little or nothing at all.
This is especially true if your website or blog is brand new. But, you cannot afford to wait weeks and months for it to rank. You want it to do what it is meant to do and as soon as possible, whether it is to collect leads, sell your products, etc.
First of all, there is no reason why you should spend a lot of money to advertise your website or blog if it is not necessary.
I have had extremely good results with free advertising campaigns, and very poor returns when promoting on some expensive platforms.
So, this is why I want to show that you can very successfully …
Advertise your website for FREE
So in this tutorial I will show you step by step what I do to attract loads of targeted visitors to my websites and blogs, on a daily basis and for free!
You can also join my FREE Internet Marketing Class by clicking on the banner below to register …
Okey dokey, let’s get on with our program as we have quite a lot to cover …
- Why publish a free ad?
- For how long do you have to post on free ads?
- Why should you organize your classifieds?
- How to write an ad?
- Two important points to write an effective ad
- Example of categories to post a free ad
- Errors to avoid when you advertise your website for free …
- Your FREE gift …
Why publish a free ad?
Surprisingly, the most effective form of individual advertising to promote your affiliate websites or other, penny for penny, is the modest 2 to 3 line ad that returns the prospect to your site or personal email. Not to be confused with the Pennysaver ads, which are free ads placed on printed papers (which are usually distributed for free).
Why ? Think about it. Old habits are hard to lose …
For years, whenever people wanted to buy something, sell something, find a job or learn about the new opportunities that were on the horizon, they turned to small ads!
Indeed, they always do it. Even with all the exotic advertising media available these days, the free ad is still the queen. Therefore, it is the targeted media par excellence.
So, post your free ad on some of these specialized sites and you will be surprised by the results …
For how long do you have to post on free ads?
One question for you: if you were a steam locomotive driver, and you were driving at 100 miles an hour, shouldn’t you stop shoveling coal in the furnace because the train is running at the desired speed?
Placing ads is the coal that keeps the engine running …
Similarly, the more coal you throw into the furnace, the faster the train will go. So, the LONGER you shovel coal in, the longer the engine will provide the service.
Got the idea?
Why should you organize your classifieds?
You need to organize your ads for three essential reasons:
- To replace your ad before expiration, or to reactivate it
- To evaluate those that work well, and those that work less
- Also, to rate which classifieds sites are working well and which ones are doing worse
Note: renew your ads fairly regularly because the first ads are always much more read than the last …
By the way, you might like to invite your Twitter followers on this training. Just click on the block below and they will know about it …
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Making a success of your free ad?
Obviously, it is always a good thing to write and place a classified ad to get sales on the Internet. I am sure that you agree with me on this point, right?But you have to prepare a wide variety of classified ads.
First of all, a big part of the secret of successful advertising is to make trial and error. So, you need to find the ads that work the best and the ones that work the least.
So, be prepared to spend a lot of time writing ads and running them, tweaking them and running them again … until you get it right.
You will probably say at this stage, why can’t I give you some samples of adverts that are proven to be successful?
The reason is simple: What works for me, will not necessarily work for you, the product you plan to advertise, the support you are going to place your advert on, etc.
So, you have to write your own, test it, tweak it, test it again, etc., but don’t worry, in the next chapter, I am giving you some guidelines.
How to write an ad?
Here are some good guidelines to follow:
- Attract your reader with catchy words or phrases
- Also, study other classified ads
- Keep your classified ad file up-to-date
- Use simple and short words
- Tell the readers exactly what they will get
- Do not sell the product in the ad, invite interested people to answer your ad
- Use strong punctuation, such as the exclamation point
Two important points to write an effective ad
1 – An irresistible title
There are some so called “hypnotic” words that you can use that will attract the reader, like a powerful magnet, to click on your ad.
Apparently word ending in “ly” have the power to “hypnotize” your reader, slowly but surely (here are two), and if you can sneakily incorporate the into your advert, you should be able to influence their action.
And, here are 10 of them to start with:
- obviously
- clearly
- similarly
- consequently
- certainly
- easily
- powerfully
- evidently
- instantly
- finally
And also, you can easily come up with many more.
And, as an added bonus, here is free tool that I have been using for years which will help you verify how powerful the title of your advert is. It is called The Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyser…

Here is an example of a title I have written and tested on the “Headline Analyser”: “Usually, Marketing Tips Cost Money… OURS ARE FREE…“
Now, see the score I had in return …

Try to beat that and report your EMV score in the comments’ section, with a screenshot like I did above!
So, once your title has caught the attention of your prospect, your next task is to convince them to ask for additional information. This must be done in the body of the classified ad.
A successful classified ad should follow a very simple rule, that is to get the prospect to take action!
2 – Your small ad should force your prospect to ask for additional information
In order to write a relevant classified ad, you must first know your purpose. Since all sites that allow you to post ads limit your space, it is not possible to present the entire program in your classified ad.
Your goal is to convince your potential customers to visit your squeeze page or request additional information so that you can send your documentation by email.
A clever approach is to replace the address of your site (URL) with your email address. This way, your prospects will give you permission to contact them, which is a legal procedure.
So, you can send them an email inviting them to visit your personal site. Consequently, this approach offers you 2 advantages:
- That of preparing your prospects to visit your site
- And to obtain their email address so that you can follow up with them
Post your ad to the right “target”

For example: if you are promoting an affiliate link, or your blog, and your target audience is people wanting to earn money from home, the right category would be “Business Opportunities“. It makes sense right?
Ideally, your goal is to find people:
- That are already involved in commerce via the Internet
- Who already advertise on the Internet, who are looking for a job
- That need an extra income
- Who want to become self-employed, kiss their boss goodbye
- Interested in computers, Internet services, freelancers
- etc.
Example of categories to post a free ad
Depending on the website where you plan to advertise your free ad, the categories might vary. But basically, if you should find something like …
- Business Opportunity
- Multi Level Marketing (MLM)
- IT (services section, if any)
- Job offer (work from home, IT services, Teleworking, sales / marketing)
- etc.
A great thing to do is to answer the free ads posted by:
- Job seekers (all types of jobseekers)
- People who offer “business opportunities”
- etc.
Your prospection must be done in two stages: start by asking them for information on their business then in a second email propose your activity.
Note: Try using US Free Ads and start responding to ads in the section “Business Opportunities”.
Here is a tip: When you are on the US Free Ads site, you will see a bit higher up the page, under “More Free Ads Websites“, that you can switch over to other free ads websites in other countries, such as Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and India. Very useful indeed!
Where to advertise your website for free …
Here are a few interesting sites I have selected for you …
- Classifiedsforfree.com
- Adlandpro.com
- Global-free-classified-ads.com
- Gateslist.com
- Advertiseforfree.com
- OBOads.com (free classified ad stays for 90 days, and featured ad starts at $2.50)
- Postadsdaily.com
And, for an Indian audience …
- Olx.in
- Quickr.com
- Classi4u.com
- Clickindia.com
- Indialist.com
- Classifieds.sulekha.com
- Freeads.in
Please note that I have checked all the above sites at the time of writing this guide. They were all active then, but should you find any that have gone offline, or have changed URL, kindly report it to me in the comments’ section so that I can update my list. Thanks for doing that.
Of course, there are a lot more websites where you can place a free ad!
For example, perform a search on Google and type “spanish free classified ads” + “work at home” (as is, with the ” “and the plus sign) in the search box, and it will return quiet a large number of places offering to advertise on their website for free. So, there is a lot to play with, and test.

Advertise your website for free, but be very careful !
No misleading, deceptive ads, or indicating an income figure, even if you really earn that amount, even with proof of earning. It is illegal to do so if you cannot guarantee them the income in question, which is as you can imagine, not possible, right?
Errors to avoid when you advertise your website for free …
To place free ads and wait for things to happen …
- Instead, you must post your ad regularly on a large number of sites (minimum 100). A work of titan I know!
- On busy ad sites, re-enter your ad every 2 to 3 days
To be irregular in the broadcast of these free ads
- Post a minimum of 50 new ads every month
Not to test your free classified ad
- Optimize your titles and the text of your ads
- Continue to test new titles and ads
- Set up a tracking system
Your FREE gift …
If you want to learn more about how to advertise your website, sign up for my FREE Internet Marketing training below …
Now it is your turn to generate leads …

Now that you know where and how to advertise your website for free, your views on the subject would very much be appreciated.
If you are already using one or more of the methods described above and have any tips to share with us, we’d like to hear about it. And, if you have any questions, please use the comments’ area below. You should normally receive a reply within the next 48 hours.
If you enjoyed reading this article, please share it socially. Also post a comment with us here below, I will be very grateful!
As a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, I learned how to share my passions with the world. You are very welcome to become part of my team of very successful netpreneurs. You too can become a successful business owner and live your laptop life. I will be your personal mentor for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! Click the button below and let’s …
Thanks for this article! I hadn’t considered using free online classified ads to promote my website before. It’s a brilliant idea. As long as they have decent viewers of course. I never even realized that other than Craigslist there WERE any classifieds not belonging to newspapers. Everyone seems to use social media instead for lost and found posts and selling personal stuff. So thanks for the idea!
I’m glad to have given you a useful tip Selenity and I hope that you make good use of it. I would appreciate it very much if you would come back in a couple of months and report the results you had.
I wish you the very best for your online projects.
I never knew that free advertising like that existed. Thank you and good idea. That would be much better than paid advertising since I am just starting. I also like the idea of responding to people’s ads who are looking for what you provide. Could the same thing be done on a message board?
Thank you and I will keep this page for future reference.
That’s right Jen, Free Ads prove to be very effective. I use them a lot, and also big companies use them. It only requires a bit more work to place your ads and to renew them, but it is free, so why not?
I wish you the very best for your business Jen.