Is the ACN Opportunity a Scam? – Or is this MLM Company Really Legit?
This review article on ACN will help you decide if the ACN opportunity is a scam; or a legit business opportunity. We will consider two important points in this post. First, is ACN a legit company? Secondly, is the business opportunity offered by ACN legit? So, make sure you read this post completely.
About ACN
American Communications Network (ACN) is a telecommunication business founded by four partners in 1993. The goal of this company is to provide top-notch telephone and internet services at lower rates.
ACN is also one of the world’s biggest telecommunications services and is operating in 19 countries. The company has more than 1000 direct employees across the globe. It has made more than $500 million as annual revenues.
The telecommunication market is highly competitive, and ACN, over the past 15 years, has created a strong reputation for itself. The company now offers different services to customers from different parts of the world; including the internet, digital video phone, and other interesting utilities.

Is the ACN Opportunity a Scam?
ACN is a legit company; it’s obvious the business is not a scam; but is the ACN opportunity suitable for an independent rep to make money?
The ACN business opportunity is a network marketing telecom business that makes use of an MLM model where sales representatives can earn by developing personal clients as well as recruiting and training people in their business team. However …
Before we talk about the payment plan, let us see what leaders in the industry have said about this business opportunity by ACN.
ACN was also endorsed of recent by the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, as a great company and real opportunity. ACN is a reputable firm – no doubts – with different high demand products that are beneficial and valuable to customers.
Another important thing to note is that the company is expanding rapidly; and the demand for its products and services in the international market is growing; thus, it gives room for new reps to develop strong customers/rep groups and earn cool cash.
ACN is transparent and offers full disclosure on every aspect of the company’s operations!
Their customers receive full information about fees, charges, and service plans.
In the same manner, ACN opportunity offers business owners full information on the business operations, and how it works; as well as a comprehensive documented info on every aspect of the business from the startup costs to making money.
It offers training and comprehensive information about earnings, including the amount you will be paid, when to receive payment, and also how to get bonuses.
The setup cost to start making money on the ACN business opportunity is $499

There are two ways representatives on ACN can make money. The first way is through residual income per month, depending on how their customers use telephony services.
This also involves how to achieve bonuses through CABS (Customer Acquisition Bonuses). To earn, you need to help new members on the team to get six connected long-distance clients or eight clients through a different ACN service.
The residual income on an ACN representative is dependent on the total billing per month of all customers, and representatives are eligible to earn between 2 percent and 8 percent of the total money spent.
Also, reps can earn via residual override, which is about seven levels deep. It means the rep can earn a percentage of the total billing per month for every customer they personally recruit in their downline.
The percentage commission earned by a representative will increase as the customer billing for each month increases.
The platform’s compensation plan offers real money-making potential from the ACN opportunity, and the company also provides excellent support via regular training and meetings to help representatives build strong teams.
ACN is a legit platform, and the company is building a global force to provide telecommunications services. They have high demand products and offer reps the potential to grow their income.
Are People Really Earning With it?

There are so many stories of people who have made money through ACN, but the marketing strategy it adopts could be a turnoff for some.
The marketing strategy used by ACN is the traditional approach, which involves reaching out to your friends, family, and business associates. It looks very easy. Asking people to support your business and save costs on telecommunication bills at the same time.
There is no need to doubt the integrity or quality of ACN as a network provider; thus, the average representative normally enjoys getting customers on time.
The issue here is that you can lose market easily and end up struggling to grow your business in certain areas if you are not very popular/influential and have a large friend base or extended family.
However, if you can create ways to acquire new leads, then you can create a huge list of international clients. There are several ACN representatives with amazing success stories on how this company has transformed their lives financially. Ponder on this: is there anyone you know without a phone?
Is the ACN Opportunity a Good Proposition?
ACN is no scam, and it is a good business proposition. Donald Trump, the money man, has endorsed this platform (should we take this as a positive reference?).
But since the ACN opportunity utilizes an MLM (Multilevel Marketing) model, becoming successful on the platform will require a continuous supply of new customers on the platform.
It’s possible that you will succeed with ACN, but you will have to adopt modern marketing methods if you want to get plenty of customers to keep business moving.
You need to adopt effective marketing strategies/methods if you want to turn the odds of becoming successful on this platform in your favor; this is what will differentiate people who will earn through the ACN opportunity from people who will fail.
Thanks for reading this scam or legit review on ACN
I hope that you enjoyed reading through this scam or legit review on the ACN opportunity and that you have made up your mind as to whether it is for you or not. Hopefully, you will follow my advise and take this opportunity to learn more about my #1 Recommendation.

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Hi John – It is good to know that ACN is not a scam. There are so many these days. But as you say: ”making money from an MLM company isn’t feasible anymore.” I agree with your solution: affiliate marketing on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. That is the 21 century way to do it!
Thanks very much for reading my ACN opportunity scam review Nathaniel, and for taking the time to comment. I am glad that you agree with me and that you too prefer Affiliate Marketing, being the safest and most profitable work from home opportunity.
I wish you the very best for your online projects Nathaniel.
Stay safe and healthy!
quiet and intriguing article you’ve got here, I must say you did an amazing job taking your time to carry out a tentative research on this platform and sharing your candied find out with everyone through this article.. sincerely speaking your opinions will go a long way to helping people watch carefully when signing up research platforms in order to be sure they’re making the right choices…
Thanks very much for your comment Evans. I am glad that you appreciate the time I spent researching whether the ACN opportunity is an MLM scam or not.
I wish you the very best and I look forward to seeing you again on this blog in the near future as I have quite a few scam or legit reviews in preparation which I am sure you will enjoy reading. So stay tuned.
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I wish you a great weekend.