What Is the Best Way to Advertise Your Business?
My experience has been similar to yours, in that I’ve discovered that running my own online business was far more difficult than I had originally anticipated; especially when I needed to advertise my business.
Finding a marketing strategy that would allow me to stand out from the crowd and attract new clients was initially a challenge. I’ve had some success throughout the years, but I never felt like I was close to achieving my ambitions.
Because of this, I’m always eager to sign up for and try out new ad networks. I have recently discovered “Newspapers ALIVE“, a prominent online newspaper advertising provider, is behind this latest campaign.
For that, I have written this article in order to help you advertise your business successfully and at the best price possible! …
What Is the Best Way to Advertise Your Business?
An advertising platform called “Newspapers ALIVE” uses local newspapers, which can be found in over 30,000 communities across the United States. If you promote their affiliate program, once you have refered 3 members, Canada will be opened to you for FREE.
The marketing services they provide allow me to reach potential customers in ways that the internet alone would not allow. The outcome is that my business has increased significantly as a result of this 100% done-for-you approach.
What is This New Way to Advertise a Business?

- The name of the organization is: Newspapers ALIVE!
- Newspapers ALIVE is their website
- Owner: Benjamin Harris
- Cost: $60 per month
- The jury has returned a verdict of LEGIT
- Anyone who wants to increase sales and signups can easily use it!
Every day, Newspapers Alive helps me find new consumers by distributing basic newspaper advertising across the country.
When a potential customer clicks on a small classified ad in a newspaper, a personalized offer page with information about Newspapers Alive members is presented to them. From there, they are given the option of visiting the NPA members’ websites.
The innovative system has simplified my marketing efforts; and I’ve seen improved results as a result shortly after having subscribed to the publication.
What’s the Deal?
What’s most impressive about Newspapers Alive is how simple the system is to use. They post the advertising in newspapers around the country; and produce the attention-grabbing material for the classified ads that will be published.
Members need only take four basic actions to start with this system …
- Newspapers Alive offers you the option of three different subscription plans.
- Decide on the first three circulation zones.
- Make changes to the offer page you’ve created.
- Maintain a record of your campaign’s progress and stay in touch with any new subscribers or purchasers that you attract.
Newspapers Alive rewards you for doing nothing more than that, and that’s all there is to it. My business is now growing at a faster rate than ever before because of this system.
How Much Does it Cost to Avertise on Newspapers Alive?
For some strange reason, I’ve never considered using newspapers in my marketing strategy; because it seemed both expensive and difficult to reach the volume of clients I required to break even. Newspapers Alive has proved to me that it works and at a much lower cost than I had previously imagined conceivable.
There are 3 packages available:
1 – Which costs $60.00 a month, was the best fit for my budget and needs. Creating an account merely took a few seconds; and I was able to quickly select the three recommended zones to use. A short description of my company and an image of my offer page editor were both submitted at that point in time.
When I was finished, I saved the page and used Newspapers Alive‘s information to begin tracking my website visitors (full tracking stats provided in members area). It was a simple process, and I’m seeing strong sales statistics as a result.
This package gives you 200 to 250 visitors to your advertisement. This is the most popular package to start with.
2 – This package, which is not always available because it is the next level up to package 1; and is the normal option once you have experienced the success of your promotions with package 1; costs $125.00 a month will give you 450 to 550 visitors a day.
3 – The highest package which costs $399.00 per month gives 1,800 to 2,200 visitors to your adverts every day.

Results …
In the first week, I made a few hundred dollars in affiliate sales, but the following week, things really took off as I moved to the far North East region, where there is a bigger density of educated, hungry consumers ready to invest in an offer at or over the $150 entry level pricing range.

What I like the most about Newspapers Alive is the authenticity of the experience!
First and foremost, I like how easy it is to get going with it. In the past, I spent a lot of time reading online marketing books and programs but didn’t get much out of them.
It is important for me to continue to seek out innovative methods of promoting my business, and Newspapers Alive gives me an easy approach to get amazing leads that don’t come from the usual solo ad sources or pay per click campaigns.
When it comes to diversity, this is it. I selected the three zones that were recommended out of the total of 10 and, as previously said, swapped them out to concentrate on the upper North East region of the United States more specifically. (The zones can be swapped out once every seven days).
Consequently, I’m spending more time than ever before gathering sales thanks to the streamlined nature of the process. The rest of my marketing would be so much easier if it were that simple!
In What Ways Are Newspapers Different from Other Forms of Mass Media?
Newspapers Alive has a number of advantages over other marketing solutions I’ve explored. An offline strategy is used first, which I have found to be extremely efficient for the things I sell.
Since I don’t have to compete with other internet marketers offering the same product as me, my offline service, NPA (Newspapers Alive), allows me to avoid any rivalry from these people looking for offline home-based businesses.
Newspapers Alive has a built-in Affiliate Program, which is another benefit. CANADA is now open to me, and I’m able to obtain free traffic from there after referring three of my friends who are likewise in the web business. Make money from referrals and expand your reach with the affiliate program.
Is the Program Right for You?
Newspapers Alive‘s advantages are available to everyone who sells things online. Even if there are few instances, Newspapers Alive is beneficial to my business because it allows me to diversify my traffic sources. I’ve seen a significant rise in sales because of the addition of local advertising in three US regions.
However, if you run a local business, such as a restaurant, this may not be the best option for you. When it comes to niche marketing, if you’re like me, you’ll have no problem taking advantage of this great program.
You have the freedom to select the package that best suits your needs. That’s one more reason I’m pleased with this system, given how far my businesses have come in the last few months. Using Newspapers Alive makes it simple for me to spread the news about my work, which in turn results in more people visiting my website.
What I Think About It?
The answer can only be found in the advert you have created for Newspapers Alive! If you are running an online business and aren’t receiving the results you desire. It’s easy and quick, and it makes use of tried-and-true methods like newspapers to help you grow your website’s traffic and customer base.
Is Newspapers Alive a Legit Place to Advertise a Business?

I really don’t see why not. I have been marketing online since 2001 so I have learned how not to fall for a program without researching it thoroughly. So if I subscribed to Newspapers Alive, and remained a member for such a long time, you can be sure that it is really worth it. Otherwise, what would be the point?
In the time that I’ve been a member, my business has grown significantly, and I see no reason why it wouldn’t do the same for you. My business has expanded enormously as a result of using Newspapers Alive to reach for new clients. What were the odds?
Who Am I? …

My name is John (Jean). I am of French nationality. After having travelled and lived comfortably with my wife Kate (British) all over the world, thanks to my online business and my laptop, we have retired early in the South of France.
Internet marketing which has been my passion since 2001 has now become a very lucrative hobby and retirement pleasurable pastime. My aim with this website is to help people (newbies as well as experts) to discover new methods of marketing, once I have tested them myself. Therefore I can highly recommend that you use Newspapers Alive to advertise your business.
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Hey John!
Great article on Newspapers Alive!
I’ve always wondered if people still read the newspaper today. I remember when I was younger my uncle would always read the newspaper daily, and I would always go to the sports. I’ve also always noticed the ads that were in the newpapers and wondered if they actually worked. I mean it doesn’t hurt to try!
Thanks for sharing your view on “Newspapers Alive” Lorenz. Indeed, people are still reading printed newspapers these days, but what’s even more exciting is that all these newspapers are now available to be read online, and because of that, the readership has multiplied.
So, “Newspapers Alive” is an excellent way to promote your business.
Best wishes,
John 🙂
thanks for your biew on newspapers alive
You are most welcome Rodney, I am glad that you found it useful.
I wish you the very best for your online businesses.
John ?
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