What is Guest Blogging for?
5 steps to excel in guest blogging
You plan to publish an article on another blog than yours? It is called “Guest Blogging‘, also known as “Guest Posting“. But what is it for and what are the advantages of it?
If this was something that you planned to get involved in, then make sure that you read this article completely as guest blogging is a real opportunity to get ahead and gain visibility without paying a dime!
It is also a good way to get backlinks to your own site, which is very good for SEO.
Writing an article on another blog can therefore be a particularly effective web marketing tactic, but still it is necessary to do it properly so that it doesn’t end up in wasted opportunity to nicely build up your traffic.
But rest assured, by following these 5 steps, you will have everything you need to know in order to succeed your guest blogging.
A quick tip: If you are looking to get blog articles written for you and posted on this blog, just check this out ~~> Guest Posting
Okay, now let’s get on with it …
1 – Define your goals well
The first question to ask yourself when embarking on a guest blogging operation is “why? “!
Your motivations can vary. You may want to …
- attract traffic and develop your sales on your site;
- make a reputation as an expert in your sector;
- improve your SEO by earning backlinks to your site …
Whichever your reason may be, always keep this in mind that your goal should not be to graciously offer views to benefit another blogger. No, your guest blogging efforts should have for main purpose to bring YOU something of value.
2 – Choose your target blog
The blog on which you will write an article should not be chosen lightly: its theme must be consistent with your own theme or your activity.

It can be a blog whose theme is complementary to yours (for example: a blog about gardening is perfect for guest blogging if you sell seeds or garden tools). In any case, the readership of the blog must correspond to your typical clientele.
In addition, the blog in question must be of a certain quality so that it will not degrade your image and to have a community of readers quite numerous and committed. Otherwise, the guest blogging has no interest.
If you are interested in writing for this blog, you can apply here ~~> Write for Us!
3 – Choose your subject carefully
Once you have found a quality and relevant host blog, you still have to choose a good article topic.
Again, it must be consistent with the editorial line of the blog; otherwise, readers will not find it and obviously, there will be no views.
At the same time, it must be quite original and unique to make readers want to know more about you and to visit your site.
4 – Refine your call-to-action
Remember that the purpose of guest blogging and to promote your own activity.
That’s why you need to use call-to-action (CTA) skillfully in your article. You can simply encourage your readers to visit your blog / site, but you can also be more original and have more impact. Here are some examples …
- Propose them to subscribe to your newsletter;
- Invite them to test your service for free;
- Offer them a special discount on your products;
- Give them access to exclusive content on your site …
Attention: also take care of the shape of your call-to-action, that is to say its formulation. You must make the readers want to click, including using action verbs and highlighting the benefits they will get. The placement of the link is also important.
Bad example: “Many web editors are available on EasyToRetire.com“
Good example: “Find the ideal web editor on EasyToRetire.com”
5 – Take care of your landing pages
That’s it, your call-to-action has worked and readers have clicked on the link redirecting to your site. This is a very good thing, but the most important is yet to come (sorry).

Indeed, the page on which the readers will land after clicking on the link is crucial: what good is it to have them click if they leave your site immediately after?
To avoid this pitfall, the page to which your call-to-action directs should be:
- Coherent: For example, if your CTA said “Enjoy a free trial”, imagine the face of your reader if he finds himself on a page proposing to subscribe to your newsletter …
- Nice: This is probably the first time your reader has visited your site and, as you know, the first impression counts a lot. Make sure that the landing page is aesthetic, fluid and pleasant or your visitors may disappear.
- Selling: On the landing page, highlight the benefits and arguments of your proposal. The page must also have a call-to-action clearly visible to encourage the visitor to go further.
By following these 5 simple steps, you will be sure that your guest blogging operation will be relevant and that it will really pay you back.
A must read: “Write good blog posts that trigger readers response“.
You do not know where to start to write a quality article? Do not wait any longer, call on a professional copywriter.
By the way, you might be wondering how and where I learned to create this blog that is earning me a full time income from home (and that since many years). Here below is a little tutorial that will get you started if you want to do the same. Click on the image below and …
Thanks for reading guest blogging tutorial …

Now that you know all about Guest Blogging and how it can benefit you enormously, why not Write for Us?
If you have any tips to share with us, we’d like to hear about it. And, if you have any questions, please use the comments’ area below. You should normally receive a reply within the next 48 hours.
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