How to Create a Blog to Make Money
Want to create a blog that will make you money? We all would love to do that right? Okay, as you have landed here it must be because it is what you want, right?
So, in this article, I will explain to you how easy it can be to create a blog that brings in the money to make ends meet, or even make a living.
Indeed many dream of earning at least $100 per month with their blog … but never ever even get near that amount. Why? Simply because they don’t know how to go about it.
If they knew how to make a hundred dollars, they would be able to make a thousand, tens of thousands …
In this tutorial, I will show you how I created this blog; and exactly what I did for it to earn me over $5,000 a month. And, using this same guidelines, I have created several other blogs that are also making me each a nice residual income.
I do understand that you may be far too busy right now to properly follow this guide. So if you prefer to receive the email version of it, one step at the time, into your email box, just click on the banner below and follow the guide …
Okay, so as you are still here, I recommend that you stick with me till the end; and apply each and every of the 4 steps that I am going to clearly explain, in everybody’s language. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask at the bottom of this page. You will be answered in less than 48 hours. Okay?
How to create a blog that will make you as much money as you want!
So, let’s begin …
- 1st step: Choose a profitable niche
- 2nd step: Create an email contact list
- 3rd Step: Join a reputable Affiliate Program
- 4th Step: Convert visitors into dollars
If you don’t know exactly what niche is in terms of marketing, Wikipedia explains it well ~~> Niche Market.
I am often asked for advice to find a profitable niche. I usually reply with the bad news first …
- The bad news is that in all profitable niches there are already websites in place. But …
- The good news is that it is always possible to succeed, even in an ultra-competitive niche.
Indeed on the web, even if the first websites are usually long and difficult to dislodge from their top of the first page, there is always room for newcomers and the little guys to make their way through.
You can make the difference by:
- the form you use (ex: make videos, make drawings, have an original editorial line …),
- writing content (eg at the beginning publish many articles using major keywords. Get links from other sites, create original content that will attract visitors …),
- a good optimization of the conversion of the site (ex: put a pop up; put free bonus contextual content of the article …).
Don’t worry, all this will be explained as we get along …
My advice: Choose a niche on which there are already people who earn money. See if there are advertisements, products or services that are sold on the sites of this niche).
Where there are already people, there is money … So there is a “cake” to share, with the cream. And even if you have a small share at the start, it’s better than nothing!
For example, meetup sites, those to make money on the Internet, Affiliate Marketing sites …
In these topics, Internet users who search the Internet have a “real” need. A BIG problem, and they badly need a solution …
On the contrary beware of niches that have only a few people.
For example: Unemployment is a theme where people have an urgent and important problem (to find a job), but given their financial situation, their ability to buy a product or to click on the ads on these websites is rather low. So …
1st step: Choose a profitable niche
So choose a niche where people have an urgent AND important problem AND they are able to pay (a lot!) for a solution:

Ideally you must find a theme for which you have a lot of interest, even a passion.
Indeed a blog does not start to bear fruit for a few months … so you must love to write (or create video content, audio …) for several months without having a quick return on investment.
In addition if you like this topic, you will not see it as a “job“; but as a pleasure, as a hobby!
Remember that it’s hard to keep going for the long run if you do not have fun talking about a theme.
For example a little over 2 years ago I launched “Cure Psoriasis Holistically“. A blog aimed to help people with their psoriasis.
Why did you choose this theme?
You might have guessed it: I am a psoriasis sufferer. I have always known myself with psoriasis. I have tried just about everything available, online and offline.
So, it is a subject that I personally know very well. And, by testing all sorts of remedies, I finally succeeded in reduce my flare ups by up to 90%!
We know that psoriasis is not curable (yet). But there are over 125 million psoriasis sufferers around the world, 8 million in America only.
When doing some research, I found out that there were a great demand for a solution. But there were only a few sites offering help. Most of them were large pharmaceutical entities.
How could I compete with them?
Simple! First of all I am not the kind of person who would gobble up quantities of medicines for every possible aches and pains. I trust that Nature has provided it all for us. So my niche was born!
How to help the 125 million psoriasis sufferers out there who are still looking for a way to reduce their physical and emotional pain … the natural way?
I had sufficient knowledge and experience to talk about psoriasis and definitely enough material to write about and share for years to come.
At the economic level it is of course a profitable niche with many large companies that have been making money in this field for decades.
The niche was close (only psoriasis sufferers were concerned), the numbers are huge, therefore only is minute fraction of 125,000,000 sufferers around the world would be needed for me to make a fortune. And that’s what happened!
On the other hand do not choose a too broad thematic, because it is certain that a too broad niche, like “Make Money Online”, will be squatted already by heavy weights that you will have difficulty to dislodge …
Instead, prefer a sub-theme where you will be the undisputed leader.
The principle is to focus on sub-themes that are easier than the main ones, leaving it to one day to widen your target once you become the leader of your sub-theme.
Finally, last tip very important:
Do not blog for a theme, but for a TARGET.
What is the difference ?
A theme, or niche, is “Cure Psoriasis“, a target is “Help psoriasis sufferers who need help to reduce the pain and discomfort of their skin problem naturally“.
For example if your passion is healthy cooking and you want to share your skills, your niche would be of course “Healthy Cooking“, but your target would be “Healthy recipes for the overweight” or “Healthy recipes for the very busy single mom“, etc. Keep your target audience in mind, not your niche or theme …
Having in mind WHO is your typical customer, it will be much easier to write articles, offer help, and why not, create a product …
To create a blog to make money, use the method of Personas:
Okay, what is the method of Personas? This short video below will quickly give you an idea of what it is …
Now you may be saying “ok, I know now who I am writing my blog for, but how do I find clients?” What am I going to sell? “
You will discover all the answers to these questions in the second step!
2nd step: Create an email contact list
The first thing to do is to create a blog and post content on it.
For that I chose to join the best online marketing course available, because it is free to get started and I have read a lot of positive reviews about it.
There I learned how to create my first very profitable blog which is “Cure Psoriasis Holistically“, and then this one … “Easy to Retire – Living the Laptop Life“.
Why another one?
Because I knew nothing about earning money online and having reached retirement time with nothing to look for as far as a state pension was concerned, I thought I could share how I managed to payoff over $25,000 of debts and turn that into a monthly income of over $5,000 in less than 2 years, just by creating the very blog you are reading right now.
So, my niche was found “Making Money For Your Retirement“, “Pay Off Your Debts And Earn A Monthly Residual Income“, “Work At Home“, etc. and my target audience would be “Retirees in need of an extra income”, “People wanting to pay off their debts”, “At Home Moms wanting to contribute to the household expenses, etc…
So, although my niche is quite narrow, my target audience is huge …
Who couldn’t do with some extra income?
If this is something that you would like to learn, all you have to do is to subscribe for the free training here at ~~> Wealthy Affiliate <~~ and if you do that through this link, you will fall directly in my team and I will be able to mentor you to make sure that you succeed.
I started posting articles on this blog since about 2 years ago, some of them have been contributed by “Guest Bloggers”. Guest bloggers are people who write articles for me and in exchange they have a link or two back to their own blog or website. It is a win-win situation.
Each article is optimized with a well researched keyword.
This is important because if your content is not optimized for search engines they will not appear in the results when people do their research and you will have fewer visitors.
To find keywords I recommend the free keyword research tool: Jaaxy, which allows you to know which keywords are the most typed in Google by users.
The goal is simple …
create 1 article for each major expression, and link together related articles of the same topic.
Indeed, for example, you need to write 1 article for 1 keyword … which means that if you have 100 keywords, you have to write 100 blog posts …
With a structure in the pages, the sub keywords pointing to the “main” keyword, also known as the “Focus Keyphrase” (via a link that refers to this page).

Attention: again, do not dream … the most typed keywords, are already well taken … prefer secondary keywords with good traffic, and if possible not too much competition.
And slowly but surely you will be able to position yourself on the major keywords by force of articles and links pointing towards your pages.
You can also use tools like Ubersuggest to get more keywords:

If you have a little budget, you can “spy” on your competitors with tools like SEMRush that analyze the keywords, links … of your competitors.
The goal is to have on your site the keywords sought by your prospects upstream of the act of purchase.
Little by little, by creating content and obtaining external / internal links via my various blog posts, traffic began to take off to reach the following year 300 visitors per day which allowed me to make an average of 20 registrations per day to my newsletter.
Why am I mentioning my newsletter here?
Because that’s what makes a blog profitable (and in the next few minutes I’ll show you how).
In fact your blog should only have one main function: to make your newsletter mailing list bigger and bigger!
It is very rare to sell directly from a website or blog post, so the goal is to collect contact information of Internet users who come to your blog in order to sell their products and services.
If you are active on social networks, personally I do not recommend spending a lot of time on social networks because if you are a small entrepreneur your resources are very limited and it is not the best way to invest your time.
All your efforts should focus on pushing people sign up to your newsletter.
Indeed unlike the traffic of a website that is generally stable with steady growth, your subscribers to the newsletter is cumulative …
Below is an illustration that shows, that newsletters subscribers grow faster than any other sources of traffic:

For this you can use newsletters management tools like:
- Aweber
- Mailchimp
- iContact
- Constant Contact
- GetResponse
- etc …
I have used most of them during Internet Marketing career, but the one that I prefer by far, because it becomes cheaper as your business grows, it has a higher rate of deliverability, and it is much easier to work with, is TrafficWave.
So yes, if you plan to build up a profitable list of prospects, don’t waste your time with any other autoresponders, you will regret it further down the line.
And then the job is to make your newsletter profitable, and that’s what we are going to talk about in the next step …
3rd step: Join a reputable Affiliate Program
When it comes to join an affiliate program the response of anyone often is:
- Which one is worth joining?
- I have been scammed before, so no thanks!
- It’s a waste of time and money, no-one ever made any money with it!
- etc. …
The problem is that:
You have not yet come across one that you can join for free and offered you a full on training also for free.
Most Affiliate Programs out there want you to pay a membership up front even before you are told what you will get for your money. The training is non-existent, or consists of a few tips and videos (poorly recorded) that won’t get you anywhere.
Then, once you have paid you fee, you are bombarded with other expensive offer (we call that “upsells), telling you that you need to buy them if you want to have the slightest chance of making any money at all.
Basically, all they want is to grab your money and run!
The ONLY strategy that works to get started from 0 is:
- To join an Affiliate Program that has a spotless reputation
- FREE to join
- Offering a real training for as long as you need
- Guaranteeing a reliable support system by professionals
For more information I urge that you have a look at my Nr. 1 Internet Marketing recommendation.
For example, a year after the creation of this blog, I had about 4,000 subscribers to my newsletter so I did a survey and then I analyzed the answers.
It allowed me to discover that my readers felt a lack of confidence to start their own blog.
So I offered to be their own one-on-one tutor for FREE if they joined through this link ~~> Wealthy Affiliate (which is already free to do), and they promised to follow the training.
The first email with this offer went out then and I was amazed by the positive response I had. Within 2 weeks I had 127 new members under my wing, of which more than half are by now making a very comfortable monthly income … they are those that did follow the training as promised.
Many of them went on to develop their own products, to organize their own online training and so on.
What did this proved to me?
That the 3 main reasons why people don’t make any money on the Internet is that they …
- don’t know how
- lack confidence in the Internet (very understandable these days)
- lack confidence in themselves (because they never had a proper training and mentor)
Of course straightaway, a quote from Zig Ziglar came to mind …

So this became my motto for the future!
A few tips for you:
- At first you will not notice that you are progressing, but you have sowed the seed, that is posted one article on your blog. By sowing more seeds, writing more content, you will attract more and more readers to your blog.
- At first, signups to your newsletter will trickle in, but in time the numbers will increase.
- Do not try to publish an “encyclopedia” or a “reference book”, propose a method to answer a problem as quickly and as detailed as possible. People are not looking to become experts like you, they are looking for the easiest and quickest way to solve their problem.
- Offer a solution that “makes them dream” and that looks like a method that puts forward a concrete benefit (and is nevertheless realistic), such as “Become your own boss in 6 months, or less!”, or “Multiply your traffic in 1 month…”.
4th Step: Convert visitors into dollars
What is important is to propose a product or a service with a strong added value that will “talk” to the prospect, highlighting:
- His or her problem
- The benefits brought
- Your solution
That’s all there is. As simple as that!
If you can keep this in mind, you are sure to become a winner. All you need to do is to create your blog following the training at Wealthy Affiliate, and you are guaranteed to make all the money you are only dreaming of making right now.
Parallel to that I continued to work on my SEO to attract more traffic which allowed me to increase traffic from 300 to 1000 visitors per day.
Coupled with other techniques (creating a free quiz, publishing videos on my Youtube channel) it allowed me to increase the number of daily registrations on my list from 20 to 60.
All these techniques are taught in the training …
But the most spectacular result is the one that got me to earn from $1,000 to $2,000 per month basically overnight just by applying one single tip I got from this training.
I set up a sequence of emails to be sent automatically after each subscription to my newsletter.
This sequence is ultra-optimized because I have included additional sales that can triple the average value for each transaction.
With 60 registrants per day or 1800 registrations per month, this sequence allows my blog to automatically earn nearly $5,000 per month, and growing. And I am only talking about one blog … this one!
Advertising vs Create a blog to make money
In analyzing the results of each of my blogs recently I demonstrated that promoting Affiliate Programs, allowed me to do about 7 times more turnover than if I had just put some Google Adsense advertising on them. Okay, it is true that it is more work … but it is incredibly more profitable!
Conclusion … Create a blog to make money
I hope that reading this article will have inspired you, and that it will give you the desire to either create a blog about your passion, or start to monetize your blog if you already have one. As I said all through this blog post, there is no better place to do that but at Wealthy Affiliate.
And by doing so, I will be your personal tutor. But, do not wait as my classes are often full and I might not be able to take you on. So click on the following link at Wealthy Affiliate now. If you don’t see the reservation page, you might have to come back later and try your luck (maybe in a few days, weeks or even months).
So what’s your next step? …

Are you ready to learn how to create your first blog that will make you money?
Should you have any tips to share, we would like you to share them in the comments’ box below.
Also, any questions are most welcome, using the comments’ area as well. You most likely will receive a feedback within the next day or two.
And of course, if this article was useful to you, please make sure to share it socially, I will be very grateful!
Being a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, I have become an expert in Affiliate Marketing. You are most welcome to become part of my team of highly successful netpreneurs. You too can become a successful business owner and live your laptop life like we do. I will be your one-on-one personal mentor for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! Click the button below to …
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