HomeAffiliate MarketingHow To Call To Action On A Website


How To Call To Action On A Website — 10 Comments

  1. Hi John,
    Great article and post on How to call to action on a website. I absolutely loved it. A few months ago I watch a live webinar type deal with Pat Flynn and he covered less material an an hour than you did in the 5 minute read on your website. Very well done!
    I’ve been working on my website for the last 8 months or so. I am still working on building an audience and gaining traffic but in the next month or so I need to create a call to action button and strategy. I’ve book marked your page to return when I need it which is soon. Thanks for the insightful advice!
    Mat A.

    • Thanks for bookmarking my website and for commenting on my “How To Call To Action On A Website” article Mat. That’s right, it is time for you to place your CAT buttons and phrases.

      I personally love webinars, I understand things better that way, but there is one thing that I don’t like is that very often, the speakers feel that they have to fill in completely the hour allocated to them, and often love the sound of their own voice, so that can become boring.

      One of my favorite tutors and speakers is Jay at Magistudios He is very easy to follow, patient and knowledgeable.

      Have you read my latest article “Where To Start In Internet Marketing: 7 questions to ask yourself“? If yes, please let me know what you think, I do value your comments and opinions very much. If not, please do so when you have a moment and comment on it – Thanks.

      I wish you the very best.

      John ツ

  2. This is a really informative article about call to actions. I do use call to actions on every article i post, i just make the text bigger and bold and i attach a link to it so people knows they can click on it and i always let them know to click here! I am willing to try out some new things though for call to actions, i learn new stuff everyday it seems like.

    • Well done Justin. As you say, there are new things that we can learn every day, and I hope that this website is bringing you all the information you need to improve your website(s). Let me know if you have any questions, just post them at the bottom of the page, in the comments section.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject and I look forward to seeing you here often.

      John ツ

      P.S. Have you read my latest article “Where To Start In Internet Marketing: 7 questions to ask yourself” ?- Let me know what you think.

  3. Wonderful post and very helpful. Clearly, I need to put more thought into how to craft CTAs for visitors to my website! When you think about it, it’s an important consideration, but I never realized that I should be using a 7-step process. You also make a good point about not being shy about it. If we’ve built trust with our readers, then they should allow us to direct them.

    While this is a great post, I am wondering if you have any content on your website that explains the difference between benefits and features. This is referenced in step #1, and I think I need to understand those differences better. Any examples would be helpful!

    Thanks again for this post — I look forward to exploring your website and learning more.

    • Thanks for reading my latest article “How To Call To Action On A Website” and for taking the time to comment on it Laura. That’s right, if you think about it, what have you got to lose? If you don’t ask, you won’t get and your reader will go away without taking the action that you are hoping for, and if you ask and they don’t follow through, it means that they are not interested anyway, but some will.

      The difference between benefits and features? Good question and thanks for asking, as it requires a full on article to be able to explain it completely, so it is now on my to-do-list of articles to research and post soon. 

      But the way I can explain it briefly: 

      One of the features of website for example would that it downloads rapidly, but the design is such that it enables you to find your way through easily and find what you are looking for are benefits.

      I hope that this will help you make the difference for the moment. If you want to be notified as soon as a new article is posted, if not done so yet, I suggest that you fill in the form at the bottom of very pages of this website.

      Best wishes,

      John ツ

  4. I think call to actions are very underused when markets are just starting out. However like you said, I think you should have at least one cta on every page of your site whether that is to….

    – leave a comment
    – share your content
    – or buy something

    People online have a tendacy to not do anything at all unless you tell them to — which is why having a cta is so important.

    • That’s right Michael. As you have well understood, if you don’t ask, you won’t get. Thanks for your comment and I look forward to seeing you on my website again soon as I have several very exciting articles ready to be posted.

      If not done so yet, you might like to register for my reminders so that you will be the first to know when a new article comes out. The registration form is at the bottom of every page.

      I wish you the very best.

      John ツ

  5. Hi John,

    Thank you kindly for this rather excellent article regarding the importance of a good call to action. It is really, really appreciated – thanks.

    I think I can now rather easily figure out why I am not quite converting as well as I’d like to. I need stronger CTA telling reader exactly what to do. Thanks.

    • Thanks for reading and commenting on my article “How To Call To Action On A Website” Derek. It took me a long time to understand, and believe, that if you don’t firmly ask your readers to press that button, or link, they will just continue reading, or go away, and never follow the action that you want them to take. So I hope that I have been helpful and that you will experience better results from now on. Please do share your progress with us here.

      I wish to take this opportunity to invite you to read a previous article that will certainly be of interest to you and the success of your business, enjoy it and share it around you: Share On Social Media

      I wish you the very best.

      John ツ

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