How to Start a Small Business Online for Free – 10 Easy Steps Tutorial
Who doesn’t want to know how to start a small business online … and for FREE?
Since 2001, I have started many online companies. One question I’ve always been asked is what steps are taken to launch an online company. I will address the different actions I would have taken in this article if I were to launch another online business. Let’s hope it helps.
One thing that I have often noticed, and it was also what I thought when I first started, is that we are under the impression that it is very complicated to start a business online, big or small. But if you read this tutorial till the end you will learn how to get yours easily started … and also for free!
So, are you ready? … let’s get started then …
How to Start a Small Business Online for Free …
Here are the 10 steps that you need to follow …
- Come Up with a Concept of Company
- Designing the USP
- Determining the Origins of Traffic
- Determining the Sources of Sales
- Break Down the Current Website’s Different Components
- Find Out the Hell of It
- Set Up a Product Checklist
- Testing, Testing and Tweaking
- And Finally, it is Launch Day
- Your FREE Gift – The Easy Way to get Started
But before we get going, you might like to share this tutorial with your Twitter followers, right? So to do that, first log on to your Twitter account and then click on the bar below …
How to Start a Small Business Online for Free? Here is Your FREE Tutorial with a FREE Gift! startup #business #BusinessIdeas RTplz Share on XThanks for doing that, so let’s begin shall we? …
1 – Come Up with a Concept of Company

I might say it’s technological + industry experience if there is a recipe for producing good business concepts.
Relevant skills pertaining to your specialty as well as general know-how of web construction requires technological knowledge. The technical expertise will include scrapbooking knowledge and web programming skills such as HTML, PHP, Javascript, etc., if you are interested in scrapbooking.
Company awareness refers to an understanding of the common techniques employed by webmasters to make money off their websites. By observation as well as from ebooks and classes, you can get this information.
You don’t have to be an expert on all aspects, but the more you do, the better your business plan would be, in general. Like the saying goes, chance is where chance meets planning. More and better business ideas will come to you as you develop your technological and also your business skills.
What makes a good business idea, you may ask?
A strong business plan usually addresses a dilemma that many people face. To solve my dilemma, several of my companies are developed, and I make the system accessible to other entities and make money out of it.
2 – Designing the USP
USP refers to the “Unique Selling Proposition“. And according to Dr. James Blythe …
The USP “contains the one feature of the product that most stands out as different from the competition, and is usually a feature that conveys unique benefits to the consumer.” Communicating the USP is a key element of branding.
Extract from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why does USP matter? An efficient USP makes it possible for you to have an impact on the market. You ought to believe in marketing that your customers have a low attention span. So, in 10 seconds, if you can’t arouse their passions, you will lose them. That is to say, a good USP, if successfully conveyed, will help the prospects care about your product and have a second thought about it.
Getting only one USP, in truth, is not enough. Therefore, the more USPs you can use in your piece, the better it will be for your project. You need a good USP that can engage the prospects easily, but you can have a couple more USPs that can capture your reader’s attention for a longer period of time and a more competitive advantage.
3 – Determining the Origins of Traffic
I spent 3 months building a website many years ago just to find that I had no idea how to get traffic. As I tried another more interesting business venture, and the previous project was ditched.
Maybe you will ask why I can’t just promote that website anyway? You know, different sources of traffic need different preparedness. You can add a blog or forum to your website, for instance, if you want to tap into search engine traffic.
If advertisement is your intended traffic channel, you should have an opt-in form and also some follow-up framework that can translate well. You ought to decide just where you can advertise, too.
You need a viral scheme and a successful incentive network if you’re looking for referral traffic. Before you begin creating the website, it needs to be figured out.
For guaranteed and highly targeted traffic to your website …
I recommend using this: Best Web Traffic
4 – Determining the Sources of Sales
Are you trying to raise promotional money or are you selling a product? Is the selling a one-off benefit, or is it a recurring one? Will you have any other recurrent sources of revenue if it is single-off?
What about the structure of prices? For eg, it’s low starting fee but with high upsells, $7 for the first month and then $37/mth thereafter? Or maybe it’s high initial fee but more affordable upsells, for instance, $197 to sign up, $9/mth thereafter?
Various methods have their pros and cons and can appeal to specific niches.
One effective approach is to have price packages that are different. A low-end bundle targeted at those with a limited budget and a high-end package for the richer prospect. There will be persons in every niche that are able to get more extras. This is the collective of individuals that are going to make you wealthy.
5 – Break Down the Current Website’s Different Components

Let us do a recap quickly:
You have a business plan now that has some enticing USPs, viable streams of traffic, and you know just how to make money out of it. The next move is to strip the website into separate parts. You will have a main product feature, a traffic creation component, a payment component and a support framework (which may include a forum, a recommendation system and a viral system).
If necessary, you might want to buy a ready-made script that, except for the product part, comes with everything you need. It is easy to buy products such as subscription platform scripts, e-commerce scripts for a few hundred bucks and all you need to do is plan the package and you are good to go.
If you get a script like this, make sure you get one that comes with the source code, because the script can not be encrypted. You would almost definitely find a need to change the script or do more customization as the organization expands.
But to simplify everything …
I can recommend one of the best business packages I have been using for years which basically does everything for you once setup. It is the FreeSponder. You have the free membership and the Pro membership.
6 – Find Out the Hell of It
When you know what is expected for your new website, work is the next step.
Your workload could be diminished by 2 things:
- Ready-made script, which I explained previously,
- Outsourcing – to get help from one or two freelancers.
Integration is the difficulty of using 3rd party solutions. It would be quick if you are technically savvy. But if you are not, regard it as an opportunity for learning.
As a programmer, I’m not educated, but from those scripts I bought and the programmers I worked with, I learned a bit about web programming. If you ask me, the process is enjoyable.
7 – Set Up a Product Checklist
You should plan a checklist toward the end of the production process to track what has been completed and what is pending. It’s simply the supervision of programs.
8 – Testing, Testing and Tweaking
Remember, in computing, programmers are just fine. It is part of your duty to make sure that the device operates under all sorts of circumstances. I always found glitches in them, sometimes for scripts bought.
Testing does not have a shortcut. As a customer, you have to actually walk around each inch of the website and try every possible option to make sure it works. The method of testing can be tedious, but it is important.
9 – And Finally, it is Launch Day
Your website is finally set.
Assuming you’ve all prepared regarding your traffic plans, what you need to do is now implement your strategy accordingly. The product can strike a home run, assuming that you have a successful USP product. It’s just as easy! … or not? Not convinced? Then here is …
10 – Your FREE Gift – The Easy Way to Start Your Online Business …
So, will this tutorial help you start your own online business, and for FREE?
I hope that you enjoyed reading this free guide and that it will motivate you to start your own online business and make money with it.

If you are looking for an honest way to make a living online, and to start for free, just like I have been doing for years, I recommend that you first learn more about Affiliate Marketing, it will cost you nothing.
You can even start at your own pace if you don’t have much time to spare. All you have to do is join my FREE Internet Marketing Training by clicking on the banner below …
Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this. Reading about this article how to start a small business online for free sounds really interesting. I’m glad I came across this because this is exactly what I’m looking for. The article was indeed helpful and eye opener at that
Thanks for your comment Charity, I am glad that you liked it and that you found exactly what you needed to start your own small business online, and for free.
I wish you the very best for your online projects.
Take care, stay safe and healthy,
I think you wrote this post from a professional point of view as a web designer. Most people who are looking to start a small business online will find it a little academic in approach. And these are people whose knowledge of the internet is close to zilch like me. Do you simplify things more in your tutorials for internet newbies to understand? I am interested and sadly belong to that category.
Thanks for commenting on this tutorial Uche, I do understand your point though. However it is not always easy to satisfy everyone as my readers are from all levels of expertise. But if you look around my website you will find tutorials that are more newbie friendly.
Having said that, I usually make sure, although it is not always possible, that my articles are as easy to understand as possible. This particular work piece scores 71.6 in the readability test, which is considered fairly easy to read and assimilate.
I wish you the very best for whatever online projects you have on the go and a very Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year to you and your family!