HomeBusiness Startup11 Best Ways To Start Your Business


11 Best Ways To Start Your Business — 10 Comments

  1. As always a great read, I like that you break it down to simple quick reading. Some blogs are so technical you get lost in what information you are looking for. I have a question how do you use another blog and what is a backlink?

    • Thanks for being a regular reader of my blog Rodney. I do also love visiting your website and reading about the unique services that you are offering.

      A backlink to your blog or website is when there is a link on another blog, website, social platform or else that is pointing back to your blog. You can have as many blogs as you want to and post articles related to your main blog with links pointing back to your articles and pages. However those articles must not be identical otherwise it will be considered as duplicate content and Google penalises such practice. Remember that apart from keeping your reader happy with what you are writing, you have to remain in the good books of Google, as explained in a previous article I have written: The Beginners Guide To SEO (Seduce Google in 4 Key Points).

      The links back to your main blog will preferably have to be from other websites or blogs of high authority, in other words from well ranked blogs or websites, etc.

      I hope to have answered your questions clearly and I look forward to seeing you here again soon.

      John ツ

  2. Wonderful tips on blogging, This is not applicable only to retired people, but to anyone having hopes of establishing an authoritative business online.

    It’s also very important to open up a special account on social media only for your business. This is very true. Recently I used my private account for my business, and it was shut down.I lot both private and business contacts.

    Very very interesting article. I loved reading it. Plus I have favorited your page to return to it whenever needed. I need to access it very quickly as I will be using it frequently.

    • Thanks very much for your comments Laurine. You are quite right, this site is intended to help those that are clever enough to prepare for their future retirement as early as possible (they can start at the age of 18), as well as those that are already retired, as an extra income stream is always welcome, no matter your age or actual wealth.

      Thanks for bookmarking this article and stay tuned as there will be many more.

      Best wishes,

      John ツ

    • Thanks for visiting my website Paul, I am glad that you like what I write. More great articles are posted regularly so stay tuned.

      Best wishes,

      John ツ

    • Thanks for visiting my website and for your good question Iain. Instead of me giving you a basic answer in my way, for your benefit and that of my readers, I will let Wikipedia describe exactly what a Press Release is:
      A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors and journalists at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, online media, television stations or television networks.

      Hope this clarifies it all for you and I look forward to seeing you here often for more great tips.

      Best wishes,

      John ツ

  3. Hi John,

    Starting a blog is one of the great hurdles for newbies who wants to do Online Business. Thank you for this step by step guide. You made it sound so easy and I I like the way you presented each step.

    The last step where you mentioned that you should offer something of value to your readers for free. I think I should go towards this path.

    Great Post!



    • Thanks for visiting my website and for commenting on my last article Den. Nowadays, everybody expects something for free, and it must be of great value. Something that I like giving away, which is very much appreciated because people do not have to give their contact details if they don’t want to, is the “One Signup A Day Strategy” instantly downloadable eBook. My readers and clients love it, and they can also give it away to they acquaintances.

      I wish you the very best and I look forward to seeing again here soon.

      John ツ

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