HomeBusiness StartupCustomer Loyalty Retention Strategy – Top 10 Tips For Success


Customer Loyalty Retention Strategy – Top 10 Tips For Success — 10 Comments

  1. Good Day John,

    Another great post, awesome work.

    I agree with you that follow-up with a client is very important in any business. It allows us to receive an appreciation, complaints and further inquiries.
    Business and customer share a very delicate relation where mostly customer has an edge because of many other opportunities available online.

    Thank you for sharing the tips.

    • Thanks for your comment Sarim, I do appreciate your sharing your views with my readers. If you have any questions about anything online, just ask here and I will happily give you an answer as soon as possible.

      Best wishes of success with your online venture.

      John ツ

  2. Having the right customers and actually keeping them are two different thongs that must be harnessed together to get optimal result. What has been shared here is both good and also a great one to see. The tips shared here are very practicable and surely can deliver in all. Well worthy to see in here and thank you so much for sharing with us. 

    • Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts as a regular reader of my blog posts and tutorials Darmi, I really appreciate it.

      I wish you the very best for your businesses and I look forward to seing here again on my next article.

      Stay safe and healthy!


  3. Hello John, these are very nice ideas and anyone would jump on it so as to keep their customers to themselves for a long time in business. These are all very valid ideas and I really like the “package a coupon for other related products you sell” ideas because everyone would be glad to get stuff at cheaper prices. 

    • Thanks so much for reading my article Lawson, and for taking the time to comment and to share you views on the subject.

      I am glad that you picked up a subject of interest in this blog post and I wish you the very best for your online projects.



  4. Wow, worth an informative and also educational post too. I’m able to learn here about how to create a long lasting relationship with my customers. I saw this customer loyalty retention strategy in a business book and I didn’t understand how it works until I read your post and now you’ve explained it so well. I’ll try to use those tips for my business surely.

    • Thanks very much for your comments Jackie. I am glad that this article has clarified some points that you could not understand. Let me know if you have any questions, okay?

      Cheers, stay safe and healthy.


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