What Is the Law of Attraction and How It Works?
Most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction“, but how many of us really know what it is exactly, and most of all how it works?
This concept known as the law of attraction says that both good and bad things happen to you because you are drawing them towards you.
We have all dealt with the law of attraction in one way or another, not you?
Consider the following: for example, you may want to buy a car of a certain model, and then you notice that there are several of those models on the road.
While you might be curious about something, chances are you’ll find an answer in a book that grabs your interest.
When you follow the law of attraction, that’s how it works!
We need only look around us to find everything we require to achieve our goals. We can’t see it, which is why we have a problem.
However, we always see this vehicle model zoom past us, but it only becomes apparent once we decide to buy one.
You might discover a book you already have in your collection, but you won’t build an interest in it until you have a question requiring an answer.
According to my understanding of the subconscious mind, the law of attraction goes shoulder to shoulder with my comprehension of it all. Does that make sense?
Most of what we think of as reality is actually a copy of our own mind’s creation after the fact.
The subconscious mind stores everything we are exposed to. What we are exposed to ends up stored in our subconscious.
One of my favorite quotes is from Peace Pilgrim …
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.“
Peace Pilgrim – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please explain how you leverage the law of attraction for your benefit.
The first step is to avoid self-sabotage, that is, to eliminate feelings of doubt and fear and to stop speaking negatively.
As long as you can handle that, half the fight is already won.
In order to make progress, you must keep sight of your overall goal.
It is the most difficult task in success: to form a clear goal.
Once you have your goal clearly defined, the Law of Attraction will begin to exert its influence.
As you read, meet the people you need to know, and experience various situations, you will start to have a greater understanding of your objective.
Once you’ve taken action, the rest is just a matter of time. Only the resources you need are attracted to you by the law of attraction. As a final result, you must utilize that resource to bring about change.
Let it be to your success,
If you wish to learn more about the law of attraction, how it works and how you can use it to your advantage in all aspects of your life, just click on the image below to find out more …
Enjoy it!
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Hey John, thank you so much for this awesome article on the law of attraction. Funny thing is that I’ve read so much about blogging the past few years and thought about the laptop lifestyle that eventually I found a popular training program that taught me everything I needed to learn. I’m continuing to visualize the laptop lifestyle and I know one day I will get there! What are some experiences you’ve had with the law of attraction?
Thanks very much for reading my article on the law of attraction and for taking the time to comment Gabriel. Blogging to me has given me the freedom of sharing my opinions with whoever wants to read me, and most importantly it helped me to become financially free and getting rid of some miserable 9-to-5s many years ago, permitting my wife and I to travel the world in luxury (more about that here).
Nothing is more enjoyable to me that to make good money doing what you love doing the most, right?
Being hundred percent self educated, I read thousands of books since my teenage days, many self help books of course, including several versions of the law of attraction.
One of my experiences that I have had came from a very young age (about 12 years old), even before I knew about the law of attraction: I really, really wanted a particular toy for a Christmas (I can’t really remember what it was), so I decided to visualise it, look for shops that had it, found pictures of it, learned more about it and “dreamed” of it like I had it already just before going to sleep. This for a couple of months. And guess what happened on Christmas day? Yes, you are right.
The law of attraction can work for smaller things as well as very important and huge things, and it can be a very simplified process as my article explains.
I wish you the very best for your projects Gabriel.
Stay safe, healthy and happy.
I love to read blogs from John
Thanks for sharing your views Lisa, I really appreciate that.
Best wishes for online projects and stay safe, healthy and happy.
the energy of our thoughts (positive or negative) attracts experiences of the same energy to come into our lives
Thanks very much for adding your knowledge about the Law of Attraction to my article Mark, my readers will certainly appreciate it.
Take care, stay safe, healthy and happy!