Is iMarketsLive A Scam Or Legit?
Are you wondering whether iMarketsLive is a scam or a legit program to get yourself involved with? If you are looking for an honest way to make a living from home, during your spare time; as an at home mom; a retired person; a disabled; or you have just been made redundant; etc., you better take a few minutes of your time to read this review.
And remember that if you need more guidance, on this money making opportunity, or any other opportunities, you can always post a comment at the bottom of the review.
So, in this review we are going to look at the following factors. This will determine whether iMarketsLive is a scam or a legit program. And here they are:
1 – What is iMarketsLive
2 – What is the cost to join?
3 – How is their Compensation Plan?
4 – Can it be a Pyramid Scheme?
5 – How do I feel about multi-level marketing?
6 – My conclusion
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1 – What is iMarketsLive
iMarketsLive exists since 2013. It is a financial trading software group which includes a FOREX training platform devised to take on board anyone, even a complete newbie, to be trained directly by experts that are said to have over 20 years of experience in this trade.
Once in the software you will be able to follow these experts’ every move; each and every sale and trade. And you will even have the opportunity to let the software make the exact same deals as these professionals … on auto-pilot.
Their main claim is that this software is worth thousands of dollars because of its capability of earning you a lot of money. They even have an affiliate program attached to it. By which you have the opportunity to promote their product to others. And receive a commission on anything they make from it.
If you are looking for an online business opportunity, then this one could work for you. But, although I can classify this money making opportunity as legit, there are risks that you will not find in my #1 Zero Risk Affiliate Marketing Opportunity, and we will see why.
The thing is that I know quite a number of traders that are still not living the kind of life of freedom and abundance they have been looking for. So I am not really sure if this software is really something that could work for everybody, no matter what the creators are claiming.
Also, is there even a large enough market to offer this kind of product to?
However, during my research, I learned that, according to Google trends, “iMarketsLive” is growing regularly in brand awareness. Which means that they must be doing something right.

The iMarketsLive program is a kind of financial trading software which should help traders make the right decisions with the help of iMarketsLive Trading room which is live daily from Monday to Friday.
Everyday you can watch iMarketsLive traders as they show you exactly what they do to score in markets; where are the best opportunities and what you should look for. You will learn in real time what places some opportunities apart from others. What causes an opportunity to be good, and what makes another one bad.
Webmaster Educator and CEO Christopher Terry, also known as “master trader”, is often present and you will have to possibility to learn from him.
You will also receive Forex signals, also called FX signals, which are buy and sell signals that the professional iMarketsLive traders are sending daily. You can even set the program on automatic if you wish; which means that you be making the exact same buying and selling decisions that the expert iMarketsLive traders are making.
The Harmonic Scanner is another product that identifies the patterns in the FOREX markets. It will assist you in finding the leading trading opportunities.
The iMarketsLive program also includes its in house training platform loaded with coaching videos, recordings of past webinars, and articles for you to learn more about the trading world in your own free time.
2 – What is the cost to join?
You can choose to join as a Customer or an IBO
As an IBO, the membership fee is $15 to start, and $15 monthly. With this you can promote the product and earn a commission.
To become a customer you need to invest $195 for the platinum package and then $145 per month. This will generate 145 in Group Volume a month.
If you are serious about it and want to treat iMarketsLive as a business opportunity, you will need to get the platinum package.
3 – How is their Compensation Plan?
As a new recruit you receive payments 4 levels down:
- Level 1: 30% (Personally sponsored members)
- At level 2: 10%
- Then, level 3: 5%
- And, finally at level 4: 5%
Once over that, residuals come in a 3 × 8 matrix format; it means that at level 1 you will have 3 branches. Then, each level down also splits into 3 branches, and this till it reaches to 8 levels down.
But, here is the catch: You do not get your 8 levels automatically; you have to progress through the levels by enrolling 12 affiliates. Then you reach a potential of 9,840 positions, that’s at top level.
iMarketsLive pays an 8% commission per spot!
There are also bonuses:
- The Platinum pays a bonus of $5-$35 for every Platinum package that you sell.
- And the Chairman Infinity Bonus of $1000 to $4000, but for this one, you really need to be extremely high in the rankings to even think about it.
4 – Can it be a Pyramid Scheme?
Any business that generates revenue mostly by attracting members for their business opportunity without providing a real exchange of value, is a Pyramid or a Ponzi scheme.

They are people who are getting lured to be spending their money for the possibility of making money then, once they join they realize that it only benefits those that are at the top of the pyramid.
It is sometimes difficult to make a difference between a pyramid scheme and an affiliate program. Their compensation plan often look alike. However, the primary focus of an affiliate program is actually to sell a product, so when someone wants to become an affiliate, they will always have to buy a product which in turn will give them the opportunity to sell that exact same product to make a commission as affiliate, and not the other way around.
Is iMarketsLive a scam or legit? Is it a Pyramid or a Ponzi scheme?
I wouldn’t say that, but it is simply a FOREX software and educational platform company that was honestly created by FOREX master in CEO, Christopher Terry.
In reality it is their proprietary software that is primarily sold here, and it is not a get rich quick scheme.
The only confusion here is that they created a multi-level earning affiliate opportunity on the back end, which is simply another form of marketing, which would allow your customers to do the marketing on your behalf. As a result, it helps to distribute your product much quicker, and also more aggressively on the marketplace.
5 – How do I feel about multi-level marketing?
Personally I believe that when a product has an MLM (Multi Level Marketing) business model attached to it, this will to some extent degrades the virtue of that product, because of that I am not too sure anymore if the person is praising the benefits of the product is really good or if it is only because that affiliate is trying to sell me something in order to make a quick buck?
I personally feel when a product is that good like it should sell itself and hit the marketplace running.
Affiliate Marketing started in the early 1989 with a chap by the name of William J. Tobin. Yes, I know, it is largely believed that Amazon holds the title of world’s first affiliate marketers, but it is wrong.
Affiliate Marketing is a wonderful way to make a living from home. I have been doing this since 2001 and almost never had a boss (apart from my wife of course lol). See how it all begun, and where I am now ➸ About Me.
The startup cost is very minimal and you don’t even need a product of your own. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and the desire to succeed. And, anyone can do it! I made it, and so can you!
If you are interested in learning how to make money online, I will be more than happy to be your mentor, and I won’t charge you a penny for this very valuable service. But, here is the catch … there are 3 prerequisites, which are that you …
1 – must be willing to follow my suggestions
2 – can spare at least a couple of hours a day to learn (the more the better)
3 – join me on the free Affiliate Marketing course below …
6 – My conclusion
I hope that you followed my advice and signed up for your Affiliate Marketing training. If you did, congratulations. But if you still have a desire to join iMarketsLive, because you are still looking for a money making opportunity that will help you quit your day job, which you hate, and want to live a better lifestyle, let show how iMarketsLive compares with Wealthy Affiliate, the #1 Affiliate Marketing opportunity that I highly recommend you get started with. For that, here are a few reminders:
Money making opportunities like iMarketsLive can be the hardest way to go. Do you really think that you will be able to find people who are interested enough in the FOREX trading world to go and spend $145 a month month to join you?
I have tried FOREX trading on several occasions, and have been mentored by some very successful traders, but I honestly wouldn’t recommend going this route and depending on it to earn your bread and butter.
There are better ways to make a decent living off the Internet and I can assure you that it is accessible to anyone who is willing to learn how to do it, with absolutely zero risk.
A few years after spending my time and money on FOREX tradings, I came across a guy by the name of Jimmy who explained to me why I was not able to reach success trading.
He simply told me that …
Investing should be the last action that one should take when wanting to make money online. You should only go into investing your money in the stock markets after you have a much better established money making program in place that brings you a regular income and you have some extra cash in the bank that you could risk losing without jeopardising your lifestyle.
If you are still struggling to make the ends meet, or your are not reaching the levels of income that you wish to attain, then, according to Jimmy, investing in yourself is by far the best sort of investment that you should consider. And now, I totally agree with him.
Just about everyone of us here have read self-development books and have the correct mindset to succeed. But if you don’t have any skills, you are still miles away from reaching your goals and realising your dreams.
Earning some money or becoming a business owner is pretty much like being an boxer. You can have the right mindset, but this alone will only get you on the right track. But, at some point, your will have to get yourself into it, sweat at times and tune up your skills.
How do you do that?
Your skills are, in fact, what you have within yourself which demonstrates how much value you are able to bring to the table.
Many of you who are reading this review will say at this stage “I don’t have any skills that are worth developing”. I thought so myself, and I will stop you right there, because I now know that we all have at least one skill that is worth sharing with the world. Jimmy, my tutor, proved to me that I, in fact, had MANY skills that I could turn into money.
Once you have discovered your skills, and develop them, you will give stability to your life, because thereafter, all you will have to do is tap into “skills bank” and will can always count on yourself to make all the money you can dream of, and not on the fluctuations of the stock market.
The skills I discovered I had, and developed thanks to Jimmy, helped me greatly to go from over $30,000 in bank loans and overdrafts, and credit card debts, and no job or online income, to over $100,000 safely invested, and that in less than 10 years.
I learned to make use of my skills to develop this blog, and several others, from scratch which I am using to reach out to offer my coaching service (for free) to promote my #1 Zero Risk Affiliate Marketing Opportunity program that I believe so heavily in.
So, want my advice people? Discover your skills, learn how to turn them into multiple streams of income and stop throwing your money away at promises.
Are you ready to do that? If yes, you are the kind of person I would love to coach, click on the button below and let’s …
Thanks for reading

So, I hope that you enjoyed reading this iMarketsLive scam or legit review. If you have any other tips in this particular field, my readers and myself would like to hear from you. Should you have any problems and would like to find a solution, please make use of the box below. I normally respond within 24 to 48 hours. If you enjoyed reading this article please share it socially and post your appreciation in the comments area below, I will highly appreciate it!
I am a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, where I learned how to share my passions and successes. You are most welcome to join my team and learn how to become successful in business and retire early. I will personally mentor you for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! So, click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side.
Here is a selection books that will surely help further you research ⬎
I want to say, that once again I am amazed by all the different types of way people try to work from home. We all know someone that has tried to make money quickly using a platform like iMarkets live.
It is a super important for people like you to continue to bring these types of reviews out there for people to get the most relevant information on all the different products out there.
Thank you for your review and all the great content and knowledge you provided.
Excellent job.
Nice reading from you Coralie and thanks for taking some of your time to read my scam reviews. That’s right, there are so many scam programs out there nowadays, that it is most difficult for those who are wishing to start their own business online to know the difference between the scam and the legit. So it is best to do a bit of research prior to getting engaged too deeply into anything.
If you have any questions or would like for me to review an offer before joining, you are most welcome to contact me via the comments section of any page or article on this blog.
I wish you the very best.
Internet Marketing Expert and Mentor
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I have read few of your articles such as “How to Write a Book For Money” which is really helping me improve, so I’m confident in anything you write down. I don’t know about imarkertlive not until I read this article of yours and I understand how it works , the features are really nice but you didn’t recommend it and since you didn’t recommend it I won’t be going for it I will click the button you asked us to click .
Thanks so much for being a regular reader of my articles and reviews Dhayours. I am glad that so far you find them useful for your projects. I am very honored by your trust in my work, and of course, if you come across any money making opportunities, apps or programs that interest you but would like for me to check on them before you buy or join, please contact me via the comment section and I will be very happy to do so for your benefit and that of my readers.
I wish you the very best,
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