HomeAffiliate MarketingWhat Is LifeVantage About? – Another MLM Scam, or is it Legit?


What Is LifeVantage About? – Another MLM Scam, or is it Legit? — 18 Comments

  1. You couldn’t have had said it any better, it does look easy when you hear of it from someone else but clearly it’s isn’t easy to earn on an MLM. I like he fact that the company is time tested and even though they have some negative reviews from some customers they are legit but I’m not really a fan ofnreferring others to buy. Thanks for an honest review.

    • Thanks for sharing your views Donny, I am glad that we agree on that and I wish you the very best for whatever you are working on.

      Take care, stay safe and healthy.


  2. Thank you for your review on LifeVantage. I came across it the other day and I have to know what is it all about, as we all know, we have to do our due diligence. 

    I have to agree that making money from MLM is not sustainable, I tired a couple of times and failed. However some of my friends are really good at it, I guess it depends on both the company compensation plan and also the person. 

    I definitely do not want to get stuck with the product anymore ( Like when I was with NP USA). I am going to stick to affiliate marketing

    • Quite right Nuttanee, MLM doesn’t work for everyone, you need to have a very particular state of mind, a lot of time to spare, quite a bit of cash in reserve to get you started, and very strong nerves. Trust me, I’ve done it and only a few succeed: those that have started early and are at the top living off their downline’s hard work.

      It is not at all like in affiliate marketing where everyone wins.

      I wish you the very best for your online projects Nuttanee. Stay safe and healthy.


  3. Hey nice review you have there, your thoughts are indeed invaluable. I have heard little about LifeVantage from a friend, having stumbled into this article, I have gotten a better perspective of its framework. The sign up cost is indeed reasonable and pocket friendly. Nevertheless, I would love to know the commission rate that is available in each of the levels

    • Thanks for commenting on my LifeVantage review Edah. If it is what you are looking for, the compensation plan is posted in the article, towards the middle, under “The Pros and Cons” >> “Pros“.

      Let me know if you have any questions and I wish you the very best.


  4. Heloo there, a big thanks to you for sharing this insightful and amazing review  on lifevantage MLM. This is indeed an unbiased review. Anyways it is really nice to know that lifevantage is not a scam platform but I really do not like that fact that it’s customer services are poor and also it’s expensive starter kit. It’s very certain that earning from this system will really be difficult. It’s not a take for me.

    • Thanks for visiting my website Sheddy, and for taking the time to share your views on the LifeVantage MLM products and opportunity. In any case MLM is now a marketing format of the past which is more and more replaced by affiliate marketing. If you are interested in that, just contact me at anytime so that I can guide you.

      Wishing you the very best,


  5. I don’t like to hear about anything that has to do with multi level marketing. I prefer affiliate marketing in so many ways. My question is this, why can’t someone just register as a distributor and buy and sell these products instead of having down lines? It’s too much stress to try to convince people to join you in an MLM business. 

    There are some people who are very comfortable with such schemes though and they are successful as well. 

    • Thanks for sharing your views on MLM Sami. In some MLMs you can buy the product at wholesale and resell it at retail price, or even at your own price in some cases, but in this case you will have to stock a awful lot of products which would not be very profitable.

      Those that do very well in MLM are those that have started early on and built a huge downline of distributors and live more off their hard work rather than from selling the products.

      I wish you the very best.


  6. hello dear, wow what wonderfull content you have here, i was actually doing some research online when i saw your post on lifevantage, i was reffered to these program by by my dad, but i wasnt sure of it if it was legit or not, but after going through your review i believe i now know what step to take thankss alot for the info, ill surely do some recoomendations

    • Thanks so much for going through my LifeVantage review Skuchmane and for taking the time to share your views. I’m glad that you didn’t follow your Dad’s advice, I shouldn’t say that though as a son should always listen to their Dad, right? But perhaps your Dad had a successful MLM business going on, but really, it is hard work for very little benefits if you compare that to Affiliate Marketing where everyone involved is a winner.

      I wish you the very best Skuchmane. Take care, stay safe and healthy.


  7. For me I think MlM companies are really stressful and hard to earn good commissions. Most of them actually use their members to enrich themselves while making it very difficult for their members to generate revenues. I’d advise that before anyone starts with any of these programs, adequate inquiries should be done

    • Absolutely Philebur, you are totally right. MLM (Multi Level Marketing) seemed to be a great way of making money … until we discovered who was in reality making the money. Time has changed, we are now all going for Affiliate Marketing as it has been proven that everyone has his/her chance to make a very decent living online and from home.

      Thanks for sharing your views Philebur.

      I wish you the very best for whatever your projects are.

      Stay safe and healthy,


  8. Personally, I do not like MLM programs. I have never registered for one. Now, talking about LifeVantage with honesty, while putting my dislike for MLM programs aside, and from what I have read on this article, it seems that it just one of those MLM programs that requires so much for one to make it. The cons of LifeVantage, coupled with all you have honestly written, has given me the mindset to conclude that it is not a credible MLM program.

    • Thanks very much for sharing your views on MLM programs Kelvin. I am glad that my review convinced you that it is not something to join if you really want to make money. Indeed, Affiliate Marketing is what you should honestly go for.

      I wish you the very best for your online projects Kelvin and if you have any questions or need any help to get started, please make sure to contact me at any time, okay?

      Stay safe and healthy,


  9. Whenever there is MLM involved with any type of program, it’s always an automatic red flag for me. I simply cannot deal with the way that MLMs do things. I understand that some people might have success with them but that’s always a red flag for me because it is not my personal preferred method to do any type of business. Also, businesses tend to focus on that rather than their actual product… as you have clearly clarified that here with this article and explaining their lack of competence with the product they offer. I really appreciate this article. I have been trying to get some good information about LifeVantage and this has officially been the most useful article I’ve read on them. Gracias

    • Thanks very much for taking the time to share your views on MLM (Multi Level Marketing) programs Misael, I do appreciate it a lot.

      I take it that you are in business for yourself Misael, what’s your line or niche?

      I look forward to seeing you on my blog again soon as your comments are very much appreciated by my readers.

      Take care, stay safe and healthy,


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