HomeSEOVideo and SEO Strategy – The Role Of Video In Your SEO Strategy …


Video and SEO Strategy – The Role Of Video In Your SEO Strategy … — 2 Comments

  1. Totally agree with everything you’re saying in this article.  

    This year, I’ve made it a point to get going on producing YouTube videos that aren’t just raw content.  And I’m definitely seeing how all of the points you’ve made here ring true.

    That said, making and editing videos can be very time consuming if it’s travel related.  But if I’m showing a product that I’ve been using, I can see that it can be more laser focused and more efficient (and thus maybe have less production time).

    Will definitely refer to this article as a resource for my video efforts.



    • Thanks very much for commenting on my latest article Johnny, and for sharing your views and experience with video and SEO strategy.

      I am glad that you enjoyed it and I wish the very best for your online projects.

      Take care, stay safe and healthy.

      John 🤑

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