Vintage Toy Collection – What to Do with It?
Whether you’ve inherited of a vintage toy collection or amassed one yourself, properly disposing of a collection of vintage toys can be a tricky proposition.
It can be easy to become overwhelmed during the process because of the value that many toys have.
Fortunately, if you’re willing to do some research, you can find plenty of different outlets to aid you in your toy-selling mission.
What to do With Your Vintage Toy Collection?
It’s possible that some of the old toys you’ve stashed away in your attic are worth more than you think. To avoid selling a toy for too little, do some research before listing it for sale.
Here are a few ideas to help you get rid of your vintage toy collection quickly in a way that works for you.
Online Auction Sites
Typically, selling the toys yourself will yield the highest return. To get the highest price for a particular toy, you want to get that toy in front of the largest possible audience. That’s where online auction sites come in handy.
These sites allow you to get your collectibles in front of a worldwide audience; potentially resulting in bidding wars that net you even more money than you originally anticipated. The problem with this option, though, is that you’ll end up losing a lot of money to auction fees, shipping costs; and other hidden costs that could ultimately leave you with very little net profit.
If you’re willing to invest a lot of time, though, this option is definitely worth considering.
Online Toy Buyers
If you’re in a hurry and don’t want to spend a lot of time selling your toys individually, then an online toy buyer can be the ticket to some fast cash. These companies buy toys in bulk and then re-sell them at a higher price. While you might not get as much for your vintage toys when you sell to an online toy buyer, you’ll more than make up the difference by avoiding wasted time.
Online toy buyers seek to make the process as easy as possible; so that you’ll finish the process feeling completely satisfied. If you wanted to sell Indiana Jones toys, for example, you’d just need to take a few pictures of the toys you have, send them to the buyer, and then wait for an offer. If you agree to the offer, you can send the toys to the buyer; and receive your money within a few days.
Organize a Yard Sale for Your Vintage Toy Collection
To avoid shipping your vintage toys, you may want to hold a yard sale at your home. Yard sales are nice because you get to keep all the profits for yourself; and meet your neighbors in the process. The key to a successful yard sale is making sure you adequately advertise the yard sale.
You can use online yard sale advertising sites, local social media groups, and signs posted around your neighborhood. The main drawback to a yard sale is that you’ll likely have to significantly lower the prices on your vintage toys to make sure they sell.
This means you’ll likely end up selling them for less than they’re worth. On top of that, setting up for a yard sale can be time-consuming; although not as time-consuming as shipping hundreds of individual vintage toys to separate buyers.
Local Online Marketplaces
If a yard sale is a little too hands-on for your tastes; you may want to consider a local online marketplace as you seek to sell your vintage toys. By taking a few pictures and writing a short description of each toy, you’ll be connected with other residents of your community who share your interests.
This will help expand your reach beyond your neighborhood. This way you can sell your items more quickly and earn more money. When you make a sale, it’s best to meet the buyer in a highly visible public location. This will help reduce any potential safety risks.
If you need the buyer to come to your home, try not to give them your address until they confirm that they’re actually on the way to pick up the item.
In the world of vintage toys, the true value of a particular item is only as high as what a buyer is willing to pay. Therefore, when selling your vintage toys, it’s important to be flexible with your prices so; that you don’t lose out on the chance to get rid of part of your collection. As you make sales, you’ll earn money that you can then put toward more great collectibles.
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About the Author of “Vintage Toy Collection – What to Do with It?”

You might recognize Regina Thomas who is becoming a regular contributor to this website. She is a native of Southern California. She loves spending a lot of her day being a freelance writer and also, she loves cooking at home; when she still can find the time.
Regina loves her reading, listening to music, hanging out with her friends as well as her family, not to mention her beautiful Golden Retriever, Sadie. She also loves adventure and most of all, living every day to the fullest.
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Hey great article!
Toy collections are awesome especially when it comes to old classic cats! I have a few vintage cars however I really want to build it up. I’m going to search up a few sites where vintage products maybe sold and see what they have to offer.
I wasn’t aware they’d be people willing to by what I thought were only my prized possessions, that’s good news!
Thanks very much for your comment and for sharing your hobby with my readers Sariyah.
You will certainly find what you are looking for on the Internet.
Happy hunting,
John 🙂
Vintage toys are quite an enjoyable hobby to have. But if it is not your particular thing, you can definitely find ways in selling them online, because there is always someone who wants your collection or the things that you inherited. There are for example Blythe dolls, a peculiar doll that goes on sale for hundreds or even thousands of dollars and you can bet that people buy them!
Thank you for showing all the tips and tricks as to where you can sell your vintage toy collection.
Oh yes Lizzy, you can buy and sell anything you want on the Internet. There are also many online auction sites where you can buy and sell and hit the jackpot.
Thanks for sharing Lizzy.
Best wishes,
John 🙂