Would you like to write for us? If yes, you will gain exposure for your work and build your brand when accepted as it will be posted on my very popular WordPress blog “Easy to Retire” – Living The Laptop Life!
It is perfect for freelancers already offering their services on platforms such as Fiverr, UpWork, Glassdoor, etc. as they will have at least one link back to their paying platform.
This is an ideal advertisement, the perfect win-win situation!
We are seeking guest authors …
When you write for us …
- Guest Bloggers will gain exposure for their work
- Each and every guest posts are submitted to the search engines as soon as they are published
- All blog posts are regularly shared on the major social platforms
- Bloggers who write for us will gain a valuable back-link to their website or blog
- Blog posts must be 100% original content (I will pass it through Copyscape to be sure).
- NO AI-generated content (I will check it through an AI detector).
- Articles must be written in a friendly, simple manner
- Your blog article must be at least 1,000 words long, 1,500+ is better. If less than 1,000 words, you agree for me to add a few sentences to it.
- Perfect English expected (US/UK/AU/SA accepted)
- If you need someone to write an article for you, I can recommend: Karen
- You can include a maximum of three (3) contextual outbound link within the content and one in the author’s bio
- The links you are providing must be of at least 50 in domain rating. You can check that here: Authority Checker
- You agree that I include as many relevant internal links as I feel fit within your post
- You agree that I modify the title of your post to match the Focus keyword / keyphrase to improve its optimization
- If you supply images they must be 100% copyright free and you agree that I re-size them if need be
Your content should be relevant to one of the following blogging-related topics:
- Blogging
- Writing
- Business opportunities reviews (scams)
- Social Media
- Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Time Management/Productivity
- Product reviews provided they have something to do with the above
- Any other relevant content may be accepted (contact me to find out)
If interested, send your work to Yo*********@gm***.com with “Guest Post” in the subject line and a mention at the top of your email that you have read and are in agreement with my terms and conditions.
? Please note that due to the high volume of requests that I am receiving, I am very strict as far as the quality of the work you are offering is concerned, I am also performing an “Authority Check” on your website. In case your document does not conform with my requirements (less than a thousand words, or corrections to be made, for example), I may ask you to pay a US$10 setup fee and adjustment, payable to my PayPal account.
Important Notes:
- Once you guest author for EasyToRetire.com, all guest posts become the property of Easy To Retire to modify or reprint.
- I reserve the right to add words, sentences, chapters, etc. to your work as I feel fit, or remove if necessary.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to our future and long lasting business relationship.

Expert in social media and affiliate marketing since 2001.
I would personally like to thank you for making use of one of our free 3d illustration images at:
which is most likely downloaded from our Pixabay Gallery (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/love-money-romance-rich-dollars-3556650/)
Would it be too much to ask you for a favour of adding a backlink to our website at https://quincemedia.com (Link text suggestion: 3D graphics image by Quince Creative). It only takes a few minutes to accomplish this but it means a lot for us and inspires us to produce new free 3d illustrations that you might use in the future.
Thank you!
Djordje (George) Komljenovic
Founder at Quince Creative
p: +381 69 1031511
w: quincemedia.com
Thanks very much for visiting my website Djordge. I have done the backlink on https://easytoretire.com/how-to-make-money-with-a-webinar but could not on https://easytoretire.com/start-in-affiliate-marketing-for-free as the image is used as the featured image, sorry about that.
I wish you the very best for your online project and thanks very much for allowing me to use one of your most wonderful 3D images.
This is a fantastic idea, I have never seen an opportunity to be a guest blogger before. You have explained your terms and conditions in a clear and concise matter. I’m sure many people will take you up on the offer. Back links are a needed resource for any blogger and this is a great way to get them.
Thanks very much for your comment Lisa. It is indeed a great opportunity for anyone wanting to gain exposure of their website, blog, business, etc.. coming from a well established website. It is really a win-win situation where cash isn’t involved.
Wishing you the very best for whatever online projects you have going.
With Write for Us you have found a way to help writers get their work before more eyes. As that is important for anyone in the online world, this sounds like a great way to improve your skills and grow as a writer. Many beginning as well as experienced writers would benefit from having a wider circle for their work.
I have considered this kind of networking to get more readership to a long-neglected retirement centred website. As any one of us in the affiliate marked knows, often it just takes a helping hand to move to the next level in building our membership in our mailing list. Cross-referencing our skills lets others see how we can help them. Thanks for your opportunity and information. Sami
Thanks very much for sharing your views on my “Write for Us” offer Sami, why don’t you give it a go? If that interests you, just send me your article at yo*********@gm***.com with “Guest Blog” in the subject line and I will review it for possible publication.
Looking forward to hearing from you Sami.
Take care, stay safe and healthy,
This is an interesting one to see such offer to write on such a well established blog like yours. It honestly is great to see and the benefits attached to it is just massive. I think this would be the beat option out there for anyone to get into and I will try tomake researches before pitching anything at all to you
Thanks very much for commenting Liza. I am glad that you like the idea and I look forward to receiving your contributed article for review and possible publication on my blog.
Stay safe and healthy,
Well, this is a good opportunity for those who are upcoming writers in blogging and also those who are looking to broaden their customer reach at freelancing. For me who has been into writing for quite sometime now, I would strongly be looking to try this out. Once I drop this now, I’ll make sure I send you an email on the topics you have given.
I look forward to receiving your email Jamie.
Take care,
This is a great opportunity for bloggers to get a chance to make money while writing. Seeing the requirements, I do not think this opportunity would be compatible for beginners. But still, it would be nice sharing this article to let more people know about this opportunity. Thanks for this.
Thanks for sharing your views Alkelvin. I am often receiving contributions from “beginners”, many have been accepted and their work has been published. Some beginning bloggers are extremely good writers and need to have their work exposed to the public. So, if you are one of them, why not send me an article for review? You never know, it might be published and become viral.
Looking forward to hearing from you and in the meantime, stay safe and healthy.
Hello There,
I am a blogger outreach service provider. If you are looking to get published on high authority blogs with a backlink to your website to add more Search Engine value to your website, then we will create a great opportunity for you. I will write and publish a post there with a dofollow backlink to your website.
I also have publishing access on many other sites:
and many sites.
Feel free to contact me with any questions, especially if you have concerns about whether your website will fit or not.
Kindly reply to proceed!
Sajadi K.
Thanks very much for your info Sajadi. I will certainly look into your offer.
Take care, stay safe and healthy.
I have a free Guestpost about tech gadgets, Leme know if anyone wants.
Thanks very much for your question. If you fulfill the basic requirements at: https://easytoretire.com/write-for-us then send me your article for review and I will come back to you as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I want to publish an article on your site https://easytoretire.com, for which I will pay
I need a permanent post with do follow Link. Can you write an article?
I look forward to your positive response
Thanks very much for contacting me Alex.
If you fulfill the basic requirements at: https://easytoretire.com/write-for-us then send me your article for review and I will come back to you as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
John ?
We want guest post on your site
What is it’s price?We want do-follow indexed permanent links.
Also tell me do you accept casino related articles?
We’ll provide an article also.Payment via PayPal.
Let us know,waiting to hear from you.
Thanks very much for contacting me Ghulam.
If you fulfill the basic requirements at: https://easytoretire.com/write-for-us then send me your article for review and I will come back to you as soon as possible. I accept casino related articles.
The charge is US$20 for a permanent post on my website payable to my PayPal account once it is reviewed and accepted by my quality control team.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
John ?
Hello sir, i am quite marveled at how you treat and answered every comment that’s great and i have learnt something about that and also on this particular article,thaanks sir.I am actually an upcoming blogger/content writer and pitch my niche in health area is there any encouragement from star like you sir. Thanks greately.
Thanks very much for your compliments Rasaq. I am glad that you enjoy reading my articles. The health and wellness niche, although very competitive, is still by far one of the most profitable, just after the money making opportunities’ niche, which I am in.
So I wish you the very best for your new online venture and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, okay?
John ?
Philip here,
I have reviewed your website “easytoretire.com” and I am impressed with the quality of content and the relevance to my field of expertise.
I believe that my insights and expertise could provide valuable information to your audience.
I will aim to deliver a high-quality article that is well-researched and engaging for your readers.
Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me or if you have any further instructions.
Best Regards,
Philip Roy
Hi Philip,
Thank you for reaching out and for your kind words about my website, “easytoretire.com.” I’m glad to hear that you’re impressed with the content and its relevance to your field of expertise.
I’m certainly open to contributions that can benefit our audience. Your offer to provide valuable insights and expertise for an article is much appreciated. Please have a look at the conditions for submissions at the top, under tab “Write for Us“.
I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the table.
I trust your judgment in creating a well-researched and engaging piece for our readers.
Let’s stay in touch, and if you have any further questions or need additional information from me, don’t hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
John ?
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