What Is Autopilot Profits About? A Scam? Or Is It Legit?
Is Autopilot Profits a legit money making opportunity? Or is it yet another of Ewen Chia’s scams? Let’s find out …
As you have come on my website I can assume that you are trying to find out more about this money making opportunity.
If you are in search of a way to earn an income from home and you are doing your homework before getting yourself into the first thing that come up on your screen, well done!
As I always tell my readers who ask me if they can join so or so program, is it safe? Or is it a scam? My quick answer to them is: “If it is too good to be true, it certainly is!”. Heard that before right?
Well, let’s see what Autopilot Profits is all about. Whether it is a scam program, or if it is safe for you to get on with it. So stay tuned as we are going to go into the details of this program.
Then I will let you make your own choice between Autopilot Profits and the money making program I am in since a few years now, where I earn a full time income from the comfort of my home.
About Autopilot Profits
I have already written a review on another opportunity created by Ewen Chia called “Copy And Paste Income Review – Scam Or Legit?“. If you read it and compare it with Autopilot Profits, you will quickly notice that Ewen operates always in the same way.
Ewen Chia, who is the founder of Autopilot Profits, as well as other similar programs is to me a genius in the sense that he is extremely creative, manipulative, obviously highly skilled.
But, does that make him honest? Are his programs legit? This is what we are going to discover …
Ewen, in his sales pitch for Autopilot Profits, claims that his program will earn you something like $3,460 and some cents in a day just by plugging in his “Autopilot Cash Machine”…
Honestly, do you really believe this to be possible? Or do you think that Autopilot Profits is a scam?
Not sure? So, let me tell you what I think of it. Just reading his claim, I can immediately say that it is a scam. You see, I have been marketing online for nearly 20 years now. I have joined and examined dozens of products, so I do have an extremely sharp nose for affiliate products.
But my experience also tells me not to place a label on a program before having gone through all the details of it. So, to be fair, let us get on with our review …
Before we get into this Autopilot Profits income review in details, let me give you a quick summary of it.

Product’s Name:- Autopilot Profits
Owners: Ewen Chia
Website: Autopilot Profits
Founded in: Ewen Chia claims to have started marketing online in 1997
Business registration appears to be in the US
Training: 2.0 / 5.0 very basic
Support: 0.0 / 0.0 I didn’t find anywhere I could ask for help.
Marketing Tools: Just a few
WordPress Hosting: Not available
Success Stories: 0.0 / 5.0 Only his personal “achievements”
Product Price: $37 plus 14 up-sells!! (Wow!)
EasyToRetire.com Rating: 1 ★ out of 5 ★★★★★
Who is really benefiting from this opportunity: Ewen Chia of course and the affiliates promoting his program.
I was not surprised when reviewing Autopilot Profits to discover that it was a product of poor quality. Mainly intended to promote Ewen’s other material sold on ClickBank.
If you do buy this program, it won’t get you anything of value; it will not help you earn any income online. I can promise you that! I don’t mean to be harsh about this program and I don’t have any personal problems with Ewen Chia. He is probably a nice family guy, but I feel that it is my duty to point my finger when I come across a product that appears to be simply and purely a scam.
If you really want to make some money online like I do …
What’s Autopilot Profits?
If you have already come across one of Ewen Chia’s affiliate opportunities, you will find out that Autopilot Profits turns out to be nothing more than another of his extremely misleading products sold on ClickBank. He is simply using the typical sales methods most scam artists use …
Example, Ewen is claiming that:
- You will make over $3.4K in just ONE DAY
- There is ZERO product, NO need for a website, hosting, or even a domain; but ALL traffic should come from … who knows where!
- It is like your own “Online cash machine” from where you can draw the money you want at anytime
- NO setup is necessary and that it will just take you 5 minutes to get it going
- You have nothing to do. All it requires is that you log into the system and it will link your payment details and activate your “traffic button”

If you believe is such hype, you can believe in anything. Honestly, Ewen’s sales pages are just trash with hype and lies.
Just about 95% of what he says on the website is either exaggeration or simply not true. They are blatant scam marketing pitches with the purpose of luring the visitor into buying the products.
It is easily understandable that such hype can appeal to a total newbie. Unfortunately, it works!
Note: If you find an offer that sounds good to you, but you are not totally sure if it is a scam or not, just drop me a line in the comments section at the bottom of this review, and I will be happy to check it out for you.
And always remember that …

What will you find in Autopilot Profits?
In a nutshell, the Autopilot Profits opportunity is nothing but a course which is supposed to help the user to earn a fortune online simply by creating affiliate marketing sites in any of the niches you want.
The “training” consists of just a 59 pages document which is basically some PLR content that Ewen probably outsourced to some freelance writers.
And, there are twenty training videos to explain how to setup an affiliate marketing enterprise online, which includes setting up your website on WordPress.
However, all the videos are no more than five to ten minutes long and they just contain elemental information that can easily be found on YouTube, and for FREE.
This is what you will find in the members area …

Later on, I am going to discuss what I have framed in red in the above image, but first, let us see what we are getting as a member of Autopilot Profits.
First of all, when entering your members area, you will find the eBook and the training videos in the first links of the sidebar on the left.
The links below that are ALL the upsells which I will list below. If you know Ewen Chia, you are already aware that he is a master of upsells. He lives on that.
Here is what is contained in each one of the steps:
- Learn the basics (how does affiliate marketing function, how to build your website and landing page on the WordPress platform)
- Drive traffic using Solo Ads (a paid traffic system) and where to find your affiliate link that you should promote
- How to benefit from this “done for you” scheme and a few extra tips on generating traffic
About the Autopilot Profits sales-funnel
If you remember, at the beginning of this review, I mentioned that Autopilot Profits was only a poor quality product that Ewen uses to promote more products created by him. He is well known for that!
He offers a staggering number of 14 upsells, all through his the sales funnel, plus a huge number of downsells sprinkled around.
Autopilot Profits being sold for $37. But if you don’t rush into it, it will downsell to $27.
See below …

Here below is what the upsells look like which Ewen is cleverly offering to grab more cash from you…
- Starting with the Autopilot Profits at $37 (downsells at $27)
- The Mega Traffic Package for $67
- Social Profits at $147
- Instant Websites at $197
- Ultimate Traffic Software goes for $297
- The Traffic Millionaire subscription for $19.97 per month
- A Shortcut to a $10K at $9.97
- The Online Super Affiliate Millionaire Workshop is $297
- Cash Biz for $29.97
- Traffic Avalanche is at $37
- Copy and Paste Income also comes at $37
- Complete Business Setup for $297
- My Top-Tier Business (MTTB) for $49 plus $19 a month plus $1,997
- Pure Leverage at $24.95 first month, then $19.95 a month
Now, get your calculator out and you will see that this little lot will get exactly $3,804.75 out of your pocket! And we are not adding up the monthly subscriptions on several of the upsells.
I have no way of verifying if anybody has already been crazy enough to purchase all of them. I shouldn’t think so, but I would be prepared to believe that quite a few users of Ewen Chia’s products might have bought a few of them, don’t you think?
There really better ways to make money online, trust me, and it can be free to earn while you learn. For that you can have a look at my Number ONE Recommendation HERE!
Frightful realities uncovered
1 – Another of these hyped up and worthless Sales-pages
If you take a moment to have a peep at the Autopilot Profits’ sales-page, you will quickly notice that it is no different than those that are offering scam programs.
Ewen is not saying a word on how affiliate marketing, or even how his own “method” works. What he is simply doing is bragging about some unreal success claims, fake proofs of income and unreal hyped-up pitches.
This is the main reason why I can flag the Autopilot Profits program as your typical cheap scam.
Really, could you honestly believe that it is possible to earn something like $3.5K within just a day? Doing next to nothing? Okay, that might happen for some of the top gurus, with years of experience, but let’s get real here, this is never going to happen to a total newbie by simply logging into a “secret system”.
Unfortunately, scammers know very well which of your psychological strings to pull to get you to buy their scams.
2 – A sea of up-sells
We have seen the number of up-sells Ewen has up his sleeves, ready to throw at you. But let me show you what to prepare for exactly when you are about to pay for your Autopilot Profits, while your credit card details are still red hot on the order form.
Have a peep at the screenshot below. This what you will see at the checkout of Autopilot Profits. See the quantity of immediate up-sells at the very moment you are about to press the “Pay Now” button for your Autopilot Profits:

Of course it is totally up to you as they are just as “Recommended for you“, but the way they put it suggests that you better take some of them if you want to succeed, and you have come that far anyway …
3 – Is he promoting MLM as well?!
Offering a lot of up-sells is one thing, but still it isn’t the worst this guy does …
Did you pay attention to the last 2 up-sells that I have listed earlier on? One that he calls “My Top-Tier Business (MTTB)”, then, the other one “Pure Leverage”?
They are not Ewen’s own products. I know that because I am presently researching them and will soon post a review on them. So, if you are interested in reading their review as soon as I have uploaded them, signup for my newsletter and you will be notified the minute they are ready for your viewing. The signup for is on the right column, towards the top.
In a few words, MTTB is in fact the forepart product of MOBE (short for “My Own Business Education”).
Guess what …
Both Pure Leverage and MTTB are MLMs (Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) programs)!
To me, it doesn’t make sense that Ewen is promoting MLM programs when his own Autopilot Profits program is (or should be) teaching affiliate marketing. Is there a logic into this?
Of course there is … While doing my research for this review, I discovered the reason for it…
It is ALL about the MONEY! Mr. Ewen Chia is simply trying to cash in extra MONEY out of your little pocket my dear. Does that surprise you?
Yes, because Ewen has some personal interests in the MLM firms in question. By suggesting that you become a member, it enable him to earn even more cash.
The proof is in the pudding … I mean, in the video of course:

But guess what? That’s right, you won’t see it! Why? Because as it says on the tin, that MOBE is now legally closed down by the “Federal Trade Commission (FTC)” for carrying on operations that look like a pyramid plot which has already scammed too many people off their money. So now you know why this video has been removed.
Crime does not pay … forever!
4 – A completely useless training
As all Ewen’s products, and all scam programs available, his training is also short and generic which make it basically impossible for anyone to learn how make money.
All he is giving you are the basis of affiliate marketing; also how to start creating your website on the WordPress platform.
The only technique for generating traffic that Ewen teaches is Solo Advertising. Yet he claims that his “magical source of traffic” can be “switched on at a button”, which is, as you may guess, a big fat lie!
You really don’t need to pay Ewen Chia for that half baked training when you can learn all of it and fully for free at Wealthy Affiliate.
5 – Black Hat Techniques
Ewen Chia begun to venture in internet marketing somewhere around 1997.
It cannot be denied that he is one among the most successful pioneers in this profession. But there is an issue with that …
The Internet has greatly evolved and techniques have significantly changed during the past several years. But, unfortunately, Ewen is still using the same techniques he was using then, which might still work for him now, as spam is still very much present on the Internet, but it won’t really work for most of us today.
Just to give you some examples, Ewen is suggesting using strategies such as auto blogging, submissions of contents to the article directories to gain back-links, link exchanges …
Don’t get me wrong, these are techniques that worked extremely well in the years gone by. But most of these methods are now considered “Black Hat techniques” which in fact can seriously damage your website if you were to practice these techniques today.
If you are tired of reading this scam review, check out my number ONE recommendation >>HERE<<
What I personally like about this opportunity
1 – Genuine creator
One thing that we cannot deny from Ewen Chia is that, contrary to the common practices among scammers, is he is displaying his own identity. Most scam artists use a fictitious name.
In fact, Ewen is the ONLY program creator who is widely flagged as a scammer, who has no fear of displaying his real picture on the Internet and even to appear as a speaker on stage around the world with some well-known celebrities. For that, I must take my hat off!

What in fact puzzles me the most is why does he need to produce such scam stuff when he appears to be so famous?
2 – Ewen Chia self assurance
As I said, Mr Chia is not the kind of person to hide behind his computer splashing out under a fake identity. But, yet why is he producing all these scam products to sale?
This guy has something that somehow, strangely, inspires a certain degree of confidence. How? Why? Does he know something that we don’t know?
3 – You are free to promote any other products
Another thing that I like about Autopilot Profits it is that you are not restricted to market the same products to others. Which is the contrary of what most other scam programs require you to do.
On the contrary, Autopilot Profits permits you to create your own website in whichever niche you wish want to, a bit like at Wealthy Affiliate, which is my #1 recommended program.
4 – The 60 day refund guarantee
Obviously, as it is a product sold on ClickBank, you are covered by the 60 day money back guarantee.
So then, Autopilot Profits, is it a scam?
So far what we have seen about Autopilot Profits would not prompt me to flag it as a scam program. I would probably only categorize it a rather hype.
But, even though it includes some training, I can’t help myself but to have my doubts about Ewen’s claims posted on his sales-page. I really suspect that they are not true.
For starters, I have already reviewed some of Ewen’s products and I know that he is a master when it comes to using testimonials belonging to others, or even by making them up altogether.
One thing that straightaway raises a red flag to me is the word “Autopilot” in the title of the program. A business that operates on “Autopilot” simply has not yet been invented.
There is no business that can produce some comfortable income unless a certain amount of time, effort and determination is invested in it. Note, that I didn’t mention “amount of money”. That is because, to have a business of your own up and running smoothly, you do not necessarily need to invest some money, but yes, you have to invest some time, effort and determination!
That said, I am definitely NOT recommending Autopilot Profits to anyone. On the other hand, if you are looking to learn how to become a very successful Affiliate Marker, I can definitely recommend that you join Wealthy Affiliate. It is completely free and you will have all the training you need to become very successful in the marketplace while sharing your passions with the world.
Who are the big winners in Autopilot Profits?
As you must have guessed, Ewen is making the lion share of the money. But could he do it all by himself? Certainly not. He would need to be helped by people like you and me to buy and join his program as affiliates. Then, in order to recover our investments, what we are taught to do is to spam out friends, relations and address book … nice!
Can I honestly recommend Autopilot Profits?
Definitely not.
Autopilot Profits has no other reason to exist but to sell you more and more of Mr Ewen Chia’s other products.
We know that we have access to a bit of training, but the marketing techniques taught in the program are outdated and unethical.
If what landed you on this review is your quest for a legit way of building a business of your own, from home, during your spare time, to become you full time earner, let me tell you know, your determination to read this page till the end has paid off.
If I can recommend only one online business that has all what you are looking for, and is free, Wealthy Affiliate is the one, and only!
With Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn how to create a stunning website to share your passions with the world. At the same time, you will learn how to make a living from it. Not just some pocket change.
Once your website reaches the first page on Google, you will be swimming among the big boys. This will mean that you are then earning a passive income.
This is by far much better than what Ewen Chia is trying to make you do … to create cheap and worthless websites and utilizing unethical methods to scam people into spending their hard earned money.
Just allow me to show you what you would gain by joining Autopilot Profits compared with what you would get if you were to join Wealthy Affiliate, which is the program I highly recommend that you join if you really want to earn a legitimate income:
Wealthy Affiliate vs Autopilot Profits
Wealthy Affiliate provides all the needed training, resources, tools, and most importantly the support you will ever need to create your own online business.
There are NO upsells like with Autopilot Profits. Also, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate are genuinely eager to help anyone willing to works to succeed and will personally answer any questions that you may have.
In fact, if you join today following this link ➸ Wealthy Affiliate (and it is free), you will be directly in my team of very successful netpreneurs and I will personally mentor you till you succeed.
That said …
Thanks for reading

I hope that you enjoyed reading “What is Autopilot Profits about”. If you have any other tips in this particular field, my readers and myself would like to hear from you. And, should you have any problems and would like to find a solution, please make use of the box below and someone and/or myself. I will respond typically within 24 to 48 hours. If you enjoyed reading this article please share it socially and post your appreciation in the comments area below, I will highly appreciate it!
I am a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, where I learned how to share my passions and successes. You are most welcome to join my team and learn how to become successful in business and retire early. I will personally mentor you for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! Click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side.
Thanks for the excellent review of another scammy and inethical product! I hate programs like this. Making false claims, charging thousands of dollars for crap in a zillion upsells (14?!?). Bleh! It’s a bunch of lies to get you to purchase a mediocre teaching course for a TON of money. I need to make money too, but not bad enough to be inethical or fall for crap like this. Thanks so much for the information on this one. I always like reading about the different bad programs as it educated me to spot them in the future. And even IF this guy uses his real identity and actually sells a product, which means it’s not technically a scam, it’s still a scammy product.
Personally,.these programs and the people who scam other people will get their comuppance. Karma, God, or government agency, they won’t stick around long. Thanks again!
I do agree with you Selenity, and I am sure that most of my readers will as well. This is why people like me take the time to research these scam programs and review them openly. In this way we hope and strongly believe that one day, thanks to our hard work, these people will find that the Internet is not the best place for them to promote their crap.
I have just written another review that might also be of interest to you ~~> What Is Moola Vine? Scam or Legit? Can You Really Earn $300 a Day?
Let me know what you think and I wish you the very best.
Message to those looking to break into the internet marketing field: Never, never, never invest your hard-earned money in a product that claims you can make thousands in a single day with zero products, especially if such a platform offers little to no guidance.
When I saw fourteen upsells, the red flags started propping up in my mind. When I saw the usual scam tactics such as thousands per day with zero products, the tornado sirens went off. While it may not be a scam in all technicality, to me it definitely acts as such and I agree that I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone.
Thanks very much for taking the time to share your views on my “What Is Autopilot Profits About? A Scam? Or Is It Legit?” article Todd.
We all know now that when an offer seems to be too good to be true, it probably is, right? But unfortunately, too many people are still getting caught in those scams, this is why these people are still in business and popping up all over the place.
You might also like to read my latest Internet program review ~~> What Is Moola Vine?
When you do, please do me the favor to let me know what you think, okay?
Best wishes,