Is Wealthy Affiliate Scam or What?
In your opinion, is Wealthy Affiliate scam or is it not? This review will clear every doubts that you might have. Being a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate myself since May 2017 myself, let me assure you right now that Wealthy Affiliate is definitely NOT a scam!
But, let me backup my assertion by giving you a complete review on the most legit income opportunity that I have come across during my nearly 20 years of marketing online.
Wealthy Affiliate is the largest online community of business people who are dedicated to helping one another to buildup a wide range of successful internet enterprises. So, if you decide to join our community, you are sure to find all the help you need to become successful as well.
I must mention beforehand that it is 100% free to join as a Starter Member, which gives you full access to the training and support, and you will have the possibility to create 2 websites of your own which will be hosted for free. So, if you are ready, click on the button below and let’s …
Okay, you have decided to know more about Wealthy Affiliate …
Good, so let’s continue. Our community includes members from all other the world. They are from all walks of life and many are total newbies, as well are real experts in a multitude of skills.
These highly skilled professionals are more than happy to help the newcomers, and we are all helping one another. This is what makes Wealthy Affiliate so great.
Wealthy Affiliate is established on the business beliefs that proved time and again that honesty, integrity and value makes the foundation of a successful business.
At Wealthy Affiliate, your consistent effort combined with the unique training (that is included), and the unparalleled support at Wealthy Affiliate, you will build a successful online business. Wealthy Affiliate has the reputation of being totally “newbie friendly”.
As I said, it is free to join. Your credit card is not needed and you will never be asked for a cent!
By the way, before we get started on this review, you might like to invite your Twitter followers to join in. For that, just click on the block below and that’s it …
Is Wealthy Affiliate Scam or What? – The Truth Finally Revealed … Share on XHere is a brief description of what Wealthy Affiliate is about:

Name: Wealthy Affiliate
– Starter Membership: $0 (Join Here),
– Premium membership: First month $19, then $49 a month
Owners: Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim
Who is it for?: Total newbies as well as serious professionals
Training: 5.0 / 5.0 best I have come across
Support: 5.0 / 5.0 you won’t believe it
Marketing Tools: everything that you need, and more
WordPress Hosting: yes
Success Stories: Successful Entrepreneurs and Their Story
Rating: Highly Recommended ★★★★★
Verdict: Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a scam
Why is Wealthy Affiliate not a scam?
Wealthy Affiliate is much more than a money making opportunity. It is really a collection of programs and training modules, combined with an unlimited support.
Each training module, or course, is logically presented in the form of easy to follow lessons, text and video, in order to accommodate the absolute unskilled beginner.
Have you ever imagined what an extra $500 would do to your lifestyle? What about $5,000? … $10,000? What about replacing you 9 to 5? Just a dream? Okay, but at Wealthy Affiliate, dreams do come true!
Click on the banner below and be impressed …

My personal experience with Wealthy Affiliate …
As I explained in my bio, the Internet opened a whole new perspective to my life, it literally saved my life, and if yourself you believe that the Internet is the greatest invention of all times and that you are prepared to leverage its power to learn how to earn as much money you need to make a total change in you way of living, then you should take a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate.
Whenever someone I wish well asks where to turn to learn how to make some money online, I never hesitate a second to send them straight to Wealthy Affiliate, because I perfectly know that it is the real deal and I am proud of it. There is absolutely no risk to join.
Wealthy Affiliate is an ethical community dedicated to helping other members (Starter Members and Premium Members alike) to build their own online businesses. It teaches trainees how to remain in the good books of Google, Yahoo and Bing, the 3 major search engines, in order to benefit from their huge power.
The training will show you how to combine proven marketing techniques with the power of the Internet and to benefit from providing the Internet users with ways to solve their problems.
At Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn that if you provide what people are looking for, you will definitely be rewarded. And, it will be the start of a very lucrative online business.
As Zig Ziglar said …

Why does Wealthy Affiliate work so well?
The answer is in fact very simple. As a Wealthy Affiliate member you learn the skills needed in order to build your own online business. You are given an exemplary and the technical support needed for you to achieve success.
Already there are thousands of members at Wealthy Affiliate who are enjoying a successful online business of their own. They have simply followed the easy to understand training and remained focused. Anyone can do exactly the same, couldn’t you too?
Here are some honest testimonials from Starter Members as well as Premium Members: Testimonials
What I like about Wealthy Affiliate

- This program is really for anyone. It is 100% Newbie friendly and extremely useful for already experienced online marketers. Anyone can succeed provided they take action and follow the training.
- The Starter membership is completely free and there is no time limit, therefore zero risk!
- Members at Wealthy Affiliate are ready to help every other member to succeed, no matter whether they are Starter or Premium members.
- The training is easy to follow. Everyone can follow it at their own pace. Which is ideal for those who devote to it part time and full time alike.
- The training is always up-to-date.
- The Wealthy Affiliate community consists of thousands of members who can’t wait to being of help to you.
- Live help is available 24/7 wherever you are in the world.
- You can expect an answer to your question usually within minutes.
- You will learn how to create your own professionally looking websites, free and safe hosting.
- Your fast downloading websites are backed-up and scanned for malware daily.
- The easy to navigate back-office which permits you to manage your account easily.
- You will be in direct contact with experts in the industry and already very successful Internet marketers.
- Wealthy Affiliate is totally spam-free. Members cannot and will not even try to sell you anything.
- The owners, Kyle and Carson, are extremely active in the community. They always present in the discussions and take action where and when needed.
- Contrary to most money making opportunities or training programs out there, Wealthy Affiliate has zero upsells and no hidden fees.
- Wealthy Affiliate is the only opportunity in its industry that lets you give it a try for free. You have absolutely nothing to risk by joining! This immediately proves that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam.
What I don’t like about Wealthy Affiliate

- The problem with Wealthy Affiliate is that, as it is such a huge community, in my opinion, it is a bit intimidating to the newbie at first, but in fact, once you start with the training, get to know a few other members of the community, ask your questions whenever you are stuck, and then continue taking the following step, you cannot do otherwise but succeed.
- Don’t think that Wealthy Affiliate is a get-rich-quick scheme. It is not! Success is a guarantee as long as you make the effort of following the training and to take action. It is a community of successful netpreneurs who are there because they followed the training and they are prepared to help you.
- When joining Wealthy Affiliate, everything will be available for you to become successful. It will be up to you to grab this unique opportunity. It could be scary at the beginning, but if you stick to the program, you will enjoy being part of this community of winners.
- One thing that can scare off newbies is the amount of knowledge that needs to be assimilated. But, there is no time limit, no pressure at all. You build your own business at your own pace. It is not a race, no-one is competing with you.
- Another thing that seems to be a mountain to climb is the fact that it will require writing a fair amount of quality content for your websites. But you will surprise yourself as you become confident and improve your writing skills. There are a few top affiliates who started at Wealthy Affiliate who were not even able to write a post card, English not even being their language, but they made their mind to dig in and stick to it. So did I, and so can you!
Can we label Wealthy Affiliate as a scam?
The main goal of Wealthy Affiliate‘s owners is to share with their members the paths they have taken to succeed. They have the exact same respect for a Starter Member and they have for a Premium Members.
Wealthy Affiliate was launched on September 10th, 2005 with the only purpose of making of you a successful Internet marketer. Do you think that if Wealthy Affiliate was a scam it would still be operating today? After nearly 15 years?
The huge community and dedicated support
Working online is a very lonely activity. It is quite rare to see someone succeed online on his / her own. This is why the community at Wealthy Affiliate is so precious. Help will be there for you the moment you call for it.
The cost of being a member
Wealthy Affiliate offer only 2 levels of membership:
- The Starter Membership which is FREE, and
- The Premium Membership which costs $49 per month.

- You can join as a Starter Member Here!
- As for joining as a Premium Member, I have a special offer for you: if you follow this link: Special Price Premium Membership, you will save $30 on your first month, which means that your first month will only cost you $19 instead of $49! But do not delay as this special offer could be removed at any time.
As a Starter Member, you will be part of the community and be able to start the training. You will learn how to create your first 2 websites for free.
However, the Starter membership has some limitations. The real reason of the Starter membership is to give you the opportunity to show you exactly what Wealthy Affiliate is about and to give you enough time to evaluate the real value of Wealthy Affiliate.
Then, once you have seen the potential of being part of this community and if you are serious about creating your own online business, you can consider upgrading to a Premium Member.
Being a Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member is a whole different matter. Being at this level will give you the opportunity to speedup the process of your success online.
All you need to succeed is in your Premium Membership. You will even be able to seek help from real life experts, whose only purpose is to help you succeed.
Here below is a comparison chart which shows you the difference there is between the free Starter Membership and the Premium Membership:
Why is Wealthy Affiliate NOT a scam?
I know by personal experience that Wealthy Affiliate is a unique opportunity that is offered to people who have had the luck to come across it.
For some it may be the opportunity of a lifetime to become financially independent!
When joining Wealthy Affiliate you will learn how to create your own online business and to leverage the power of the Internet in order to maximize your income.
But as with any venture, to become successful you need to commit yourself and to put in some effort, but thanks to the extraordinary power of the Internet, the benefits can be enormous.
Join Wealthy Affiliate today. Start the training. Become active in the community. Ask your questions. And never stop taking the next step. And you will own an Internet business that will pay you month after month and for years to come.
Here is what I am suggesting …

Join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member (FREE). Then set up your account, it’s quick and easy!
As soon as you have done that, you will receive a welcome message from me.
Don’t forget to add a picture of yourself (it is better than one of your cat) and a few words of bio, like what you do, where you are from, why you have joined Wealthy Affiliate, etc.
And then, search the community and follow people you like … and start the training.
All that will be explained in your welcome message.
After that, some members of the community will start to communicate with you, offering help to get you started. So feel at home, ask any questions that you may have, and start learning.
As you are becoming involved, you will soon know whether Wealthy Affiliate is the right thing for you, and you will quickly know that it is not a scam. If yes, then stick to it and start building your own profitable online business.
This will literally change your life!
As you are a Starter Member, you can remain at this level for as long as you wish, there is no rush for you to upgrade to the Premium level, but as you progress, you will find out that there are so many good reasons for you to upgrade. You will soon realise that as a Premium Member, you will be able to shift your business into top gear! No pressure, but keep that in mind.
Now, permit me to suggest what would be best for you … If at anytime within your first 7 days of joining as a Starter Member, you feel that Wealthy Affiliate is really what you would like to be part of for the long haul, you should upgrade to the Premium level …
Your first month will cost you only $19, which will give you a complete 30 days to enjoy the full benefits of being a Premium Member. It is really worth it, I can guarantee you this!
So why wait? Dot it NOW ~~> Join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!
And, that’s not all …
Your bonuses …
If you do that, you will even receive two free training videos showing you how you can quickly detect quick ranking keywords, how to find your profitable niche, how to build your website and rank it fast.
So, you will have every single thing (plus bonuses) that Wealthy Affiliate has in store for just $19 for the first month. Then, your Premium Membership fee will be $49 per month.
And there is more: after a couple of months as a Premium Member, you should be convinced that Wealthy Affiliate is definitely for you, and you could already be making some decent income.
At this point, you might be interested to pay for your membership annually. In this case, you will seriously be saving as the cost of your Premium Membership will drop to about $29 per month. This is how Wealthy Affiliate want to show their gratitude and help you.
A final word
- Are you really looking for a way to make some money online?
- From home?
- During your spare time?
- To replace your 9 to 5 boring job?
- To supplement your retirement income?
- Because you have been made redundant,
- Or you are physically impaired?
- Are you a stay at home mom, single mom?
- What else? …
You will now be able to build an honest online business of your own, and Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how. And I will be there to help you and follow your every step.
So, stop chasing scammy opportunities and start creating something real for yourself and your future ~~> Wealthy Affiliate
Thanks for reading

So, is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or not? Well I guess that as you have read this review to this point so, you know the answer, right?
If you have any other tips in this particular field, my readers and myself would like to hear from you. And, should you have any problems and would like to find a solution, please make use of the box below and someone and/or myself. I will respond typically within 24 to 48 hours.
If you enjoyed reading this article please share it socially and post your appreciation in the comments area below, I will highly appreciate it!
I am a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, where I learned how to share my passions and successes. You are most welcome to join my team and learn how to become successful in business and retire early. I will personally mentor you for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! Click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side.
What first drove me to Wealthy Affiliate were reviews like this one. My next step was to conduct research on Kyle and Carson and ensure they were legit …they are! The third variable was the fact I could test drive the platform for free without putting as much as a credit card down. That really resonated with me.
While I had a blog before I never knew the in’s and out’s, especially in terms of SEO, keyword utilization, and especially what site comments and web engagement can do in terms of Google’s search rankings. I joined in October 2018 and shortly thereafter upgraded to Premium.
Now, three niche sites later I’m looking to eventually make a full-time living on the laptop lifestyle with both affiliate sites and even one niche site centered around my own products as I’m also a creator. I can’t thank Wealthy Affiliate enough.
I am glad that you are also a Premium member at Wealthy Affiliate Todd. There is no better place that I know where you can learn and earn at the same time, and for free!
I have been a Premium as well since just over 2 years and I am now earning a full time income. I have been marketing online since 2001 and never really succeeded until I was invited to join Wealthy Affiliate, which as you said didn’t require to pay anything to get started. In fact, I upgraded to Premium after a special offer and I was already earning far more that the monthly fee.
So yes, it is the best place to be and it is very newbie friendly too!
I wish you the very best with you online business Todd.
Hello John, I can definitely agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. When I started out with them 3 month ago I upgraded to premium only after 4 days of being a part of Wealthy Affiliate. I was so hooked to the training and had to go all the way to finish it. I love how the training is always there so if you need to go back to revisit on how to do something it is there. Again another great article you have written about WA:) I think everyone should try it and get out of the corporate america workplace and work for themselves👌😁
Thanks for being such a regular reader of my articles Clarissa, and for your comments. I am glad that you are also a Premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, there is nowhere on the Internet that I know where you can genuinely learn how to create you own full time income from scratch and retire like I did already a couple of years ago.
So, I wish you the very best and if you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to call on me, okay?
By the way, just in case, have you read my last two blog posts? I am sure that you will find them interesting, and I look forward to your comments:
– How to Make Money Writing a Travel Blog
– How to Upload a Video on Instagram
Take care,
The online world is full of scams. People fall as victims to the artful scammers every day. It became hard to distinguish between good and bad. I’m glad that your website provides honest reviews and helps people to chose the right place to start making money online. Wealthy Affiliate is a great starting point because the newbie doesn’t need to deal with many overwhelming technical aspects of building a website. It’s so convenient to have all you need in the same place – hosting, training, website building tools, live support.
I agree with your recommendation about WA.
Reading your comments Mary, I am assuming that you are also a member at Wealthy Affiliate. I do agree with you that it is really the best place to be if you want to learn how to make a living from home, part time or full time. As you know, it is free to join and learn, and anyone can start earning right from the start.
There are many success stories at Wealthy Affiliate, shared by people who have joined and learned how to build up their own extremely profitable businesses. WA has the reputation of being very newbie friendly as well as free to join.
Of course, there are people who are understandably skeptical about affiliate marketing, and wouldn’t join anything even if it was free. For them, I have written a little Internet Marketing course which will give them a clearer view of what Affiliate Marketing is all about, so they can decide for themselves. Here is the free application form ~~> Free Internet Marketing Course.
Let me know if you need help with your Wealthy Affiliate training Mary, you are welcome at any time. You can find me here ~~> John
I wish you the very best,
Hi John
Fantastic review and breakdown of what Wealthy Affiliate is and can do! I started off on the Starter membership as a complete novice to online marketing and still learnt quite a lot on that level. It’s totally worth it to upgrade to premium as the training is invaluable and the support from the community is amazing – everyone so eager to help and your questions literally answered within minutes.
I love the fact that in your 20 years of online marketing, you have found Wealthy Affiliate to be the most legit. I stumbled upon them through my husband a few years ago and we haven’t looked back since. Our motto is to learn, enjoy and apply!
Keep up the great work
Thanks so much for your comments on Wealthy Affiliate Teresa. I am glad that you are also a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, isn’t it great to be part of such a community, and what an opportunity to earn a full time income? The most interesting thing that not many are talking about is the fact that this program is extremely newbie friendly, no one is left behind and has an equal chance to make a living out of it.
I look forward to seeing you here again soon Teresa and I wish you the very best. If you have any questions or need any help, please do call on me, okay?
I have to say that before I joined a week ago, I wouldn’t believe these reviews. I think it was the desire to finally start something online, that would give me the freedom of time and location. And the fact, that you can join and start the training completely for free. And the cost of program in case I did decide to sign up was significantly lower than that of others.
Overall, I am happy I signed up. They give all the tools to succeed, it’s up to each individual to put in the work and use these tools. I have always thought you can succeed at anything, if you put in the work and hours.
Thanks for commenting on my Wealthy Affiliate scam review Wayne, and welcome aboard Wealthy Affiliate! Having been earning a living online since 2001, I have just discovered Wealthy Affiliate a couple of years ago, and as I went through all the ins and outs, I decided to join and upgrade to Premium straight after. This was the best decision I made since the beginning of my online career.
So, Wayne, I can assure you that you have made the right decision as well, and as you say, if you are prepared to work at it and stay focus on your goals, you will succeed, there is no doubt about it.
Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help, okay?
I wish you the very best of successes for your new online project.
Hi, your review about Wealthy Affiliate is very helpful because if I was to find your post a long time ago I won’t have been scammed by some websites that started with when I was looking for how to online.
i joined Wealthy Affiliate last month and I can agree that every thing you discuss in your post positively about Wealthy Affiliate is true.
The community will make.sure you succeed in your niche by giving answers to all your questions.
Thanks very much for your comment on whether Wealthy Affiliate is a scam or not, and welcome aboard Samuel. I am glad that you took the plunge and that you find yourself at home now.
Of course, do let me know whenever you need any help as you have discovered for yourself that we all help each others to make sure that we all succeed.
I wish you the very best,
Whenever I search online for ways to make money on the Internet, all I come across with are reviews or blog posts of the members of Wealthy Affiliate. So, that got me curious about what’s inside this company, what’s inside this online community. But reading through the end of this article, I noticed your mention of not expecting quick results with Wealthy Affiliate. But I’d like to make it fast, get results fast. Is it possible with Wealthy Affiliate? To make money fast?
Thanks very much for stopping by to ask your question about Wealthy Affiliate Gomer. Wealthy Affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scam that pops up today to grab your money and vanish into thin air tomorrow Gomer. It is a long term residual income plan with the only way to speed up success is to follow the complete training provided and to put in all the hours you can. But once on the move, it will keep on giving for life.
So, if you are prepared to put in the hours and follow the training to the letter, you will create the income that you desire for life.
I wish you the very best for whichever income you are in, or plan to pursue.
Thank you for this article. I am doing Wealthy Affiliate now. It has given me a lot of value in my first month here. It has taught me a lot about making money online so far. Hearing that you’ve been in it since 2017 gives me even more hope because if it has worked for you then it can work for me. Great article.
Thanks for commenting here Chuck and I am glad that you have recently joined Wealthy Affiliate and that you are already seeing results. I am not surprised though.
Imagine where you will be in 2 years time Chuck? In five, ten …?
Make sure to contact me at anytime you have any questions, okay?
I’ve been a WA member for about 3 months now. And I actually love everything about it. What I love the most is the community behind Wealth Affiliate. Not to mention the two owners.
If you are just starting your online business, WA can definitely help you start as they give step by step guide into building your own website. I encourage everyone to click the link above and give it a go. Especially, you can get free trial when you use the link here!
All the best!
Thanks very much for commenting on my blog post AJ. I am glad to meet someone who is already a member at Wealthy Affiliate. I am yet to find someone who has something negative to say about this awesome money making opportunity from home.
I wish you the very best for your new online project. Do let me know if you have any questions or need any help, okay?
Hi John, with so much up side to wealthy Affiliate as recorded in this article, I think it would be a great platform to join in order to laern the basics on how to make money online by being a marketer. Quitting my job and working at my pace has always being a dream for me but I think with this platformz, I might achieve that. Your experience with this platform has also help in awarding more credibility to them and surely, I’ve been more than convinced that I can really make it by joining them the plans are unimaginably cheap considering the benefits attached. Thanks for sharing this review
Thanks so much for visiting my website and for taking the time to post your views on Wealthy Affiliate Tracy. As you say, Wealthy Affiliate has it all in terms of helping people to achieve their dreams.
So, if you are not a member yet, I encourage you to read all about Wealthy Affiliate here and join as a FREE starter member.
Give me a shout if you have any questions.
Great question and great review! With so many scams out there these days it can be difficult to trust anyone or anything. I agree that Wealthy Affiliate definitely is not a scam. Quite the contrary as it is one of the best platforms and communities out there. Though the free product can be great to test out, the premium option is really worth it. Training and support are both top-notch. Readers should definitely follow the link to see what it’s all about, well done.
Thanks very much for your views on Wealthy Affiliate. Am I right to assume that you are already a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and most likely a Premium member?
As you say, it is well worth give the free membership a try as there is no time limit on remaining, then decide whether to upgrade for the Premium level or not. Most people who join as a Starter member (the free trial) upgrade within the month. This shows how great the program is.
I wish you all the best for your online ventures.
Hi, John.
Thanks for the straight review of Wealthy Affiliate.
I agree with you that this system is not a scam and I am saying it with confidence and without any marketing pitch. After two years as a Premium Member I am running my three niche sites, all with the result of training by Wealthy Affiliate. I love to write and my passion is turning into a success.
Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur
Thanks very much for visiting my website and for taking the time to post a comment on Wealthy Affiliate Gaurav. Nice to know that you are also a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate. We seem to have joined just about the same time. I hope that you are having the same success that I am having.
Looking forward to come across you sometimes in the community.
Best wishes,