What Is Photography Jobs Online? – Scam Or Legit?
Turn your passion into a thriving online business
What is Photography Jobs Online? Is it a scam, or a legit program that can show you how to make money out of your photographs?
Can you believe that there is a vast number of non-professional photographers all over the world who are already making money by offering their photographs on several stock images websites?
Websites like Photography-jobs.net is where you can upload photographs that you have taken and can get paid for it.
If taking pictures with a camera or your iPhone is something that you love doing; then this may be a way for you to make money.
If you are one of those who love to travel; cooking; walking in the countryside; wildlife; bird watching; etc. and like to take photographs of beautiful places and sites; even in big cities, then you can turn this passion into a money making opportunity.
Sure enough, you are most likely to have your DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex camera) with you whenever you go out. Even if you do not own one of those fancy cameras, an ordinary numeric camera; or you smartphone can do a great job.
Where and how to market your photos?
The answer could be Photography-jobs.net. But is it a legit program, or another of those scam programs? This what we are going to see right now …

Product Name: Photography Jobs Online
My Overall Evaluation: 3 ★★★ out of 5 ★★★★★ – PASSED
Cost: First 7 days for $1, then $27 a month
Founders/Owners: Chris Page
Website: http://www.photography-jobs.net
Head Office: Los Angeles – USA
Training: Yes
Support: Yes
ScamAdviser Trust Rating: Looks Safe (90%)

So I joined and paid my one buck which allowed me to have a clear view of the inside of this opportunity; that way I could prepare this review for you. This will permit you to decide if this is something that you would like to do, or to skip it; and look further afield for something that you might find more suitable to you needs.
If you have decided that Photography Jobs Online is not really what you are looking for, but are still looking for a way to earn a decent and regular income from home, part time or full time, may I suggest that you have a look at my #1 money making opportunity. Click on the button below ⬎
So, what is photography jobs online?
Okay, I registered and got my first week for just $1 at Photography Jobs Online. I guess that it will be fun and it will give you an insight at the same time into an opportunity to help you earn some money for a few of the great pictures that you already taken.
To tell you the truth, it doesn’t beat my #1 recommendation on many levels; but, it all depends on how you imagine making money online. I would say, if you are an expert photographer, you might like to look into Photography Jobs Online. It might be an easy way of making a bit of money, but I won’t encourage you to get yourself involved on a long term basis.
Photography Jobs Online is available through the most popular digital giant, ClickBank. I really like ClickBank for its ease of use for the seller as well as the buyer. Unfortunately, although you can find some excellent products there, a good 90% of them are, either of poor quality, or scams, or both.
I wouldn’t say that Photography Jobs Online falls in the scam category; but it is definitely not the top of the range. Of course, you can make some money with Photography Jobs Online, but I suggest that you read what’s coming in this review before joining long term.
Stick with me if you wish to learn what is Photography Jobs Online before deciding to invest your valuable time and hard earned money in this program.
What is Photography Jobs Online?
The name can make you think that you might get help to find some sort of job connected to photography. Well, if you are thing this, you are somewhat right …in some ways.
As a matter of fact, the website has recently moved away from giving the impression of wanting to grab your money and run; to a more gentle kind of membership site, which makes it more attractive.
Just like every opportunities out there, it has its own pros and cons. They are not really showing proofs of incomes. I like this far more than if they were posting hype and fake screenshots of income.
Personally, I believe that you should succeed in making some money of it if you take some time to follow what they teach you.
Who is this for?
If you are a kin photographer, this could really be for you. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that this business will get you off you 9 to 5 rat race, or paying for your next overseas holiday with your family, but I guess that it is worth giving it a try for 2 or 3 months. Don’t believe that the first week for a dollar will be sufficient for you to ensure that this business is for you though.
You will notice however, that the site is full of “as seen on” plus all sorts of photography logos on it. It looks really nice and reassuring isn’t it? Yes, but anyone can put them on their site, and here, they are just hype.

I remember very well in my early days trying to make some money online, over 15 years ago, these kinds of credentials used to impress me a lot, and I used to fall for their “reputable” money making opportunities. It still works very well.
What annoyed me the most then is that nearly every one of them didn’t even earn me a penny. I almost never made a single cent out of them so now I just smile when I see some, and move on. Only thing is that it hurts me to think that thousands of newbies, who are desperately in need of money, will fall in their trap and waste their last red cent.
If you are a newbie wanting to start making money online, here is a free Internet Marketing course that I have written especially for you. It is nothing flash, just a few things to get you to a good start. Click on the banner below to begin ⬎
How does Photography Jobs Online work?
Of course, if I tell you that if you want to make money online with your photos, all you have to do is to upload them on a particular website, you will immediately give it a go right?
Personally, with the experience I now have, I would just laugh. I know that nothing can be that easy. After the number of scam offers I have come across, I can tell you now that Photography Jobs Online is not a scam, but their website is rather full of hype.
I am not a professional photographer, but I occasionally take some great picture with my phone, and I know that some of them might actually be worth something. So, in order to give a bit more zest to my review, I decided to submit a few of my “masterpieces” a go to see if I would actually strike it rich.

So, as I had already spent my $1 to register for a test run of 7 days, I was give access to the members only section of the site. But then I was somewhat confused as there was a number links but no real direction to where to begin.
There was a bunch of videos to show me how to make use of Photoshop and some other videos on photo news. Finally, there was so much stuff for me to read or watch that I got overwhelmed and left it at that.
Surprise …
One thing that I was really not expecting though, which surprised me a bit, was that they actually had a “jobs” section relevant to photography. I don’t know why, but I thought that at least they would have had a page with a list of websites with job opportunities for photographers, but no, all they had was a few tips to teach me how to promote the same scam program I have just bought.
What you get in fact, are trainings on various programs that are going to pay you. You will learn how to submitting your pics to Shutterstock, and a couple of other big brands in this game. But you won’t be earning a fortune with them, I can guarantee you that!
What is the cost of joining Photography Jobs Online?
As I have already mentioned, this program offers a free 7 day trial, for which you will of course have to enter your credit card details, which will automatically set you up for a full payment once your 7 day free trial is over, AND future monthly payments.
But here is a tip: Before your 7 day free trial is over, you can cancel your account and you will have a new offer, and this time for a full month, and also for only $1, and you will have full access to the program.
But once this is over, be ready to pay $27 for your monthly fee, then each and every month thereafter until you decide to cancel your membership.
Then, of course, as you might expect, there are some up-sells, which are in fact nothing more than basic marketing techniques, which are really not worth paying for. If you are interested in real Internet Marketing tips, you can have them for free simply by subscribing to my 100% free Internet Marketing course …
For that, all you have to do is to click in the banner below ⬎
Pros and Cons
It is not always easy to find some interesting money making products on the well known ClickBank marketplace, but I can say that Photography Jobs Online is one that you can trust.
But be aware that it will not earn you a lot of money. But if photography is one of your hobbies, why not make some money out of it to at least pay for your expensive photographic equipment, and your travel expenses to go to places where you can take some awesome pictures?
One thing that you can be assured of though, at least, it is NOT a scam program, that was only created to try to grab your money with nothing to give you in exchange.
If you want to do business online, you must always look out for the two most important components:
- there must be a full on training
- and a serious support system
Although Photography Jobs Online is a money making program that I can recommend, it is by far one that I will not join, at least to remain a member on a long term basis (which reminds me that my review being nearly complete, I must not forget to cancel my membership before they start charging me for a first month).
Should you join Photography Jobs Online?
Although it can help you make a bit of money online, it lacks far too many key factors for someone who wants to create an online business. I will show you below how it compares with my top recommended money making program, which is Wealthy Affiliate Program.
So now you understand what I am trying to say? okay, so now let me introduce you to my #1 Recommended Affiliate Training Program!
To tell you the truth, there is no short cut to making money online. Don’t let anyone tell you that there is, there is NO shortcut! There is a procedure that has to be followed, and it is briefly:
- a complete training program
- support system that is available day and night
- it must have private coach (which will be me if you joined here)
- several free websites and hosting
- the possibility to join for free
- and more …
All this, and much more, at Wealthy Affiliate!
The number one reason that made me join Wealthy Affiliate was because I could create a business of my own, from the start and to grow it in order for me to earn some money from the very beginning while still learning to improve my skills.
I can now consider myself to be one of the Wealthy Affiliate successful entrepreneurs on the rise. Although, my earnings at this time are only just above a thousand dollars a month, but regularly increasing, I can show you what some other members are making. It is simply astonishing …
I have selected a few articles that might interest you. Make sure to let me know what you think about them:
- How To Get Started In Affiliate Marketing Step By Step
- Is The Income League A Scam?
- The EZ Bay Payday Review – Scam Or Legit?
And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter so that you will be instantly notified by email when a new review or marketing tip is made available for you to read. Just follow this link ~~> Subscribe to my Newsletter!
Thanks for reading

I hope that you enjoyed reading this special review on what is photography jobs online. If you have any other tips in this particular field, my readers and myself would like to hear from you. And, should you have any problems and would like to find a solution, please make use of the box below and someone and/or myself. I will respond typically within 24 to 48 hours. If you enjoyed reading this article please share it socially and post your appreciation in the comments area below, I will highly appreciate it!
I am a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliate, where I learned how to share my passions and successes. You are most welcome to join my team and learn how to become successful in business and retire early. I will personally mentor you for FREE. It is 100% FREE to join, learn and earn! Click the button below and I’ll see you on the other side.
Easy to Retire – Copyright © since 2017 to date!
Great article with real value content. I´m personally kin on photography and have been trying to get some photos on some image banks in order to get some cash.
As I understand photography jobs works like an image bank or does it sell the images to other image banks for a comission?
What are exactly you paying for, since you can submit freely you images to any image bank regarding you´re up to the quality standards?
Is there any kind of training?
Thank´s a lot,
Thanks for visiting my website and for taking the time to comment on my “What Is Photography Jobs Online? – Scam Or Legit?” review Bruno.
I am glad that you enjoyed this article as a photographer yourself. It is exactly the point that makes this so called money making program a scam because you can in fact upload your photos yourself and sell them on image banks, as you know yourself. This Photography Jobs Online program is charging you to show you how to do something that you already know, making you to believe that it will point you to sites where you can sell your images, something that you can do yourself for free by doing a search on Google, as you know very well.
There is no training at Photography Jobs Online, apart from sending you a list of sites where you can upload your images, and not being a photographer myself, I suspect that some of these sites are useless. You will know.
I wish you the very best and I look forward to seeing on my site from time to time.
P.S. Here is an article I have written that might interest you: From Passion To A Business In 5 Steps
The good thing you have said it is not a scum but it will not get me out of 9to5 rat race,so then I can used just making ends meet hear and their that way I have way out while I am learning how to do real things in wealthy affiliate it can keep me going.
That’s right Charles, I agree with you. If you are someone who is interested in photography, and good at it, why not try to market your skill through that program. But I would also try to promote your photography jobs on your own by creating a website of your own and sell your images directly to the consumer, eliminating the middle man and keeping all the profit for yourself. Here is where you can learn how to do that ~~> SiteRubix
If you have any questions Charles, please let me know.
Best wishes,
What an interesting way to make money. My wife loves to take pictures with her phone and I have to say she does a great job. I think it would be cool if she could cash in with a few and make a few dollars.
Thank you for taking the time to write this review. What I take from it is just be caution A few dollars can be made but we are not going to get rich from it.
It looks like your go to program is Wealthy Affiliate. I have seen WA and it seems to be an industry leader and its hard to find any bad info on it.
Thanks very much for visiting my website and for taking the time to comment on my “Photography Jobs Online” program review Dale. As you say that your wife is good at taking photographs, she should try to sell her art. But I would even recommend that she builds her own website and sell her pictures herself, eliminating the middleman and therefore keeping all the profit for herself. She can learn how to do that here ~~> SiteRubix
Let me know how it goes if she decides to do that, as many readers might be interested too.
Best wishes,
online photography seem to be a very good and exciting opportunity to make money. Being able to do something you love or wanting to create a hobby of and get paid seems to be really nice. In order to really make some money online and be successful wealthy affiliate is the place to be. I have been a wealthy affiliate member now for about 8 months and I have increased my knowledge the affiliate marketing industry and have a very good website that is doing great. Thank you give anyone the opportunity to be successful by joining the wealthy affiliate community and learning how to affiliate marketing through their step-by-step training courses or either and their entrepreneurial certificate program. All in all wealthy affiliate is anyone that’s new best choice for making money online.
Thank you and I really appreciate this review
Thanks very much for visiting my website and for commenting on my “Photography Jobs Online” program review Quinn.
I must admit that if I had the skill of taking good pictures, it is one thing that I would like to do. I can see all the potential there is in taking photographs and selling them.
But I would create my own website on SiteRubix and sell my pictures myself, in order to eliminate the middleman and therefore keeping all the profit for myself.
Best wishes,