HomeBusiness StartupHow to Retire With Little Money


How to Retire With Little Money — 14 Comments

  1. Yes, Every thing you Highlight in the article is fully correct, If people get retired before proper planning of future Then it’s a big thing to scared for them.

    Everything you mentioned is Really worth & helpful Thanks for sharing

    • Thanks very much for visiting my site Sameer, I do appreciate it very much. I see that you are also a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and a master blogger, well done.

      I wish you the very best with your online venture and I look forward to seeing you around.

      John ツ

  2. Really love your article, John. So many people look at how to make money to have in retirement, but you hardly see anything about having more money by spending less and getting rid of your debts. When you are debt free, you are really beholding to no one, except the tax man. It would be a lot more reassuring to start a home base business without the stress that debt brings. Well done.

    • That’s right Warren. The problem I see a lot of the time, if not most of the time, is that people decide to start a business online once they are totally drowned in debts and stressed because of that. As they see their retirement time approaching, knowing that their income will dramatically be reduced, and that their debts are still increasing because of the interests, they panic. 

      What I suggest to them when they come to me for advice is to start an online business with a company that has a proven track record and a reputable training program (such as Wealthy Affiliate) while they are still earning, then program a debt repayment plan, and stick to both till retirement, or beyond if necessary.

      Thanks for your comment Warren and I wish you the very best.

      John ツ

  3. Great article! I have been listening to Dave Ramsey which has inspired me to be preparing at an early age for retirement so I can retire when I am ready and be in charge of my finances. I love that you are giving people ideas for helping them retiring in a proper manner. I love the added part of avoiding work at home scams. I know that is a problem in out society.

    • Thanks for your comment Austin and I hope that you are wisely following the recommendations of Dave Ramsey who also wrote several interesting books on personal finances.

      I look forward to seing you here often and if you have any questions please ask them here and I will respond as soon as possible.

      John ツ 

  4. I think the English aren’t that great at saving money for retirement either lol. But then again, inflation, reduced working hours, and lack of job security don’t exactly help.

    So, I think the only and best option to truly escape debt and create financial freedom is to start up a business and put every spare hour into building it for a full-time monthly income.

    Thanks also for the help with avoiding scams, and I will certainly look into your online business recommendations page.


    • Thanks for your input Neil. You are quite right about who is better than the other at saving money. I lived both in the UK and the US and in both countries I have been amazed how it was easy to buy on credit and how I could get all the credit cards and loans I wanted at any time. If I compare that to France, where I live now, and had my bank account in the same bank for the past 50 years I can only use my credit card by making sure that it is fully paid off by the end of the month. When I wanted to buy my last second hand car, it was hell to get a loan for it.

      Anyway, yes, quite right again, it is best to invest time into your own business so that the money you earn is yours and you are free to use it as you wish. You probably know that Wealthy Affiliate is the online business that suites both newbies and experienced marketers.

      I wish you the very best for whichever online venture of are involved with.

      John ツ

  5. Good post on how to retire with little money. Not sure about the “buy a lottery ticket” bit though lol. I suggest investing a little bit here and there in a long-term stock portfolio (diverse one) and build it up over time. Of course a savings account wouldn’t hurt either but if the goal is to retire with little money it’s still a lot easier to avoid spending your savings account if it’s locked into a 5 or 10 year investment plan, IMHO. Becoming frugal is one way to save money. Marc Cuban said the easiest way to start investing and put money in your pocket immediately is to buy every day items in bulk. Like buy a one year supply of toothpaste and toilet paper in one bulk order. Over the course of a year you literally put money back into your pocket with the savings. Easiest investment anyone can make right there.

    • Thanks for sharing a few tips and I like the one about buying in bulk and if I follow your theory and buy everything I use on a daily basis, and can store, for a year, not only I will save, maybe 50% on the retail price, but I will not need to buy any of those items for a year. Then, invest that saving into a good investment plan, can you imagine what would be my wealth say in 5 years? Anyone prepared to do the maths? Write your answer below!

      Fantastic idea and thanks for sharing.


  6. Hi John, I couldn’t resist to come over an add my two cents here on how to retire with bugger all money. As it is scary for many folks. Little do many seniors with a lifetime of experience know how they can turn what they care for the most in term of passion and knowledge into an income. 4 and a half billion people are online and growing and they all want to know stuff, and all want to know about what they are buying and much more. Thanks for leading me to a golden opportunity:)

    Forever Grateful


    • Thanks for visiting my website and for taking the time to comment on this post Ropata. Your views are most welcome.

      I am glad that you found this article Interesting and useful and I wish you the very best.

      Have a great day,


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