The Google Free Keyword Research Tool – Is it That Good?
Did you know that Google has a very powerful keyword research tool and that you can use it at will … for FREE? Although it is not the only reliable keyword research tool out there, Google is free to use.
However, every experienced content writers will agree with me that one must not depend only on one keyword research tool to do a great work.
Personally I use at least two of the most powerful, one being Google of course, and the other one is Jaaxy. If you are not familiar with Jaaxy, you can read all about it here ~~> “What Is The Best Free Keyword Research Tool – Introducing Jaaxy“.
To show you how I proceed to obtain the best keywords for my content, using only these two keyword research tools, I will give some examples based on an experiment I made several months ago …
My Experiment With Google Free Keyword Research Tool and Jaaxy:
You may have heard that you must allow an article to mature for 8 to 9 months before it ranks well on Google, right?. Of course, you can rank for your target keyword in a day, which is basically all you need to do.
However, over time you will rank for more and more keywords, assuming that the page has not been drastically changed. Basically, your goal in the beginning was to get high rankings for just one keyword.
That said, however, it will eventually turn out that your ONE article ranks for a large number of different keywords.
Once you determine that the article’s true potential is 8 to 9 months in the search engines, realistically give it time. The only way to know whether an article was a success or a failure is after it has been published.
Using two different methods of keyword research for each article is my personal preference, the free tool offered by Google, and Jaaxy, which also has a free option and is one of the best on the market, and extremely reliable.
So, Here is My Experiment Based on Two Different Articles …
On April 8th, 2021, the first article was written and published.
The second article was published on May 8th 2021, after having been written and revised on May 7th 2021.
My goal was to verify all the data on December 8th, 2021, and to provide everyone with the information.
In this plan, one article was published 8 months prior to the other.
Of course, as usual, I became overzealous, riled up, and succumbed to overly premature expectations.
To that end, it must be stated that even after only having been active for 7 and 8 months, the results are clear for all to see.
Article #1
So, on April 8th, 2021, the first article was published.
The Jaaxy article stats on that particular date was …

Because you can see, the predicted traffic volume for the keyword is substantial.
In theory, though, the QSR and SEO are a better fit.
I believed that the domain name was just 11 months old at the time of writing the article.
However, for just over three months, I left this website unattended.
In reality, the website was actually not launched until early September, 2020.
It had been over seven months since I began working on the website by the time article one was published.
Furthermore, the website had 153 published articles at the time.
So therefore, you are going to suspect that you may be able to target a keyword with a QSR of 100 and an SEO score of around 90.
This is a “generic” term that appears in my niche.
As far as WA (Wealthy Affiliate) members’ websites are concerned, the most common keywords to focus on are those that would appear on their homepages.
On its own, it means nothing; however, it can be within a sentence to enhance the overall meaning.
In various niches, examples of “generic” keywords include:
- A List of Dog Grooming Tips
- Foods to Help You Lose Weight
- Making Money Online From Home
People typically focus on these keywords.
My first article contained 2,112 words and I utilized an SEO plugin, like Yoast SEO, to ensure that it scored 100/100.
It is correct to state that, if you use a tool like SEO Plug, you can get a perfect score as I described in my review of the Yoast SEO plugin.
Article #2
May 8th, 2021 occurred exactly one month after the first article was released.
These are the Jaaxy statistics …

Clearly, this makes terrible reading.
Although the first article is more creative, the QSR for this one is better.
Quoted Search Results is simply referred to as QSR. It refers to the exact number of other websites who have used the exact keyword, along with the exact same terms, in the exact same order.
Everything else is worse, however.
Perhaps most noticeably, Jaaxy informs me that there are not even 10 search queries a month for this keyword.
Article number two was about keyword research question phrasing.
Usually, I enter a two-word search term and precede it with “why” in the Google search bar.
Then I started going through the alphabet, from A to Z, and inputting each letter one at a time, like we are learning in the Wealthy Affiliate training.
After Google autofill suggested specific search phrases that real people had used, Google would suggest those actual search terms.
And finally, after searching through endless Google suggestions, I found one that was actually a question.
“That will do me!” I thought. So I sat down and started writing the article.
The second article had 1,369 words. This time I didn’t use any of the SEO plugins because I didn’t feel like it.
Essentially, I removed the metadata-related title, metadata-related description, and focused on nothing.
As you can imagine, I had a low SEO score.
Here are a Few Words on Traffic and Monetization …
Of course you know about Google – I’m a huge fan.
Now, as time goes on, you will learn that there are over 1,000 different ways to attract traffic to your website, and you can also make money through online advertising.

The approach that works best for me is to produce a multitude of information-oriented content.
I earn money through premium display ad networks because it is my preferred method and it is fun.
Getting a lot of organic traffic (especially from Google) along with “premium” country traffic means this method works wonderfully (their choice, not mine).
My approach to monetization works extremely well in this way.
On average, the websites I own have at least 95% organic traffic.
Of the organic traffic that comes from it, 97% is from Google.
About 60 to 70% of organic traffic originates in the USA.
Moreover, approximately another 10 to 15% of traffic originates from the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
I have found the most ideal numbers to promote via premium ad networks …
- It should be noted, however, that Ezoic is currently supported by 10,000 monthly visitors.
- You need to have 50,000 unique visitors to qualify for Mediavine each month.
- The number of visitors Adthrive needs per month is 100,000.
However, as my traffic is mainly organic and comes from “premium” countries, I’m confident that the earnings potential for each of these advertising networks is impressive.
It’s quite simple; I can easily earn $35 to $45 per month per 1,000 visitors. Not much your would say, right? But see my next comment …
My ultimate goal is to see this website obtain 500,000 monthly views by the end of 2022 (it’s up to you to work out the numbers to see how much money I will be making from it in just about a year from now).
I should add that the website has affiliate reviews, and is also a money-making site on a daily basis (this is not to boast, but just to show you what is possible)
Results – Article #1
After six months, has article #1 produced any noteworthy results?
In all fairness, it should be noted that the articles mentioned here didn’t have anywhere near the “vital” eight to nine months to “mature.”
There is no reason to believe that the outcomes cannot or should not improve (or in some cases, be worse).
Using this Google Search Console report to check the performance of article #1 (in this case, article number 2,112 words, 100/100 SEO Score, and better rankings in the SERP).

Well, that’s not ideal. In reality, it is awful!
No one has ever read this article, as far as I can see.
In 6 months, I have only appeared in the search results 121 times. For those 38 keywords, my average position is 57.8.
The main keyword for my ranking is in fact my highest-ranking keyword.
Jaaxy told me that the keyword received over 7,000 searches a month, but I only received one impression.
At best, this article is a flop!
Results – Article #2
Article #2 – was only around 1,369 words in length, remember? As opposed to article #1 which was a lot longer at 2,112 words. SEO plugin score was essentially non-existent, Jaaxy told me there is no traffic (so most users would ignore this article and move on).
Now I will Google Search Console it to learn about the month-to-month numbers …
First Month …

Second Month …

Third Month …

Fourth Month …

Month 5 is Not Even Over Yet …
That is to say, I have five days left before the month end report. For this analysis, I have only used data from the last 25 days.

Let’s see how many readers have arrived so far: over 500 people.
Right now, it is averaging about 30 to 40 unique visitors every day.
At a guess, the article will have seen about 650 to 700 readers by the end of month 5.
Also, it has not yet “matured” fully in the search engines after 8 to 9 months!
This confirms that article number two gets 1,000 or more monthly visitors.
Why Is This Happening?
The next thing you should know is that your mind has been blown away, right?
Thus, so far, the article that should have been a success is in fact a complete failure as it was supposed to bring in lots of traffic.
And the article that should be completely without effect is on the rise!
The answer is really quite simple …
The most important thing you must do when conducting keyword research is to check your competition on page one of Google.
If you don’t follow through, you’ve completely wasted your time.
As I often say when it comes to doing a keyword research: “This is not Terminator” and “Do not allow machines to control you”.
Yet, I see it constantly.
Okay, Jaaxy is without any doubt, one of the best keyword research tools, and it has informed me that I have discovered a fantastic keyword, so naturally I’ll rank well, etc.
So, since my SEO plugin tells me I have a perfect score, it’s safe to assume that I’ll rank well.
That’s wrong, that’s double wrong, that’s triple wrong!!
I have already discussed my favorite SEO plugin (Yoast SEO) in a previous product review.
While most people may know that, at this point, I have done all my keyword research on Google Autosuggest, they are still unsure why I use it instead of search engines.
I’m not knocking off Jaaxy, or any other keyword research tools, I’m merely acknowledging that one can get too dependent on the figures that some applications are returning; perhaps because it is easier that way.
If so, you are simply allowing a machine (or piece of software) to control you. It is critical that you include the human element in keyword research and writing.
Google Free Keyword Research Tool or Jaaxy? … or Both?

You can take Jaaxy‘s word for it when it says that you have identified a great keyword, but please, do yourself a favor and check the first page of Google for your competition.
I’ve spoken on many occasions about how I always look for USER-GENERATED CONTENT on the very first page of a platform such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
Basically, non-niche authority websites do not make up search results. Absolutely, with the exception of Facebook, Quora, and Reddit which are all regarded as authority sites.
This explains why USER GENERATED websites are less prominent than well-written articles around the same “keyword” or “topic.
Even though Jaaxy reports that my most common Google Autosuggest keywords receive little traffic, I will say that a majority of the keywords for which I provide Autosuggest for have zero visitors.
The fact that there isn’t much traffic does not mean that there isn’t any.
It might simply mean that Jaaxy doesn’t have enough data to form an opinion on the the keyword that you are planning to use.
While Google Autosuggest are real queries that real people are typing into Google’s search bar, they are not necessarily the exact queries people are typing in.
Also, Jaaxy informs us that there are no competitors and no traffic, which means you’ll likely rank very well for your Google Autosuggest results quickly.
It can take under 24 hours for an article to rank in the number one spot or feature in a snippet.
What’s The Significance of This?
Authority is now established!
Google looks at your article which has no competition, no traffic, and says, “Ooh, I’ve got this article on the first page for this search term, therefore, it must be a good article, which satisfies searcher intent, and answers the question that searchers want to know. I’ll try to rank it with some other keywords as well!“.
As seen in the statistics listed above, this is what typically happens with my second article.
Also, it is possible, but not entirely sure, that I ranked in the top 5 for the “focus keyword” for article #2.
As a result, I received a little bit of traffic.
Due to this, the following month, I was found in related keyword results, resulting in an increase in traffic.
Since Google has ranked me for even more related keywords, I’m getting even more traffic in the month following that.
So the cycle keeps going forward.
You should know what the difference is between article #1 and article #2 …
For the first article, I did not check to see if anyone else was publishing an article on the same topic. There were no other statistics to rely on, so all I had to go on with was what Jaaxy suggested.
My Conclusion in Using the Free Google Keyword Research Tool and Jaaxy …
So many of you come to me because you are not sure which keyword research tool you should go for; or if you can trust a free tool like Google, or a paid one like Jaaxy (which you can try for free as well). As keyword research is not the easiest thing to do, it is why so many of you have come to me asking why you aren’t getting any traffic. So, let me repeat it again …
Jaaxy is not wrong, it is not that Jaaxy does not work, it is simply that you are not checking the competition on the first page.
You can try Jaaxy and see for yourself. Just enter a keyword or keyphrase in the space below and see what you come up with …
Jaaxy has a QSR of 10, which means that it is the 10th biggest authority website in the world. It is almost impossible to overtake them, no matter how big or small you are.
What I’m saying is (sorry for the repetition): Always be sure to look for competitors on the first page of the results (and trust in Google Autosuggest, which is a real goldmine, believe me! ).
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After reading this blog post, a few ideas might begin to spark through your mind and motivate you to start writing and earn a lot for it. So, if you enjoyed this article please share it socially and leave a comment below, I will highly appreciate it!
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Hello there! Thanks for taking out time to put out this article!. It is thorough. I totally agree with you on this. Yes, Jaaxy is great for it’s ease of use,accuracy of data and speed but being able to use Google data mixed with Jaaxy, has produced exceptionally accurate data that I have not seen before
Thanks for your comment Vanabell, and for sharing your experience with keyword research. Yes indeed, with Jaaxy and the free Google keyword research tools there is nothing more that you need to find the best keywords for you content.
I wish you the very best for your online projects.
Stay safe, healthy and happy,