How To Make Money As An Affiliate Marketer
My purpose for writing this article is to offer you an outline of how to make money as an affiliate marketer. You will then be able draw your own educated conclusion on how you want to kick start your affiliate marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is really my field of expertise as I joined my first affiliate program back in 2001. At that time there was not much available in the form of training. But that really didn’t matter very much as the competition was not as fierce as it is today.
But anyway, Affiliate Marketing proves to this date to be the easiest, cheapest and most lucrative activity to be involved in. At the time of writing this blog post, I am making a very comfortable residual income from home from several of my affiliate businesses.
However, my favorite which is very much suitable for a beginner is …
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So, let us continue …
How to make money as an Affiliate Marketer …
Habitually, I can classify the various ways of earning money with Affiliate Marketing into 3 basic groups:
…and, we are going to talk about these 3 approaches here:
First approach – The direct promotion
The first approach to make money with affiliate marketing is by promoting the service or product directly.
Usually, most beginners are taught to search for a great product from the ClickBank market place; create an advert for it and advertise, or share it on social media to get traffic and sales. It is also recommended that you find a serious seller on Fiverr who can do an excellent job for you.
Or, if it is a business opportunity, one may simply advertise the affiliate link to get traffic and referrals.
This technique looks very simple, especially among the newbies. I have discussed it with a number of business people who agreed that this was their preferred method because the income is quick. Also they don’t have to worry about customer care and website maintenance.
This may be the easiest way to start making money with affiliate marketing. But if you asked me, I would advise you to put in a bit more work and gain more sales.
If you are a regular reader of my articles, you will know that I am not a quick money supporter. My goal has always been in favor of building up a relationship.
If you really want long term prosperity, you need to spend a lot of your time building something. Whether it is building a list, a network, a website or an association. What doesn’t strike me about the direct promotion method is that you are transferring your hard earned traffic away; without taking the time to build anything long term for yourself.
Then, there is an issue with that, that didn’t exist a couple of years ago:
You see, I have been promoting my affiliate programs very successfully on Twitter (and other social platforms) ever since it came available, back in March 2006. It was very easy to post a few words and my affiliate link, and I made a lot of money that way.
But things have changed and little by little, Twitter became aware of the fact that their platform was becoming littered with scam opportunities.
Then, they also thought that perhaps they could charge advertisers to post their affiliate links on their home page, instead of letting them use their platform to do it for free.
So, they progressively chased away affiliate marketers who were sharing their businesses unless they bought advertising space, which is needless to say, very expensive!
How did they do that? …
Simply by refusing to show some of your adverts for the reason that it is not safe for their viewers. Or even better, they just suspend or delete your Twitter account. Did this happen to you?
Well, it happened to me several times, and even very recently …

Of course I have appealed and with time they might unsuspend it, but it is not a guarantee, and it might take a long time. So, as I said earlier, this approach is not reliable anymore. Instead, I would rather recommend the second and / or the third approach which are explained below.
Update: Twitter has un-suspended two of my major accounts. The one above mentioned and another major one. I have now appealed for a third one and I am still waiting for their decision.
Update November, 3rd, 2019
Second approach – Building a list
A more profitable and smarter replacement to the first approach is to build your list at the same time or separately. So, instead of sending YOUR traffic straight to your affiliate site, you use your own marketing efforts in building a list FIRST, then promote other affiliated products LATER.
You can learn more about building a list here: How To Build Your Email Marketing List?
The client list is often overlooked in companies and the self-employed. Yet, it should be the central part for the growth of your business. So, it is very important to learn how to create a customer file and why this valuable database can boost your business results.
It serves as a base (which you can import into different software packages) to improve the performance of your business. By gathering accurate data from your customers or prospects, you can refine your offers, build customer loyalty and define behavioral trends. For best results, you must have a client file that is updated regularly.
"How To Make Money As An Affiliate Marketer" – A FREE Guide – Click Here To Share! Share on XKnow your customers better
A customer is not just an e-mail and a name. Your file will be there to gather all the necessary information on a client, to achieve your goals.
The data will be used to personalize your messages with a name or a first name, or to personalize your offers according to their needs, their budget and purchase path. Working with a file makes it possible not to work simply by feel.
Remember that it is of most important to remember that a prospect is a real person with a personality, taste of their own and feelings. The more you treat them as humans, the more chances you will have to make a sale, and have a return customer.
Keep your customers loyal
Knowing your client well also helps to build loyalty.
Depending on the information collected, you may, for example, regularly offer additional products or services; additional discounts or gifts to activate a subscription again.
It is 5 times cheaper than finding new customers
Making more sales or reducing your un-subscription rate with your existing customers is a good way to get the most out of building your list.
It is easier to make a sale with someone who has bought from you already by maintaining the communication flow active than to gain the confidence of a new prospect.
There are many variances to this system
The most common strategy is to create a squeeze page, give away some valuable freebies to attract people to opt-in.
An approach that I have been using for years, which works extremely well. It is to offer the free eBook which you can see on the image on the side.
It is totally un-intrusive and very informative. Click on the image to get it yourself.
An even smarter strategy is to create a product of your own, in your niche, then devise a massive launch around it, get other distributors to promote it for you, and you will promptly build a huge list that you can use at your convenience.
This will take a lot more time to set up such as compared to the first approach but you will be building yourself a list and a reputation in your niche. You can then build upon any success you have set for yourself and make more sales later. This a very popular method of how to make money as an affiliate marketer.
But there is one significant downside to this approach.
Apart from your free gift or product, there is nothing much to show on your website. Once your visitors have got what they wanted, chances are very slim that they will come back to your website again at a later stage, on their own.
The only way you may be able to keep a relationship with them is certainly by means of a newsletter. For example, a regular newsletter teaching your readers how to make money as an affiliate marketer.
Third approach – Create a useful website
Now, the third way to make money with affiliate marketing is to build a useful website around your niche.
The easiest and most common way is to start a blog. You could build a list and then start a blog to update your list with useful tips and advise, promoting affiliate products at the same time.
Also, you could create a “service site” that provides useful online tools that people in your niche could use. This will seduce them to return to your website over and over.
One of my favorite methods is to create a content website or blog and post useful articles on a regular basis and in a particular niche. These quality articles will help me receive free and organic traffic from the search engines. The website will have several good products that I recommend and, of course, they will be products or services you are affiliated to.
For example, the blog post that you are reading now is posted on a blog that I have created. It is intended to educate my readers and show them how they could do the same and make money from it …
How to make money as an Affiliate Marketer
The inconvenience of this approach is, as you might have guessed, the time and effort needed to create and (for some) to regularly add quality content to the sites. But the benefits are evident. Once the initial traffic is created, you will most likely see endless traffic to your website and, as a reward, a steady affiliate income to your account.
Although this third way is my favorite way of making money with affiliate marketing, it may not be the best way for you. We know of many success stories in each of these approaches. You will have to test the different techniques to see which one you are most comfortable with.
I hope that this discussion will give you an idea of how to make money as an Affiliate Marketer.
If you wish to learn more about starting your own online business from home, click on the banner below …
You might also like to read the below articles that I have selected for you:
- How To Create A Niche Website ?
- Where To Find Ideas To Write About In A Blog
- Why Is Self Motivation Important – Believe In Yourself
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And now it’s your turn! Are you …
Ready to make money in Affiliate Marketing?

Now that you know how to make money as an Affiliate Marketer, if you have any experience on the subject, we would love to hear from you. And, if you have any questions, please use the box below and I will respond as soon as possible. If you enjoyed this article please share it socially and leave a comment below, I will highly appreciate it!
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Hi John, your article reminds me the first days when I had learned about affiliate marketing. I was posting my links all over the Twitter but without any success.
I was doing that for three months every day and I did not have one sale.
After that, I made my research and I learned that I should build a website. Everything works better now. I have some traffic and sales.
I have not tried to build a list without a website but I would like to test it in the future to see how it converts.
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks very much for being a regular visitor to my website Ilias. You are quite right, years ago I created several Twitter accounts, built them up manually with selected follower and “cleaned” my lists regularly to have only real and active followers. It did work to promote affiliate programs and make money that way, but it doesn’t anymore. We now need to have our own niche website or blog, and find the right affiliate program to promote.
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the place to be in order to learn all that from A to Z.
Your website is excellent and you have loads of interesting information.
Best wishes of success in your online venture.
John ツ
This is power and very helpful! thank you for a Great Post!
Thanks for your comment Yunus. Please make sure to bookmark this blog for regular up to date articles
Best wishes of success with your online venture.
John ツ
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely consider some of the ideas you have, and hopefully it will lead me to more sales in the future.
Thanks for your regular visits to my website Kay and I am glad that you enjoy my articles.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here so that we can all benefit from the answers from my readers.
Best wishes,
John ツ
Thank you for great post. I read you articles and found them really helpful especially for beginners looking for help.
I got here looking for guidance as well, was searching articles on affiliate marketing and ended up here. As a new blogger i am grateful for all the information i got and can get.
I am trying to make some money from blogging as well but the competition is on rise and it is tough just working with adsense alone.
Hope you can help me with some relevant question, i would like to ask you about affiliate programs, you even mentioned and discussed some a little too.
Thing is I want to integrate with this monetizing method too but i am having some hard time choosing an program that suits my need.
There are so many out there in the market but so many different policies and rules, some do not accept new comers and some are just too complex to work with as starter.
My content is based on multi niches products and that being that i need multiple niche product feed too so if you can suggest me something that would be great I will really appreciate it.
Thanks very much for visiting my website and for your comment. I am glad that your are finding my articles interesting that useful. Your questions are rather broad and requires a lot of answers. So I am pointing you to a couple of sites where you will find all the help you need for your business:
– Wealthy Affiliate
– Internet Marketing course (free)
I wish you the very best,
Wait, Twitter goes after you if you post affiliate links??? Hmmm, I’ve been tweeting affiliate links here and there for the last week or two ever since I made my first Twitter account for promoting my affiliate websites. Should I go back through and try to edit them if I can or delete them or just roll with it? Thanks for any advice on this, appreciate it.
Don’t panic Sean, what I mean is that if you Tweet too many affiliate links and too often, and do not engage in conversations, or responding to your messages, Twitter will flag you are a spammer. The Internet guru Neil Patel suggests that you can Tweet 5 to 20 times a day, but for better engagement, restrict yourself to 1 – 5 Tweets a day. This also means that all your tweets must not contain affiliate links. You can space them will tips about your niche, reTweets of other users’ tweets, etc.
There is no point hiding an affiliate link using a link shortener or by cloaking it as Twitter will detect that anyway, and your followers will immediately know that you are hiding an affiliate link.
And finally, space your Tweets over the 24 hours of the day, don’t just Tweet 10 messages one after the other and that’s it for the day, okay?
Hope this clarifies the misunderstanding Sean.
Happy Tweeting!
There is some great information and I must say motivation in your article.
I like that you are pointing out some of the pitfalls of affiliate marketing such as your issues with your Twitter accounts. I have to say I don’t yet have a huge following on Twitter, I am still building it up but I am now wary of using it so much. There are other options for marketing and it’s good to use as many as possible so as not to have all your eggs in one basket so to speak.
Thankyou for all the sound advice.
Thanks for your comment Louise. To clarify a little bit, I am inviting you to read my answer to Sean (riverdoog) below so that you will understand better what I mean by not overdoing it with affiliate links on Twitter.
Let me know if you have any questions and I wish you the very best,
Thanks for sharing and I wish you the very best.
Hello there! Thank you very much for sharing this review. I have gone through it and I must say I really did enjoy going through the review and I must say I really did enjoy it. Online jobs is the order of these days and seeing that you can make money from affiliate marketing is really nice. I already got myself in affiliate marketing and the best one for me right now is wealthy affiliate. To me, that’s the best platform because I don’t only earn from there, I learn also. But I’ll like to know, are there other affiliate marketing programs better than wealthy affiliate?
Hi Sophie,
Thanks very much for reading my tutorial and for taking the time to share your views. I am happy to know that you are also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I am glad that you find it to be the best, and you are right to believe it as it is the best affiliate program out there, for newbies as well as for seasoned affiliate marketers.
I wish you the very best for your online project Sophie.
Take care of yourself, stay safe and healthy,
From my research making money as affiliate marketing is real have the necessary information and knowledge, there are many ways of making money in affiliate marketing you can be marketing a particular products for a company, you can be affiliate marketer by creating websites and make money in different way.
Thank you.
You are quite right Aluko and thanks for sharing your views once again on this website, it is very much appreciated. I wish you the very best for your online projects.
Stay safe and healthy,