What is the Affiliate Millionaire Club About? – Scam or Legit?
Welcome to latest edition of “What is the Affiliate Millionaire Club About?” review!
Let me, first of all, welcome you on my website after doing your research before getting involved in some money making opportunity which at first sight has nothing showing that it could be a scam.
My regular readers will know that when I research a product, a service, or a money making opportunity, nothing gets missed. I spend hours and days to do my research. I interview users and even buy the product in order to immerse myself completely into it.
So, once the review is posted on this website, you can be sure that you know what you can expect if you decide to go for it. My duty as a blogger is the same as for a journalist … to write the truth in order to help the Internet users make the right choice.
Therefore, I am here to tell you all that I know about the Affiliate Millionaire Club in total honesty. So, I am going to expose in this review, the 7 frightening realities that I came across while researching this product.
As usual, I will not fail to produce unquestionable proofs to backup my statements.
I will do everything that I can to make your visit worthwhile. However, don’t feel obliged to read this report to the end, but before you leave, make sure to sign up for my FREE Internet Marketing Course by clicking on the banner below …
Okay then, let us begin …
The Affiliate Millionaire Club review
Affiliate Millionaire Club Review Summary:
- Product’s Name: Affiliate Millionaire Club
- Founded by: Originally launched in 2014 by Ahmed & Mo
- Product Model: Affiliate Site Builder and Training
- Cost: $47
- Works best For: The owners and perhaps Affiliate Marketing newbies
A brief summary: Affiliate Millionaire Club is a below average affiliate site builder. It includes genuine but the most basic training possible. Which is definitely not enough for the subscriber to become anywhere near successful in affiliate marketing.
- How do It it?: 30/100
- Do I recommend it?: No
There is much better than that, I can promise you …
Affiliate Millionaire Club, what is it?
According to what they are saying …
“Affiliate Millionaire Club is a Revolutionary Software that builds custom websites around a particular product a customer chooses from our Private Marketplace. We have hand selected only the best products across all niches to ensure high conversion rates and low refunds for our users. This is by far the easiest, best and most newbie (but also advanced) affiliate site builder on the market today!”
The creators of Affiliate Millionaire Club
In a few words: It is a software which in theory should help you create websites that makes money through affiliate marketing.
Basically that’s it. But let us find out how this Mo, one of the founders of this program, is hoping to trick us with all his unrealistic (and fake) income proofs. Watch their sales pitch video below and let me know what you make of it in the comments’ section at the bottom of this review:
Mo, the co-founder of Affiliate Millionaire Club certifies that his earnings have been in the millions of dollars between 2011 and today.
I am quite sure that it is true, but the question is: How much his affiliates have made during that time?
At the very start of this sales video, Mo is saying he has created an affiliate website “just for YOU” (the affiliate) and with it, you will be able to make money simply by viewing his presentation. Quick, where do I sign up?
But wait, the proof is coming!
Here it is … Then he produces some kind of proof that you have just earned $53 with the famous website that he has created just for you. And of course, you had nothing to do to earn that $53:

Can you seriously believe this? … Yes? Then I suggest that you join this opportunity immediately, because you will never find one like that in million years.
I know that the Internet community is very generous, but still, why would a complete stranger build a website for you and let you earn that kind of money before you doing and paying in anything? Am I missing something?
And, that’s not all …
This Mo chap went on to display loads of phony proofs of income; false success stories; and even fanciful income claims.
Example: He went on saying that it is his duty to do all the complicated work and the tough jobs for you. Really, who does he think we are? This is the exact sales pitch I see over and over during my reviews. Typical of a scam program. Heard it before? … “I do all the work and you collect all the money!“
So, this guy says that he will make it easy for you, okay? All you have to do is to produce your one single payment of $47; give him your personal details; go and make yourself a nice cup of coffee (or tea); and by the time you come back the money will be coming in.
And that’s not all: He is also saying that you could start earning $1,200 each and every day … starting as early as on the day that you signed up. I am starting to love this guy!

If you can believe this, then you can believe anything!
If you really are serious about earning an income online, part time or full time, stop running after the “shiny object”! Save your efforts to invest in a genuine system.
Let’s be honest here, to create an income online is not as easy as these guys want you to believe. Although dreams do come true, I have my doubts about finding this magic push button that will pour cash straight into my bank account.
Mo even claims that he will pay for all the running costs. Which includes the domain name, web hosting, all the marketing expenses, etc. and for only a one-time charge of $47!
Can this really be true? Let us see how he explains that …
The inside of Affiliate Millionaire Club
1 – A cookie cutter style website builder
To begin with, Affiliate Millionaire Club’s leading value proposition is their website builder.
You have nothing else to do but to:
- Select the products you wish to promote
- Choose a domain name that is available
- Plug in your unique affiliate link
And then, the software is going to help you create your website literally within minutes.
The only, but not least, problem with it is that these website are totally cloned. That is to say that there are already thousands of identical websites out there. And many of them are selling the same stuff you want to sell.

This is why we call it a “Cookie Cutter website“.
Remember when your Granny used to bake cookies for Christmas? They were all exactly of the same shape and size. You thought she was a clever artist, but no, not really, she was simply using a cookie cutter! Disappointed?
Of course, you will have your own website displaying the products of your choice; with your own affiliate links in it so that you can make money. But it is not going to be unique and Google will definitely not like that.
2 – Then the training
Contrary to what I was expecting, they are in fact offering some training. I was somewhat confused because Mo was saying in his video (above) that you didn’t need anything else to do but to plugin the system and sit back to watch the money to pour in.
The training is available in two formats … downloadable .PDFs and videos.
Here is a quick overview of the provided training:
- Affiliate Marketing and Sales Training
- Building your email list
- Google AdSense techniques
- Some motivational and self-help material
- Social media marketing
- Traffic and SEO tips
When I got into the Affiliate Millionaire Club’ training modules, what surprised me was that it completely contradicted what Mo is saying in his video.
What I mean is that Mo makes it look like Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), building a mailing list, etc. is very easy. While in reality, all these components require A HUGE amount of work; time and effort for the whole system to work.
Okay, what it true is that Mo can basically build a website with you. But he definitely cannot carry out all the rest other for you. If he could, what would be the point of hiring affiliates and paying them a commission doing nothing?
Then, another thing that I noticed is that the training is REALLY BASIC!
If I take for example any of the PDF lessons: they only consist of several pages with some very concise contents which by experience, I know that it is quite impossible for any newbie to learn how to seriously begin to make money.
What affiliate products are there to promote?
As we learned earlier, the first thing that you are asked to do is to pick a category of products within a predefined list. So, let’s what is this list about.
Here is the list of these products to choose from:
- Arts and Entertainments
- Betting Methods – like soccer, poker, sweepstake, etc.
- Computers and Internet
- eBusiness and eMarketing – like Affiliate Marketing products
- Gaming, games
- Health and Fitness – Addictions, Diets and Weight Loss, Yoga, etc…
- Home and Garden

Doing my research I discovered that ALL of these products are digital products sold on ClickBank.
And, if you are a user of ClickBank, you will immediately notice that these categories are very similar because they were directly copied from the ClickBank products categories listing.
What caught my attention was that I recognised some products that I have previously reviewed on my website.
Just to name a couple: the Copy Paste Income program by Ewen Chia which is simply a scam. The Income League program by Jamie Lewis and Matthew Neer, which I noted as acceptable.
Before we get to the really ugly truths of the Affiliate Millionaire Club, I invite you to join my FREE Internet Marketing Training Classes below …
Done it? Great, let’s continue then …
The nasty truths I discovered …
Having been marketing online since the past 18 years or so, trust me, I can smell a rat when there is one. Being part of many opportunities also helps me to quickly find scammy stuff.
So, here comes what I like most doing when researching a product or service for my reviews …
I found 7 ugly, but hilarious, facts about the Affiliate Millionaire Club. And to what extent they go to scam the Internet users. Ready? Here they are …
1 – FAKE Testimonials
What’s coming is no surprise to me as very often, fake testimonials are produced by freelancers, usually from Fiverr. So, it is very easy for Mo, at Affiliate Millionaire Club, or any scam programs, to hire the services of professional actors (called spokespersons) from Fiverr to create some fake testimonials for a few dollars.
Here is one …

And, here is another one …

I know these guys quite well as I have been a buyer and seller on Fiverr since January 2011. In fact, I have done business with them on several occasions. I must say, they are good at what they do.
Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily know that their work is going to be used in a scam program. All they know is that they were hired to use their skills and make a living out of it.
Now, we are going to get into some more serious stuff … the full on FAKE success stories!
2 – Some FAKE Success Stories
Not only that Mo displayed some purchased testimonials, but he also posted several success stories with people borrowed from stock photos websites:

For example: This Tom Williams from Clearanceville, TX claims that he earned $1,330 in a day from the Affiliate Millionaire Club affiliate commissions. But, as you can see above, I found this chap’s photo among Pixabay’s stock photos.
And, there are many more like that …

And this one is stock photo taken from a platform named DepositPhotos!
Then to add more credibility, Mo even goes as far as posting income proofs (FAKE of course). Let’s see what they are …
3 – FAKE Income Proofs
Let me ask you a question: If I showed you a bank account balance, what do you think it would prove?
Well let me tell you … NOTHING!
Why? Because showing a large bank account balance doesn’t tell where the money came from. Was it from the Affiliate Millionaire Club program? Or did it come from some other affiliate program? Or again, from the sale of a property? Who knows?
Even better, it may not be YOUR bank account statement as for security reasons you would have obviously blurred the owner’s name and number before posting it, right? Or, to look even more real, anyone can Photoshop a name and account number into it.
You can find these bank account statements all over Google images nowadays, and scammers use them left and right.
Now, have a look at the two bank statement images below. Do they prove anything to you? Do they turn you on and make you want to join this program immediately? Personally, such huge amounts put me off instantly.

Also, when having a close look at these images, you can see that the font size and even the font itself is not actually what these banks are using.
If you have an account with PayPal and / or Bank of America, you can easily compare and understand what I mean. So, all that has been cleverly Photoshopped.
Honestly, I would prefer a more reasonable proof of earning even if at the back of my mind I know that it is not totally true, but at least, more achievable.
Wouldn’t you prefer to click on a banner like the one below?
Another hint: PayPal would not be using the word “Money” to designate the user’s account balance. Instead it uses the words “PayPal balance”.
4 – Traffic is needed to do business
One thing is to have an affiliate website up and running, but there is a huge gap between this making sales. You definitely won’t make a red cent if you don’t have a clue as how to get good quality traffic coming to your website.
Being a professional Affiliate Marketer myself, I can assure you that the claims made by Mo in his video are totally misleading.
At least, there is some basic but logical training on how to generate traffic in the member’s back office.
But to be honest with you, it is far from being enough training for a newbie to achieve any kind of proper results.
If you are new to Affiliate Marketing and want to join this program, I won’t say that you are wasting your time and money, but you will need to find yourself more in depth training in order to earn any money with the Affiliate Millionaire Club program.
5 – Misleading sales methods
The moment you see the sales page, if you are used to see the techniques that are normally in use, you will quickly spot that those used by the Affiliate Millionaire Club are rather fake. Such as …
- Overhyped headline
- Using fake scarcity (Only 02 Daily Membership Slots Still Available)
- Fake Recent Customers

These sorts of tactics are commonly used by scammer to scam unsuspecting and innocent people out there and grab their money.
6 – Adverts all over the place
When you enter your member’s area, you will see a lot of totally unrelated advertisements and banners all over the place.
These adverts and banners are encrypted with Mo’s affiliate ID. Do you know what this means?
If you are new to Internet / Affiliate Marketing, you probably will not know what that means, so let me explain that in just a few words …
It simply means that Mo will be making some affiliate commissions whenever someone sees your website (that you paid $47 for), click on one of the adverts and buys something. Clever isn’t it?
So let’s recapitulate here: You pay $47 to have a good looking website prepopulated with adverts and banners. Then you spend hundreds of dollars and gazillion of hours to promote it. And this nice chap seats back to see HIS money rolling in.
7 – Subdomain website
And to finish it up nicely, remember that Mo was saying that he would take care of all the costs in regards to the website? Well that sounded a bit strange to me. So after a closer look at the situation it turns out to be not totally true.
I don’t know if you have created a website before, if yes, then you know that the first thing that you had to do was to purchase your own domain name, right?
At Wealthy Affiliate, which is the Affiliate Marketing platform I highly recommend if you really want to learn how to make some serious money part time or full time, it costs just about $15 for a whole year.
If anyone claims that you will have a website of your OWN, and for FREE, he or she is simply lying to you!
You can only have a free website if it is hosted as a “subdomain”. That means that the site does not belong to you. So you were asked to pay $47 for your website which in reality is not yours! Clever isn’t it?
If you feel that you have read enough about all this scam nonsense, take a moment to have a quick look at …
But isn’t there anything good about Affiliate Millionaire Club?
I think that we have explored most of the nasty truths regarding Affiliate Millionaire Club. So let’s be fair and dig into what are the good bits about it.
First of all, I must tell you that I have nothing against Ahmed and Mo, the founders of Affiliate Millionaire Club. They seem to be some nice guys and I’ve heard a lot of good about them.
I have no intention to join their program. But it is only because I have more than enough irons in the fire, including Wealthy Affiliate. But I feel that, being an authentic kind of guy, it is my obligation to review the good side of this product so that you have a balanced picture of the whole thing to make your own decision. So then, let’s get going …
1 – Real people
As you know, I have reviewed so many scam opportunities and when I decided to have a look at the Affiliate Millionaire Club, I was prepared to waste some time researching the founders and to come out empty handed like it happens for most other scams.
Especially that I could see all the hype on the landing page and saw how misleading were, and most especially that Mo never showed his face anywhere, which to me is usually a bad sign.
But I was proven wrong when I discovered that Ahmed and Mo are in fact real people …

2 – It is also a legit business model
One more thing that this product has that is positive is that it is based on the most legit business model there is, which is Affiliate Marketing!
Also, all the marketing methods being taught within the coaching are also real. So to be honest I have to mention that as it is definitely a positive point.
However, my personal recommendation to you remains the same …
If you wish to learn all about making money with Affiliate Marketing, I can recommend only one school, and it is the free training and coaching at Wealthy Affiliate!
3 – The 60-day money-back-guarantee
And finally, they have a 60-day full refund guarantee policy, so that you can get a full refund should you realize that this isn’t really for you.
But I must warn you about today’s refund policies, as it has become habit from the buyers’ side to buy something without taking the time to study the conditions, knowing that there is a money-back-guarantee.
So, to counteract these dishonest practices, the merchant has a clause in place which they can easily use to deny a claim for refund. Therefore, you better read ALL the small prints before buying.
So, is Affiliate Millionaire Club a scam?
My verdict is definitely NO! Despite the first impression I had to start with. Considering all the hype on the landing page and video, the fake testimonials and proofs of income, etc., in total honesty, I cannot say that the Affiliate Millionaire Club is any close to a scam product.
Their program is based on a totally legit form of marketing, the Affiliate Marketing module, the training is there, although really insufficient to really work, and the creators of the system are real people using their own names.
But, there is still one thing that bugs me, it is why do they need to hire the services of actors on Fiverr? It would be obvious that if their product was so great, they would have enough people in their business who would be prepared to give some testimonials and share their success. What do you think?
If you take the case of Wealthy Affiliate for example, each and everyone of the testimonials, success stories and proofs of incomes are genuine, and they are thousands of them.
So my verdict regarding the Affiliate Millionaire Club is that it is just a low grade opportunity where one can learn the basics of Affiliate Marketing.
The training is not complete enough to teach you how to create a real income. And this is the reason why they need to depend on fake proofs of income and testimonials, that’s it.
How do I make a living off the Internet?
As I said a bit earlier, I have many irons in the fire. My main source of income is Affiliate Marketing. It is the easiest and safest way to earn some money online.
Take for example this website. This one alone earns me well over US$5,000 every single month, and I have several websites that brings equal amounts into my bank accounts.
Two years ago, I knew nothing about creating my own websites and making money out of them.
I meant to say also, that I left school at the age of 8 and my real language is not even English, it is French. But I learned thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and its unique Affiliate Marketing training and support.
So if this is something that you would like to do, join as a “Starter Member”, it is FREE for as long as you wish to remain at this level.
To find out all the details, click on the banner below and be amazed …

This is John saying Cheerio for now!

If you have any questions or ideas regarding Affiliate Marketing, or even if you know of a better way to make money from home, please do not hesitate to share your experience with us in the comments’ space below. You will always get a reply!
And again, if you wish to know more about my #1 recommendation, take a minute to read ~~> Easy Retirement Income!
Thanks for sharing such an important and informative post about the Affiliate Millionaire Club. By reading your post it is very clear to me that the affiliate millionaire club is a below average affiliate site builder. It includes genuine but the most basic training possible.Affiliate Millionaire Club is a Revolutionary Software that builds custom websites around a particular product a customer chooses from our Private Marketplace.I have read the full post. That’s why I agree with you that it is not a scam. It is absolutely legit.
Thanks again. I’ll definitely share this post with my friends and family.
Thanks so much Monalisha for reading my article from start to finish. I must admit, it is quite long but I had so much to say about this Affiliate Millionaire Club opportunity and didn’t want to miss any important information.
I am glad that you enjoyed it and I wish you the very best for all your online projects.
Have a great day,
For every online entrepreneur, I think the most they want out of a program is the step-by-step training. And this training needs to be of quality, not just anything you can find for free on the internet.
The sales video is very convincing, but if you know affiliate marketing, you will understand that it takes more than that. I don’t understand people who believe that by just clicking a button, money will be paid to them. This reads SCAM. No one will just do the work for you as you sit and expect money. Thank you for the ‘cookie cutter website’ reveal. I had no idea they existed.
Thank you for this informative review on Affiliate Millionaire Club.
Thanks for your comment Carol. You are absolutely right, there is no such thing as “we do the work for you and you get the money”. Unfortunately, too many people believe in that and newcomers to the Internet are the right targets for these scammers, so it still works for them.
That’s why scam reviews like this one are so important for those who want to make a honest living online so they can at least make the right decision.
I wish you the very best for your projects Carol.
Dear John,
Being a full-time Affiliate Marketer, Affiliate Millionaire Club got my interest and attention. As we all know there are many programs and products with low-quality, I prefer to check unbiased review posts before making my purchase decision.
Your thorough review gave me complete details about this product.
Nowadays, many products sales pages are full of hype and unrealistic claims. You have proved and provided valid information on why you are not recommending this product.
Fake testimony is a big red flag, and this tells you the remaining story.
For me, Affiliate Millionaire Club is a NO-NO. Thanks for your helpful review.
Much Success,
Thanks so much for being a regular reader of my blog posts Paul, and for confirming my scam review about the Affiliate Millionaire Club program. As you say, online users cannot be careful enough these days, but you, as an experienced affiliate marketer, you know very well what are the signs of a scam.
I wish you great success with your online projects and I look forward to seeing you here again soon.
At least Ahmed and Mo are real people, which is a nice change when you see these sorts of programs advertised.
Affiliate Millionaires Club is a clever concept because people are lazy to build their own websites, so they would rather have it all set up for them so they can sit back and earn. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds, as the search engines favor websites that are unique, so these websites may never be visited by users of search engines unless they purchase their traffic, which can be a bit expensive.
It is going to be a disappointing experience all round when people who buy into this see that it is not as easy as it looks to earn online.
Thanks for sharing your views on this program Michel. Yes, it is not usual for creators of such programs to display their real name, so at least it is a good sign. The point is that they supply just about everything except that you will have spend your own money to advertise it. Which in a few words means that they are using your money to advertise their program. Clever, isn’t it?
Well, I’m glad that you know of better ways to make a living online and I wish you the very best.
How can I tell when someone makes a honest review? When he says that the platform is not a scam but is not recommended because the reviewer knows that little or nothing cannot be made. There are quite a number of red flags here and that is what is used to get the attention of ignorant people. The fake testimonials and the fake income reports. That’s very bad for real people who own this site. At the very list, I hoped they will fake their identities too. Well, I’m glad you did this review. Thanks for doing this indept research.
Thanks for taking the time once more to comment on another of my scam or legit program reviews Henderson. I am glad to see returning readers on my website.
Of course, as you may know, the fact that these people are using fake testimonials is not a good sign but it might happen that they just launched their program and don’t have testimonials of their own yet, but still it is a risk if people like us who are constantly on the lookout for scammers and bring them out to the open, it could cost them their reputation even before they begin.
So, too bad for them, let it be a lesson to them that on the Internet it is absolutely necessary to be 100% honest and transparent if you want to have a long term business going on.
I wish the very best,
Thanks for revealing another scam program.
I also run a blog about making money online then the description of this website makes no sense at all!
The quality of the provided website is very low but they said that the profit occurs once they build the website.
It’s a lie.
To get enough organic traffic for profit, I had to wait for almost 6months while I was creating a good quality of content.
If you want to get profit, you had to get into hard work.
That’s the truth!
I also like your recommendation!
I heard about Wealthy Affiliate.
They are very famous for their good quality of training.
I hope I can also start affiliate marketing there.
Thanks for the good review 🙂
Thanks for backing up my review Shawn, you sure have what it takes to become a successful Internet marketer, and I hope that you are already.
I have been in Affiliate Marketing since 2001 and have seen it all, but I must admit that Wealthy Affiliate, as you say, is at the top of the best, for their transparency, training, support system, and all. Even if you are already working your own Affiliate programs, I highly recommend that you have a look at it Shawn, you will certainly improve your business hundred folds.
Let me know if you have any questions about it, okay?
Thanks a lot for this details explanation on Affiliate Millionaire Club review. It’s good to see that you have covered so much of what it offers. I’ve been thinking about joining this program – mainly because I saw their advertisement many times now. Lucky I’ve found your post here and it really opens my eyes about what is the Affiliate Millionaire Club all about.
Thanks a lot for taking your time and put all these together. I’m going to give Wealthy Affiliate a thought and maybe join for the free trial since I don’t have to spend any money and see for real what it has to offer.
Thanks very much for visiting my website Samm, and for taking the time to comment on my Affiliate Millionaire Club scam review. I am glad to know that my article saved you a few bucks and yes, you are better off joining Wealthy Affiliate as, first of all it is legit, then it is free to join as a starter member, which proves that they are not a bunch of people who will just grab your money and run.
They also have the state of the art step by step training, both written, video and webinar, plus the best support system I have ever seen.
I wish you the very best for your online projects and have a great weekend.
Excellent article,this is amazing and beneficial to me,I love learning new things everyday and i’ve grabbed the point you made in this post,making money online has been made simple through this write-up,the training provided.the steps involved;Select the products you wish to promote,Choose a domain name that is available and Plug in your unique affiliate link.I will surely try it out as you have explained it.Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your comment on the Affiliate Millionaire Club scam or legit review Abayomi, but I am not sure that you have understood fully that I wrote that although it is not really a scam, there are a lot of red flags in it that makes it to be not recommendable. So, make sure you go over my review once more before you get yourself involved.
Indeed, there are so many other 100% legit money making opportunities out there to choose from, such as Wealthy Affiliate, for which I can guarantee that you can’t go wrong with it.
Let me know if you have any questions and I wish you the very best with your search for a money making opportunity that will suit you.